Stat 330 Assignment 9 Partial Solutions

  1. Chapter 11 Q4: I ran SAS and, after editing, I got the following output:
                            General Linear Models Procedure
    Dependent Variable: COVER   
                                    Sum of            Mean
    Source             DF          Squares          Square   F Value     Pr > F
    PAINT               3     296.25000000     98.75000000     10.97     0.0075
    ROLLER              2       4.66666667      2.33333333      0.26     0.7798
    Error               6      54.00000000      9.00000000
    Corrected Total    11     354.91666667
    R-Square             C.V.        Root MSE           COVER Mean
    0.847852         6.581353       3.0000000            45.583333
                Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for variable: COVER
                      Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 6  MSE= 9
                       Critical Value of Studentized Range= 4.896
                         Minimum Significant Difference= 8.4794
           Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by '***'.
                                Simultaneous            Simultaneous
                                    Lower    Difference     Upper
                    PAINT        Confidence    Between   Confidence
                  Comparison        Limit       Means       Limit
                 1    - 2          -0.479       8.000      16.479
                 1    - 3           3.521      12.000      20.479   ***
                 1    - 4           3.854      12.333      20.813   ***
                 2    - 3          -4.479       4.000      12.479
                 2    - 4          -4.146       4.333      12.813
                 3    - 4          -8.146       0.333       8.813
    I see a clear effect of paint brand but no visible effect of roller brand. Brand 1 is better than 3 or 4 but not definitely better than 2. However, even that difference is nearly significant.
  2. Chapter 11 Q 6: We find MSA=11.7/2=5.85, MSB=113.5/4=28.375 and MSE = 25.6/8=3.2. The F statistic for the hypothesis of no difference between assessors is 5.85/3.2 =1.83 which is not significant at the 5% level (the tex2html_wrap_inline22 critical value is 4.46. The design is chosen to make sure that variations between values for different assessors are not due to house value differences. A design in which the different assessors assessed different houses would be much less sensitive to small differences between the assessors because the variation in value from house to house is large compared to the likely size of the variation from assessor to assessor. Note that the effect due to houses is large and statistically significant but that no one would test this hypothesis since we all know different houses have different values.
  3. Q 14:
    Source   SS     df   MS            F      P
    A      30763    2   15381.5     3.79     0.037
    B      34185.6  3   11728.5     2.81     0.061
    A*B    43581.2  6    7263.5     1.79     0.144
    Error  97436.8  24   4059.9
    Total 205966.6  35
    The interactions are not significant. The main effect of Factor A is marginally significant while that of B is marginally not so. Generally it seems likely that curing time has an effect on compressive strength and that Factor B might do too. The Tukey intervals for tex2html_wrap_inline24 , tex2html_wrap_inline26 and tex2html_wrap_inline28 are all estimate plus or minus (2.92)(63.7)/ tex2html_wrap_inline30 . (The number 63.7 is just tex2html_wrap_inline32 .) NOTE: this is a typical exam type question.
  4. Q16: I got the following from SAS. It shows no real evidence of interactions (P=0.25) and significant main effects of both formula and speed. It shows that the speed 70 gives a significantly lower yield than either the lower or higher speed. To get estimates of the main effects you need to average the columns and subtract the grand mean or average the top 9 numbers and bottom 9 numbers in the table and then subtract the grand mean. I did not produce the probability plot though I think you know how to do so with SAS.
                            General Linear Models Procedure
    Dependent Variable: YIELD   
                                    Sum of            Mean
    Source             DF          Squares          Square   F Value     Pr > F
    FORMULA             1     2253.4422222    2253.4422222    376.27     0.0001
    SPEED               2      230.8144444     115.4072222     19.27     0.0002
    FORMULA*SPEED       2       18.5811111       9.2905556      1.55     0.2516
    Error              12       71.8666667       5.9888889
    Corrected Total    17     2574.7044444
    R-Square             C.V.        Root MSE           YIELD Mean
    0.972087         1.391696       2.4472206            175.84444
                Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for variable: YIELD
                  Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 12  MSE= 5.988889
                       Critical Value of Studentized Range= 3.773
                         Minimum Significant Difference= 3.7693
           Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by '***'.
