STAT 350: 95-3

Assignment 6

  1. Consider a design with 5 data points tex2html_wrap_inline16 , tex2html_wrap_inline18 , tex2html_wrap_inline20 , tex2html_wrap_inline22 and tex2html_wrap_inline24 so that the design matrix is


    If we fit a simple linear regression of the form


    for which the design matrix is as above, evaluate the non-centrality parameter of the t test of tex2html_wrap_inline32 when in fact tex2html_wrap_inline34 and tex2html_wrap_inline36 . What would the power of a two sided 1% level t test of this null hypothesis be? How many times would we have to replicate this design to get a power of 0.9 for a 1% level test?

  2. For the design points tex2html_wrap_inline40 as in the previous question evaluate the non-centrality paramter of the F test of the hypothesis tex2html_wrap_inline44 in the model


    Assume that in fact tex2html_wrap_inline48 and tex2html_wrap_inline50 .

  3. Question 10.7 parts a, c, d, e and f.
  4. Suppose


    where the errors tex2html_wrap_inline54 have variances tex2html_wrap_inline56 and the tex2html_wrap_inline58 are known quantities. Find an explicit algebraic formula for the weighted least squares estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline60 .

Richard Lockhart
Fri Mar 21 10:43:47 PST 1997