Phys100 Assignment Cover Sheet




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Phys100 Written Assignment #5


Due Wed Feb. 21, 2007, 9:00AM



1.   Highway curves are usually banked (tilted inward) at an angle q such that the horizontal component of the normal force equals the required centripetal force.

a)         Find the proper banking angle for the car moving at 80km/h to go around a circular curve 200 m in radius.

b)         If the curve were not banked, what coefficient of friction would be required between the tires and the road?








2.   A ball of mass 0.5 kg is kicked into the air at an angle of 45กใ with an initial velocity of 30m/s. 2.0 seconds later, it reaches its maximum height at point A with a velocity of 10.0m/s to the right. Find the average acceleration of the ball in the first 2.0 seconds.