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STAT 330 Lecture 8

Reading for Today's Lecture: 7.2 (see especially page 288 top half); some of today's lecture is covered only in exercises in the text. Look up Poisson in the index.

Goals of Today's Lecture:

Today's notes

Rates and the Poisson Distribution

Example: huge vat of bleach in mine. Count how many Cl atoms converted to Ar in 3 months, get say 25. Suppose standard physics model for Solar neutrino emission predicts rate of 160 per year. Is 25 too few?

Data: X = count of events in 3 months.

Model: X has a Poisson tex2html_wrap_inline90 distribution.

Null hypothesis: tex2html_wrap_inline92 (divide by 4 because 3 months is quarter of year).

Poisson approximations are used for the distribution of the total number of rare events in some time period provided the presence or absence of events in one time period is independent of the presence or absence in another time period:

Recall: tex2html_wrap_inline94 means


Fact: if tex2html_wrap_inline98 is large then a Poisson( tex2html_wrap_inline98 ) rv is approximately Normal. Recall that tex2html_wrap_inline94 implies tex2html_wrap_inline104 and tex2html_wrap_inline106 . Conclusion:




Note on aggregation: if tex2html_wrap_inline112 are iid Poisson( tex2html_wrap_inline98 ) then tex2html_wrap_inline116 is Poisson( tex2html_wrap_inline118 ). This is why the CLT shows large tex2html_wrap_inline98 means nearly normal. It is also why I don't need more than the aggregate count in the example; there is no more information about tex2html_wrap_inline98 in more detailed records. But more detailed information concerning when the counts happened over the 3 months would help check the Poisson model.

Deriving CIs from Pivots

Method A:



we solve to get


so that tex2html_wrap_inline128 is a level tex2html_wrap_inline130 CI for tex2html_wrap_inline98 .

Method B:



and solve the inequalities:




The equation for -z replacing z leads to the same thing after you square it out and the two roots are


Now you have to check to see that the inequality is satisfied between the two roots (and not outside the range of the two roots) but this is true.

Example: for our count of X=25 we get using z=2:

Method A:


Method B


So the intervals are about the same width but shifted over from each other. Method B is slightly more accurate: the probability approximation is a bit better with B.

Hypothesis tests

To test tex2html_wrap_inline154 versus tex2html_wrap_inline156 we compute


and look up a 2 tailed P value in normal tables getting tex2html_wrap_inline162

Conclusion: Fairly strong evidence that the mean Solar Neutrino Count is not 160 per year.

Two Sample Problems

Experimental Designs:

A: Two independent samples:

B: Randomized Trial:

C: Matched Pairs

C: Sample of Pairs

Designs A and B are analyzed as two independent samples:

Model: tex2html_wrap_inline164 iid mean tex2html_wrap_inline166 and SD tex2html_wrap_inline168 (or tex2html_wrap_inline170 , tex2html_wrap_inline172 );

tex2html_wrap_inline174 iid mean tex2html_wrap_inline166 and SD tex2html_wrap_inline168 (or tex2html_wrap_inline180 , tex2html_wrap_inline182 );

ASSUMPTION: X's and Y's independent of each other.

Designs C and D are analyzed by subtracting tex2html_wrap_inline188 and they always have n=m. We do not have two independent samples in this case.

Now consider model for A, B -- two independent samples.

Parameter of interest:


Natural estimate:


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Richard Lockhart
Tue Jan 20 14:33:31 PST 1998