STAT 350: 95-3

Assignment 5

Part A

  1. In this question you will derive some of the formulas for case deleted statistics. Suppose that X is an tex2html_wrap_inline216 design matrix. Let tex2html_wrap_inline218 be the tex2html_wrap_inline220 row of X (so that, tex2html_wrap_inline224 is a column vector or dimension p). Let tex2html_wrap_inline228 be the design matrix with case i deleted and tex2html_wrap_inline232 the vector of n-1 responses with case i deleted.

    1. Use partitioned matrices to show








      Since tex2html_wrap_inline228 and tex2html_wrap_inline232 simply omit the ith rows we see


    2. Show


      We have


      Again omitting the ith term we find


    3. Suppose B is an invertible symmetric tex2html_wrap_inline264 matrix and v is a column vector of dimension p. Show, by direct multiplication, that tex2html_wrap_inline270 is of the form


      and give a formula for the scalar r.

      Simply multiply


      The trick most students missed is that in the last term the quantity tex2html_wrap_inline278 is a scalar, that is, just a single number (check that it is a tex2html_wrap_inline280 matrix). It may help to give it a name like s to see that the last term is




      which is the identity matrix if


      Solving gives tex2html_wrap_inline290 . Many students got a formula like


      which is a tex2html_wrap_inline264 matrix not a scalar.

    4. Apply to previous part to show


      and give a formula for tex2html_wrap_inline298 in terms of the leverage tex2html_wrap_inline300 .

      Put tex2html_wrap_inline302 and tex2html_wrap_inline304 . You get




    5. Show tex2html_wrap_inline310 .

      We have


    6. Show that



    7. Deduce that tex2html_wrap_inline314 .

      Multiply tex2html_wrap_inline316 by tex2html_wrap_inline224 to get


    8. Show that the tex2html_wrap_inline220 PRESS residual tex2html_wrap_inline324 is given by



    9. Derive the formula for the tex2html_wrap_inline220 externally studentized (case deleted) residual.

      The variance of the PRESS residual is tex2html_wrap_inline332 . The externally studentized residual is the PRESS residual divided by an estimate of its standard error where tex2html_wrap_inline334 is estimated by tex2html_wrap_inline336 . Thus the externally studentized residual is


      To get the simplest formula we must actually simplify tex2html_wrap_inline336 .


      The middle term vanishes because


      Use tex2html_wrap_inline344 to get


      and then you can deduce the final formula given in class.

  2. For the Nitrogen Output in Wallabies data set from Assignment 3 do forward, backward, stepwise and all subsets regression.

    Here is code for all the methods and with all subsets done both using tex2html_wrap_inline348 and using adjusted tex2html_wrap_inline350 .

    data nit;
      infile 'nit.dat' ;
      input nitexc weight dryin wetin nitin ;
    proc reg  data=nit;
       model nitexc = weight dryin wetin nitin /selection=FORWARD;
    run ;
    proc reg  data=nit;
       model nitexc = weight dryin wetin nitin /selection=BACKWARD;
    run ;
    proc reg  data=nit;
       model nitexc = weight dryin wetin nitin /selection=STEPWISE;
    run ;
    proc reg  data=nit;
       model nitexc = weight dryin wetin nitin /selection=CP;
    run ;
    proc reg  data=nit;
       model nitexc = weight dryin wetin nitin /selection=ADJRSQ;
    run ;

    The conclusion of the output is that BACKWARD and STEPWISE settle for the model containing only Nitrogen Intake as a predictor. The forward selection method also includes Wet Intake because of the very high level of tex2html_wrap_inline352 (0.5) to enter. The all subsets method using tex2html_wrap_inline348 would settle on the model using only nitrogen intake but the adjusted tex2html_wrap_inline350 method also includes Wet Intake. However, overall there seems little reason to include Wet Intake since it improves the fit very little and is not very significant at all.

