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STAT 330 Lecture 31

Reading for Today's Lecture: 12.4, 12.5.

Goals of Today's Lecture:

Today's notes

Prediction Intervals: two problems to distinguish

  1. Estimating the average Y value for a given x.
  2. Predicting an individual Y value for a new value of x.


We predict



We get




We can use these formulas to compute means and variances and then to get

Note: The uncertainty in guessing Y is much larger than that in guessing tex2html_wrap_inline112 . Here is how to calculate these uncertainties.



This variance is big when x is far from tex2html_wrap_inline158 and is always bigger than tex2html_wrap_inline160 which is the value at tex2html_wrap_inline162 .




The term 1 in [] is usually the big term in the sum.

Example: the burner data.

Returning to our example the fitted line is


and we have the following estimated standard errors:

Standard Error of tex2html_wrap_inline170 25.47
Standard Error of tex2html_wrap_inline172 0.09969
Corr( tex2html_wrap_inline174 ) -0.9226

Here are some predictions, standard errors of tex2html_wrap_inline176 and Root mean squared prediction errors (which are estimates of the square root of tex2html_wrap_inline178 ).

Std Err of RMS
x tex2html_wrap_inline124 tex2html_wrap_inline176 Pred Error
100 125 17 40
250 382 10 38
400 638 19 41

Note on alternative variance formulas. The following are all algebraically equivalent ways to compute tex2html_wrap_inline186 :


Correlation Analysis

A different sort of bivariate data arises when the values of x cannot be controlled and instead we have a sample of pairs of numbers.

Our model will be that pairs


are sampled from a population of pairs.

Our analysis will be based on the assumption that the population distribution of these pairs is bivariate normal.

This means: That a three dimensional histogram (or the so called joint density of X and Y) would look like an elongated bell.

Another description can be obtained by drawing a contour plot of the density. The idea of a contour plot is that the density function f(x,y) describes the height of a surface at the point x,y. Imagine a rounded mountain like say Mount Seymour. If you had a vast saw and cut the top off the mountain the outline of the flat part would, for a bivariate normal density, be an ellipse. These outlines when the mountain is cut off at different heights are plotted below.

Properties of the bivariate normal density:

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Richard Lockhart
Tue Mar 17 11:16:33 PST 1998