Thursday, September 29, 2005
The First Book of CCSP Press

The Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing is pleased to announce the launch both of CCSP and its first title, Book Publishing 1, a compilation of studies on the Canadian and international book publishing industries, edited by Rowland Lorimer, John W. Maxwell, and Jillian G. Shoichet.
Detailed information on the title is outlined below.
Title: Book Publishing 1
Editors: Rowland Lorimer, John W. Maxwell, Jillian G. Shoichet
ISBN 0-9738727-0-5
Price: $39.95 CDN
Publisher: CCSP Press
Order Information:
Jo-Anne Ray
CCSP Press
515 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC, V6B 5K3
About the Book
Book Publishing 1, the first publication of CCSP Press, presents twelve investigative studies into book publishing. The studies offer a rarely seen inside look into the practices of the book publishing industry. They address title acquisition, operations and management; target marketing; marketing analysis, merchandising, purchasing, and reading; foreign markets; and the impact of changing technology.
Book Publishing 1 is a valuable resource for both academics as a text and for professionals as a reference. For authors and general readers it provides insights into the dynamics of publishing.
About the Editors
Rowland Lorimer is both an academic and a consultant who has carried out research into book and magazine publishing for industry associations as well as various levels of government. He is co-author of Mass Communication in Canada (going into its sixth edition), is past editor and publisher of the Canadian Journal of Communication, and is director of the Master of Publishing program and Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing at Simon Fraser University.
John Maxwell is a faculty member in the Master of Publishing program and also teaches in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University. John has degrees in anthropology and publishing and will soon be awarded his PhD in Education. John has extensive experience in electronic publishing technology and is co-director of the PExOD project, a project designed to allow small and independent book publishers to be full participants in the world of digital bibliographic data.
Jillian Shoichet has been a freelance and in-house editor for various educational, publishing, and corporate organizations, and has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in publishing. She has degrees in Near Eastern archaeology and religion and in publishing, and is currently working on her PhD in ancient literacy and orality.
Annotated contents
Introduction Rowland Lorimer
Acquisitions and Author Relations
1. Editor to Author: Some Personal Reflections on Getting Published
Susan Juby
Establishing an author-publisher relationship/ what writers need to know about being published/ publishing as combination of art and commerce
2. Blueprint for a Book: Formulating a Meaningful Author-Publisher Contract
Jesse Rebecca Finkelstein
Process of developing an author-publisher contract/ discussion of contract clauses/drawing maximum benefit and protection of interest for both parties
Operations and Management
3. The Dictionary Department at Oxford University Press Canada
Tom Howell
Operation of dictionary department at Oxford University Press/ Dictionary Compilation/ Formatting/ Production/ Sales
4. Project Management and Book Publishing
Marjolein Visser
Title development and production management at Key Porter Books/ contribution of management theory to management system efficiency
5. New-Format Reprints: Creating McClelland & Stewart’s Emblem Editions out of Backlist Titles
Medbh Bidwell
Creation of Emblem Editions/ backlist development/ historical context/ analysis of a successful backlist series
Publishing for Target Markets
6. A Case Study of a Pop Culture Book: From Concept to Completion
Cathryn France
Publication of a book on Lillith Fair/ concept/ acquisition/ production/ legal aspects/ marketing/ effect of distribution through specialized venues
7. The Nature of Marketing in Higher Education Publishing
Leslie J. Carson
Details of marketing plan for educational textbook/ marketing and competitive analysis/ strategy/ product offering/ project analysis
Marketing, Merchandising, Purchasing, and Reading
8. Using Archetypes to Market Sharon: Israel’s Warrior-Politician
Robert Desmarais
Archetypes as marketing vehicles/ brand management/ development, application, and effect of strategic brand marketing campaign
9. Book Reading, Purchasing, Marketing, and Title Production
Rowland Lorimer and Roger Barnes
Overview and summary of six studies on book reading/ purchasing including Canadian trade books, general trade books, children’s books, and audiobooks/ marketing/ merchandising/ title production in Canada
Looking into Foreign Markets
10. A Book Publishers’ Guide to Publishing in China
Xiaoyan Huang
A detailed description of policy and practice in book publishing in China/ publishing process/ exporting books and selling rights to China/ implications of Chinese book market for Canadian publishers
Technology and Change
11. A PEXODyssey: Bibliographic Data Management and the Implementation of PEXOD at the Dundurn Group
Heather Sanderson
Establishing bibliographic data management/ PEXOD overview and development/ PEXOD implementation process at Dundurn Group/ impact and analysis/ implications for future
12. PEXOD: The Publisher’s Extensible Online Database
John W. Maxwell
Role of databases in book publishing/ online bookselling/ implications of PEXOD for publishers