Marni Mishna
About Me 
I am a professor in mathematics at Simon Fraser University.
My main research interests lie in analytic and enumerative
combinatorics. I strive to find algorithmic, and systematic
solutions to problems that arise in combinatorics. One of my main
projects is to find ways to characterize and classify combinatorial
classes with transcendental generating functions. This has led to a
detailed study of coefficient asymptotics and also of lattice paths
in a variety of contexts.
I am also interested in the role of art and design in mathematical communication.
- Associate Dean, Equity Diversity Inclusion, Simon Fraser University Faculty of Science
- Full Professor, Simon Fraser University Mathematics Department
Congratulations Ben Buckley on completing MSc!Recent Publications:
- [NEW!] Differential transcendence and walks on self-similar graphs with Yakob Kahane. We extended the example of Sierpinsnki graphs from the paper below with Lucia and Gwladys to a large class of self-similar graphs. This gives strong evidence that the only self-similar graph with a Green function that is not differentially transcendental is an inifinite star centered at a single vertex. Arxiv link
- Differential equations satisfied by generating functions of 5-, 6-, and 7-regular labelled graphs: a reduction-based approach, with Frederic Chyzak. After 20 years of trying we finally found the linear differential equations satisfied by the generating function for 5-, 6-, and 7- regular graphs. Arxiv link
- Inhomogeneous order 1 iterative functional equations
with applications to combinatorics with Lucia Di Vizio and Gwladys
Fernandes. We give a simple criterion for a generating function to be
differentially transcendental, and apply it to complete trees, walks
on self-similar graphs and a series related to the egf of permutations
avoiding the consecutive pattern 1423. Arxiv link
- Estimating and computing Kronecker Coefficients: a vector partition function approach with Stefan Trandafir. We study Kronecker coefficients and give some bounds and evaluation formulas. This is part of Stefan's PhD thesis. It will appear in the Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. Arxiv link
- CIRM Thematic Month on Singularities, differential equations, transcendence
Mini Biography
1993 - 1997 | BMath Waterloo (CO-OP; Honours joint Pure Math and Computer Science) |
1998 | TRLabs, Edmonton |
1998 - 2000 | MSc Simon Fraser University (Pure Math) |
2000 | Projet ALGO, INRIA, France |
2000 - 2003 | PhD Universite du Quebec a Montreal (Math fondamentales) |
2003 - 2005 | NSERC Post Doctoral Fellowship: Bordeaux (LaBRI) / Fields Institute Toronto |
2005 - 2012 | SFU Assistant Professor (NSERC University Faculty Award) |
January 2008 | CNRS Poste Rouge Orsay (France) |
2012 - 2018 | SFU Associate Professor |
2018 - present | SFU Professor |
Fall 2018 | CNRS Invited Professor Tours (France) |
2018 - 2020 | Visiting Professor, LaBRI, University of Bordeaux (France) |
2019-2021 | PIMS Deputy Director |
2023-2025 | Associate Dean EDI, Faculty of Science, SFU |