STAT 350: Lecture 33
Theory of Generalized Linear Models
If Y has a Poisson distribution with parameter then
for k a non-negative integer. We can use the method of maximum likelihood to estimate k if we have a sample of independent Poisson random variables all with mean . If we observe , and so on then the likelihood function is
This function of can be maximized by maximizing its logarithm, the log likelihood function. We set the derivative of the log likelihood with respect to equal to 0, getting
This is the likelihood equation and its solution is the maximum likelihood estimate of .
In a regression problem all the will have different means . Our log-likelihood is now
If we treat all n of the we can maximize the log likelihood by setting each of the n partial derivatives with respect to for k from 1 to n equal to 0. The kth of these n equations is just
This leads to . In glm jargon this model is the saturated model.
A more useful model is one in which there are fewer parameters but more than 1. A typical glm model is
where the are covariate values for the ith observation (often including an intercept term just as in standard linear regression).
In this case the log-likelihood is
which should be treated as a function of and maximized.
The derivative of this log-likelihood with respect to is
If has p components then setting these p derivatives equal to 0 gives the likelihood equations.
It is no longer possible to solve the likelihood equations analytically. We have, instead, to settle for numerical techniques. One common technique is called iteratively re-weighted least squares. For a Poisson variable with mean the variance is . Ignore for a moment the fact that if we knew we would know and consider fitting our model by least squares with the known. We would minimize (see our discussion of weighted least squares)
by taking the derivative with respect to and (again ignoring the fact that depends on we would get
But the derivative of with respect to is and replacing by we get the equation
exactly as before. This motivates the following estimation scheme.
Non-linear least squares
In a regression model of the form
we call the model linear if for some covariates and a parameter . Often, however, we have non-linear models such as or in general for some function f which need not be linear in . If the errors are homo-scedastic normal errors then the maximum likelihood estimates of the are least squares estimates, minimizing . The value then solves
This equation can usually not be solved analytically. In general the process of solving it numerically is iterative. One approach is:
where is the vector of partial derivatives of with respect to the entries in .
with respect to .
where . The solution is . We compute this .
In thermoluminescence dating ( see Lecture 1) a common model is
Thus in this case
The derivatives of with respect to the entries of are
Software and computing details
In SAS the procedure proc nlin will do non-linear least squares. You need to specify quite a few ingredients. The model statement must specify the exact functional form of the function . You have a statement parms which is needed to specify the initial guess for . You usually will have a bunch of der statements to specify derivatives of the predicted values with respect to each parameter and, if you use some algorithms, you will even specify some second derivatives. (You get a choice of 5 different iterative algorithms. The one described above is called Gauss-Newton.)
In Splus the function nls can be used to to the same thing.