  3. Problem 23.12, 23.13 parts c,d,e,f,g only and 23.14.

    Here is code for the analysis of variance.

    options pagesize=60 linesize=80;
    data electron;
     infile 'anova.dat' firstobs=2;
     input Time Sex Sequence Exper Replic;
    proc glm  data=electron;
     class Sex Sequence Exper ;
     model time = Sex|Sequence|Exper ;
     means sex sequence exper sex*sequence*exper;
     estimate 'sexdif' sex 1 -1;
     estimate 'seq12dif' sequence 1 -1 0;
     estimate 'seq13dif' sequence 1 0 -1;
     estimate 'seq23dif' sequence 0 1 -1;
     estimate 'expdif' exper 1 -1;
     output out=anovres r=resid;
    proc rank data=anovres normal=blom out=ressc;
     var resid;
     ranks nscores;
    proc corr data=ressc;
     var resid nscores;

    The complete output.

    You can read the type III sums of squares table to do F tests without doing multiple runs because each effect has a sum of squares which is unaffected by the presence of the others. The conclusion is that the three way interaction is insignificant and all three two way interactions are insignificant. All three main effects are significant; none can be eliminated.

    In the question on Bonferroni confidence intervals the 5 quantities to be estimated are each estimated by a difference of two averages so that the variance of the estimated difference is of the form


    You work out standard t type confidence intervals by estimating the means as usual (see the means statment) and replacing tex2html_wrap_inline334 by the MSE in the formula for the variance. The Bonferroni method just replaces the tex2html_wrap_inline352 of 0.01 by tex2html_wrap_inline368 for 5 confidence intervals. The t critical value is tex2html_wrap_inline372 . For the sex difference for instance the average time for men is 1155.933 seconds while for women it is 966.1333. The difference is 189.8 and this is computed by the means statement whose output is

                             T for H0:    Pr > |T|   Std Error of
    Parameter   Estimate    Parameter=0                Estimate
    sexdif    189.800000          25.10     0.0001     7.56325180
    seq12dif  -57.250000          -6.18     0.0001     9.26305385
    seq13dif    6.600000           0.71     0.4796     9.26305385
    seq23dif   63.850000           6.89     0.0001     9.26305385
    expdif    159.666667          21.11     0.0001     7.56325180

    Notice the standard errors. The mean squared error in the model is 858.06. There are 30 men and 30 women so the variance of the difference between men's average and women's average is 858.06(1/30+1/30) = 57.204. The standard error of the estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline374 is then tex2html_wrap_inline376 as in the output. The desired confidence intervals are all and estimate from the column labelled Estimate plus or minus 2.41 times a standard error from the last column.

    The needed mean for tex2html_wrap_inline378 is produced by means. The key point is that the standard error to attach to the mean is tex2html_wrap_inline380 which is based on 48 degrees of freedom, not on 4.