                                Simultaneous            Simultaneous
                                    Lower    Difference     Upper
                    SPEED        Confidence    Between   Confidence
                  Comparison        Limit       Means       Limit
                 80   - 60         -2.719       1.050       4.819
                 80   - 70          4.297       8.067      11.836   ***
                 70   - 60        -10.786      -7.017      -3.247   ***
  5. Q48: I used proc glm with the statement model smooth = method fabric to get the following output which shows a very clear effect of drying method. There is no need to look at the effect of fabric; as a blocking variable it would be surprising if it did not have an effect. Tukey's procedure shows that drying methods are divided into two groups: methods 1 and 3 giving significantly less smoothness than 2, 4 or 5. Note that I have rearranged the SAS output to match the form in the text.
                            General Linear Models Procedure
    Dependent Variable: SMOOTH   
                                    Sum of            Mean
    Source             DF          Squares          Square   F Value     Pr > F
    FABRIC              8       9.69600000      1.21200000     11.89     0.0001
    METHOD              4      14.96222222      3.74055556     36.70     0.0001
    Error              32       3.26177778      0.10193056
    Corrected Total    44      27.92000000
    R-Square             C.V.        Root MSE          SMOOTH Mean
    0.883174         12.94320       0.3192657            2.4666667
               Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for variable: SMOOTH
                           Alpha= 0.05  df= 32  MSE= 0.101931
                       Critical Value of Studentized Range= 4.086
                         Minimum Significant Difference= 0.4349
              Means with the same letter are not significantly different.
                    Tukey Grouping              Mean      N  METHOD
                                 A            3.3556      9  1
                                 A            2.9556      9  3
                                 B            2.0222      9  4
                                 B            2.0111      9  5
                                 B            1.9889      9  2
  6. Q 50: Most students will simply have done a two way anova on this data set and found no significant effect of Sowing Rate. However, the very high variability within plot 1 and low variability within plots 3 and 4 suggests that the assumption of constant tex2html_wrap_inline36 is probably wrong. There is a test, called Tukey's one degree of freedom test for non-additivity which would have suggested a transformation is needed. I analyzed the logarithms of the clover accumulations and concluded that there probably is a difference. First the SAS code:
    options pagesize=60 linesize=80;
      data Q50;
      infile 'q50.dat';
      input plot rate clover;
      proc glm  data=Q50;
       class plot rate;
       model logcl = plot rate;
       means rate / tukey cldiff alpha=0.05;
    and some of the output:
                            General Linear Models Procedure
    Dependent Variable: LOGCL   
                                     Sum of      Mean
    Source             DF      Squares     Square   F Value     Pr > F
    Model               6      24.064      4.0107     19.91     0.0001
    Error               9       1.813      0.2014
    Corrected Total    15      25.877
         Root MSE           LOGCL Mean
         0.4488151            6.1196277
    Source        DF   Type I SS  Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
    PLOT          3      16.740      5.58        27.70     0.0001
    RATE          3       7.324      2.44        12.12     0.0016
                Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for variable: LOGCL
                  Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 9  MSE= 0.201435
                       Critical Value of Studentized Range= 4.415
                         Minimum Significant Difference= 0.9907
                                Simultaneous            Simultaneous
                                    Lower    Difference     Upper
                     RATE        Confidence    Between   Confidence
                  Comparison        Limit       Means       Limit
                 13.5 - 10.2      -1.0257     -0.0350      0.9558
                 13.5 - 6.6       -0.3236      0.6671      1.6579
                 13.5 - 3.6        0.6426      1.6333      2.6241   ***
                 10.2 - 6.6       -0.2886      0.7021      1.6929
                 10.2 - 3.6        0.6776      1.6683      2.6590   ***
                 6.6  - 3.6       -0.0246      0.9662      1.9569
    I have rearranged things. Note that the procedure analyzes means of the logarithm not of the original variable. The conclusions are that there is an effect to Sowing Rate and that the lowest level is definitely worse than either of the two highest levels at producing clover. To get the same analysis on the original scale you drop mention of logcl and put clover in the model statement.

Richard Lockhart
Wed Apr 1 15:31:24 PST 1998