Stat 330 Assignment 10 Partial Solutions

  1. Chapter 12 Q2: When the accelerated strength is x the regression model says that 28 day strength is normally distributed with SD 350 and mean 1800+1.3x.

    1. For x=2000 the mean becomes 4400. The probability that 28 day strength is more than 5000 is the probability that a standard normal variate is more than (5000-4400)/350=1.71. This probability is 0.0436.
    2. For x=2500 the mean is 5050 and the probability is the area to the right of -50/350 which is 0.556.
    3. Let tex2html_wrap_inline86 be the observation at x=2500 and tex2html_wrap_inline90 the observation x=2000. Then the mean of tex2html_wrap_inline94 is 1.3(500)=650 while the SD of the difference is tex2html_wrap_inline96 . The probability we want is that a standard normal is more than (1000-650)/495=0.707.This is roughly 0.24.
    4. Now tex2html_wrap_inline98 is normal with mean tex2html_wrap_inline100 and SD 495. We want the probability that tex2html_wrap_inline102 or the probability to the right of tex2html_wrap_inline104 to be 0.95. This means that tex2html_wrap_inline106 or tex2html_wrap_inline108 . The answer is then 626.

  2. Q16: I used the following SAS code and ran the code twice with and without the last point.
    options pagesize =60 linesize=80;
      data q16;
      infile 'q16.dat';
      input x y;
    proc reg;
        model y=x;
        plot residual.*predicted.;
        plot y*x;
    The output for the full data set is
    Dependent Variable: Y                                                  
                                  Analysis of Variance
                                     Sum of         Mean
            Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
            Model            1 538208.57051 538208.57051      385.024       0.0001
            Error            4   5591.42949   1397.85737
            C Total          5 543800.00000
                Root MSE      37.38793     R-square       0.9897
                Dep Mean     560.00000     Adj R-sq       0.9871
                C.V.           6.67642
                                  Parameter Estimates
                           Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
          Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
          INTERCEP   1    137.875631   26.37756553         5.227        0.0064
          X          1      9.311567    0.47454663        19.622        0.0001
      RESIDUAL |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
            50 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |         1                                                         |
               |                                                                   |
            40 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
            30 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
            20 +                                                              1    +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
    R          |       1                                                           |
    e       10 +                                                                   +
    s          |                                                                   |
    i          |                                                                   |
    d          |                        1                                          |
    u          |                                                                   |
    a        0 +                                                                   +
    l          |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
           -10 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
           -20 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
           -30 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                       1                                           |
           -40 +                      1                                            +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
                  200   300   400   500   600   700   800   900  1000  1100  1200
                              Predicted Value of Y          PRED
       Y |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
    1200 +                                                                1        +
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
    1100 +                                                                         +
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
    1000 +                                                                         +
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
     900 +                                                                         +
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
     800 +                                                                         +
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
     700 +                                                                         +
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
     600 +                                                                         +
         |                                                                         |
         |                        1                                                |
         |                                                                         |
     500 +                       1                                                 +
         |                     1                                                   |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
     400 +                                                                         +
         |                                                                         |
         |        1                                                                |
         |                                                                         |
     300 +                                                                         +
         |     1                                                                   |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
     200 +                                                                         +
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
         |                                                                         |
            10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90    100   110   120
    while that for the edited data set is
                                     Sum of         Mean
            Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
            Model            1  49839.81693  49839.81693       61.274       0.0043
            Error            3   2440.18307    813.39436
            C Total          4  52280.00000
                Root MSE      28.52007     R-square       0.9533
                Dep Mean     432.00000     Adj R-sq       0.9378
                C.V.           6.60187
                                  Parameter Estimates
                           Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
          Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
          INTERCEP   1    190.352403   33.40167361         5.699        0.0107
          X          1      7.551487    0.96470574         7.828        0.0043
      RESIDUAL |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
            30 +                                                               1   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |            1                                                      |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
            20 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
            10 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
    R          |                                                                   |
    e          |                                                                   |
    s          |                                                                   |
    i          |                                                                   |
    d        0 +                                                                   +
    u          |                                                                   |
    a          |                                                                   |
    l          |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
           -10 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |    1                                                      1       |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
           -20 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                     1             |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
           -30 +                                                                   +
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               |                                                                   |
               280  300  320  340  360  380  400  420  440  460  480  500  520  540
                              Predicted Value of Y          PRED
    600 +                                                                          +
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                     1    |
    550 +                                                                          +
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
    500 +                                                                 1        +
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
      Y |                                                                          |
        |                                                           1              |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
    450 +                                                                          +
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
    400 +                                                                          +
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
    350 +               1                                                          +
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
    300 +                                                                          +
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |       1                                                                  |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
        |                                                                          |
    250 +                                                                          +
           12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 42.5 45.0

    1. The scatter plot for the full data set seems reasonable.
    2. The regression equation is y=9.3x+137.9.
    3. This just asks for tex2html_wrap_inline112 but I doubt the utility of the calculation unless the x levels were set by random sampling of pairs. The value is 0.99.
    4. There are many ways to compare the two lines. One is based on examining the difference in fitted slopes: 9.31 compared to 7.55 with a standard error of either about 0.47 or 1. This is not actually a significant difference assuming the model holds. Another approach is suggested in the text. The predicted value of Y when x is 112 is, for the second line 7.55(112)+190.4 or about 1036. The standard deviation of tex2html_wrap_inline120 is given on page 503 and you could carry out a t-test using (1200-1036)/SE and getting P-values from the t-distribution on 3 degrees of freedom.