  4. Problem 25.11 parts a, b anc c, 25.12 part c.

    For this question I used the SAS code

    data knees;
      infile 'knees.dat' firstobs=2;
      input Days Fitness Patient Age ;
    proc glm  data=knees;
      class Fitness ;
      model Days = Fitness|Age ;
    proc glm  data=knees;
      class Fitness ;
      model Days = Fitness Age ;
      output out=anovres r=resid p=fitted;
    proc rank data=anovres normal=blom out=ressc;
      var resid;
      ranks nscores;
    proc corr data=ressc;
      var resid nscores;
    proc print data=ressc;
      var fitted fitness age resid nscores;
    getting the output ( complete output )
                            General Linear Models Procedure
    Dependent Variable: DAYS   
                               Sum of            Mean
    Source        DF          Squares          Square   F Value     Pr > F
    Model          5     1082.0560870     216.4112174    655.36     0.0001
    Error         18        5.9439130       0.3302174
    Correctd Totl 23     1088.0000000
            R-Square             C.V.        Root MSE            DAYS Mean
            0.994537         1.795767       0.5746454            32.000000
    Source        DF      Type III SS     Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
    FITNESS        2       5.44989183      2.72494592      8.25     0.0029
    AGE            1     369.44147783    369.44147783   1118.78     0.0001
    AGE*FITNESS    2       0.22183487      0.11091744      0.34     0.7191
                            General Linear Models Procedure
    Dependent Variable: DAYS   
                               Sum of            Mean
    Source        DF          Squares          Square   F Value     Pr > F
    Model          3     1081.8342521     360.6114174   1169.72     0.0001
    Error         20        6.1657479       0.3082874
    Correctd Totl 23     1088.0000000
            R-Square             C.V.        Root MSE            DAYS Mean
            0.994333         1.735114       0.5552363            32.000000
    Source        DF      Type III SS     Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
    FITNESS        2     246.08370505    123.04185252    399.11     0.0001
    AGE            1     409.83425209    409.83425209   1329.39     0.0001
                                  Correlation Analysis
                        Pearson Correlation Coefficients 
                     NSCORES      0.99488 
               OBS     FITTED    FITNESS     AGE      RESID      NSCORES
                 1    28.7930       1       18.3     0.20697     0.26136
                 2    42.4503       1       30.0    -0.45028    -0.87524
                 3    38.3648       1       26.5    -0.36478    -0.60318
                 4    40.2324       1       28.1    -0.23244    -0.48332
                 5    42.1001       1       29.7     0.89991     1.94690
                 6    39.8822       1       27.8     0.11775     0.05171
                 7    30.5440       1       19.8    -0.54396    -1.03865
                 8    41.6332       1       29.3     0.36682     0.73241
                 9    29.8639       2       20.8     0.13613     0.15568
                10    34.9999       2       25.2     0.00007    -0.05171
                11    39.6691       2       29.2    -0.66907    -1.23590
                12    28.9300       2       20.0    -0.93004    -1.49843
                13    30.6810       2       21.5     0.31903     0.60318
                14    31.3813       2       22.1    -0.38134    -0.73241
                15    28.5799       2       19.7     0.42015     0.87524
                16    34.4163       2       24.7     0.58372     1.03865
                17    29.1635       2       20.2    -0.16349    -0.26136
                18    32.3152       2       22.9     0.68483     1.23590
                19    25.2062       3       22.7     0.79380     1.49843
                20    32.2099       3       28.7    -0.20991    -0.37006
                21    20.7705       3       18.9     0.22949     0.37006
                22    19.7199       3       18.0     0.28005     0.48332
                23    24.0389       3       21.7    -1.03891    -1.94690
                24    22.0545       3       20.0    -0.05452    -0.15568

    For part a of 25.11 the residuals are printed out above. For part b the plots desired are:

    The conclusion is that neither the residual plots nor the Q-Q plot show any major problems.

    For part c, the generalized model is


    and the null hypothesis is that all the tex2html_wrap_inline384 are equal. This is tested by comparing the two model statements model days = fitness | age and model days = fitness age, doing an extra sum of squares F test. The resulting F statistic is the Type III sum of squares for fitness*age giving F=0.34 and P=0.7191. The null hypothesis is accepted.

    For 25.12 part c the F statistic is obtained from the Type III sum of squares for fitness for the model days = fitness age statement. This has F=399.11 and P=0.0001 There is clearly an effect of the variable Fitness.

    The estimate statements permit us to compare the three levels of fitness. SAS prints out estimates of the differences in the intercepts. The relevant output is

                                       T for H0:    Pr > |T|   Std Error of
    Parameter              Estimate   Parameter=0                Estimate
    High v Low Fitness    -8.72289277    -26.20     0.0001     0.33296397
    High v Med Fitness    -6.87551411    -23.84     0.0001     0.28837673
    Med  v Low Fitness    -1.84737866     -6.44     0.0001     0.28694289
    Notice that the fit group appears to recuperate about 9 days faster than the unfit group!

Richard Lockhart
Tue Mar 25 14:32:54 PST 1997