  3. Q18: You are asked to verify that tex2html_wrap_inline130 . The right hand side is tex2html_wrap_inline132 which is evidently tex2html_wrap_inline134 .
  4. Q28: The edited sas output is
                                     Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            1      8.17906      8.17906      674.982       0.0001
       Error            8      0.09694      0.01212
       C Total          9      8.27600
           Root MSE       0.11008     R-square       0.9883
           Dep Mean       3.92000     Adj R-sq       0.9868
           C.V.           2.80814
                                  Parameter Estimates
                           Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1      2.141648    0.07679262        27.889        0.0001
     X          1      0.006801    0.00026176        25.980        0.0001

    1. The output gives the estimated standard error of the slope as 0.077 and the square root of the mean squared error as 0.11.
    2. The test is based on tex2html_wrap_inline136 which is 3.06. You get a P-value from t tables on 8 degrees of freedom and conclude that the slope is not 0.0060 (P < 0.02 two tailed).

  5. Q32: We have tex2html_wrap_inline144 (in my notation). You are allowed to assume that tex2html_wrap_inline146 . Now


    Putting the two pieces we get tex2html_wrap_inline148 which is just tex2html_wrap_inline150 .

  6. Q34: Let tex2html_wrap_inline152 and tex2html_wrap_inline154 . The fitted slope based on the starred data is


    The estimated standard error tex2html_wrap_inline156 of tex2html_wrap_inline158 is


    To evaluate this note first that tex2html_wrap_inline162 . Next


    Assembling the pieces shows that


  7. Q52:

    1. The test statistic is tex2html_wrap_inline164 on 12 degrees of freedom. For a two sided test I get P a bit over 0.10 and conclude that there is only quite weak evidence of a correlation between content and gas porosity.
    2. The percent variance explained is tex2html_wrap_inline168 %.

  8. Q56: Since P is less than 0.001 we would reject the null at the level 0.001 and conclude that the correlation is not 0. However, with such a large n it takes only a quite small correlation to produce a P value of 0.00032. (To be precise: the estimated value of tex2html_wrap_inline176 must be either 0.16 or -0.16 which is a pretty weak correlation.)
  9. Q58: The edited SAS output is
                                     Sum of         Mean
            Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
            Model            1     25.62223     25.62223       17.604       0.0057
            Error            6      8.73277      1.45546
            C Total          7     34.35500
                Root MSE       1.20643     R-square       0.7458
                Dep Mean      77.72500     Adj R-sq       0.7034
                C.V.           1.55217
                                  Parameter Estimates
                           Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
          Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
          INTERCEP   1     81.173057    0.92589886        87.669        0.0001
          X          1     -0.133258    0.03176040        -4.196        0.0057

    1. The fitted line is y = -0.133x + 81.17.
    2. This question asks you to test the hypothesis that the true slope is 0. The P value is 0.0057 from the output so that the hypothesis of no relation between x and Y is rejected.
    3. The standard error of tex2html_wrap_inline186 is inversely proportional to tex2html_wrap_inline188 . Putting 4 data points at 0 and 4 at 50 makes tex2html_wrap_inline190 equal to 5000 while the value for the data set is only about 1450. Thus the new design estimates tex2html_wrap_inline192 more precisely. Using only 3 points at 0 and at 50 gives a sum of 3750 which is still much more precise than the design used.
    4. You are supposed to plug 25 into the regression equation and then use the formulas on page 503 to attach a standard error to this number. You get 77.85 with an estimated standard error of 0.428. This does not really answer the question about whether or not efficiency has been precisely estimated but that seems to be something of a judgement.

  10. Q62: I used SAS to get
                            General Linear Models Procedure
    R-Square             C.V.        Root MSE               Y Mean
    0.070002         26.22198       198.15080            755.66667
                                            T for H0:    Pr > |T|   Std Error of
    Parameter                  Estimate    Parameter=0                Estimate
    INTERCEPT               684.4057037           5.78     0.0007    118.3236387
    X                        14.8804795           0.73     0.4915     20.5000646
    The test statistic is 0.73 with 7 degrees of freedom. Since the test is one sided we get a P value of 0.4915/2 which is certainly not significant. Thus it seems quite possible that there is no (linear) relation between eye weight and thickness.
  11. Q67:

    1. Since tex2html_wrap_inline196 it clearly suffices to check that tex2html_wrap_inline198 . But this last value is


      as required.

    2. You need to compute r and that's the answer except that if r is negative then for each SD below average on x you predict that r times that many SD's above average on y while the deviations are in the same direction if r is positive.

  12. Q68: I begin with


    Divide through by SSTotal and use the formula tex2html_wrap_inline216 where tex2html_wrap_inline218 , etc., to get




    which is the usual t-statistic. Note the use of the fact that tex2html_wrap_inline224 .

Richard Lockhart
Fri Apr 3 22:09:46 PST 1998