(July 2011)
During the period 2010-2011, between the ISCAS'2010 in Paris and the ISCAS'2011 in Rio, the members
of the Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Technical Committee (TC-NCAS) co-edited two books, wrote four
book chapters, edited five special issues in CAS related journals, organized/took part in the organization
of fourteen conferences and workshops, organized fifteen special and invited sessions, and delivered
forty invited lectures in numerous major conferences and workshops related to Circuits and Systems.
Books Written/edited by Members
[1] H. Koeppl, D. Densmore, M. di Bernardo, G. Setti (Eds.), Analysis and Design of Biomolecular Circuits,
Springer-Verlag, 2011.
[2] I. Zelinka, S. Celikovsky, H. Richter, and G. Chen (Eds.), Evolutionary Algorithms and Chaotic Systems,
Springer, Berlin, 2010.
Book chapters Written by Members
[1] G. Russo, M. di Bernardo, and J. J. Slotine, Contraction Theory for Systems Biology in H. Koeppl, D.
Densmore, M. di Bernardo, G. Setti (Eds.), Analysis and Design of Biomolecular Circuits, Springer-Verlag,
[2] T. M. Chan, K. S. Tang, S. Kwong, and K. F. Man, Multiobjective optimization methods, Chapter 24 in
vol. 5 of The Industrial Electronics Handbook, 2nd ed, CRC Press, 28-Feb-2011.
[3] P. De Lellis, M. di Bernardo, and G. Russo, "Adaptation and contraction theory for the
synchronization of complex neural networks," in The relevance of the time domain to neural network
models , Springer-Verlag , 2010.
[4] Y. Shi and G. Chen, "Feedback anti-control of chaos," Chapter 4, in M. A. F. Samjuan and C. Grebogi
(Eds.), Recent Progress in Controlling Chaos, World Scientific Pub. Co., Singapore, 2010, pp. 73-102.
Special Issues in CAS-related Journals Edited by Members
[1] J. Lu, S. Squartini, and Q. Wei, "Neural Networks and Applications," Neural Computing and
Applications, 2011.
[2] G. Chen, Z. Chen, and J. Lu, "Special Issue on Theory and Applications of Chaos and Complex
Networks," Journal of Systems Engineering, vol. 12, 2010.
[3] T. Roska, G.Pazienza, and C.W.Wu (Guest Editors), Special Issue: Cellular wave computing via
nanoscale chip architectures, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Volume 38, Issue
9, November 2010, Pages: 883–884, Article first published online: 16 SEP 2010, DOI: 10.1002/cta.729,
[4] W. X. Zheng, Guest Editor, Special Issue on Blind Signal Processing and Its Applications, IEEE Trans. on
Circuits and Systems-I, July 2010.
[5] C. W. Wu, Guest Editor, Special Issue on Synchronization, IEICE NOLTA.
Conferences, Workshops Organized by Members
[1] C.W.Wu, Track Chair, Neural Networks and Systems, ISCAS 2011.
[2] C.W.Wu, Sesson Chair and Organizer, Special Session on Applications and Methodologies for Many-
core Platforms, ISCAS 2011.
[3] Y. Uwate (Technical Program Secretary), T. Ueta (Publication Chair), RISP International Workshop on
Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP'11), Tianjin, China, March 1-3, 2011.
[4] M. J. Ogorzalek, Technical Program co-chair - Second LASCAS (Latin American Conference on Circuits
and Systems), Bogota, Colombia, 23-26 February 2011.
[5] Y. Nishio (Technical Program Chair) and Y. Uwate (Secretary), IEEE CASS Shanghai and Shikoku
Chapters Joint Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems (SSJW'10), Shanghai, China, November 22,
[6] G. Chen (Chair, under NCAS TC Technical Support), The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Chaos Control
and Synchronization, 29-30 October 2010, Kunming, China.
[7] G. Chen (Chair, under NCAS TC Technical Support), The 3rd International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals
Theories and Applications, 29-31 October 2010, Kunming, China.
[8] J. Lu, Co-chair of the 6th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks (CCCN'10), October 15-18, 2010,
Suzhou, P. R. China.
[9] M. Ogorzalek (General Chair), Z. Galias and Y. Nishio (Technical Program Chairs), Y. Uwate (Technical
Program Secretary), S. Callegari and T. Saito (Special Session Chairs), T. Ueta (Publication Chair), and H.
Sekiya (General Secretary), International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications
(NOLTA'10), Krakow, Poland, September 5-8, 2010.
[10] M. di Bernardo, International Tutorial Workshop on Bifurcations of Piecewise Smooth Systems,
Urbino (Italy), September 2011.
[11] J. Lu, G. Chen, and X. Wang, The 2010 International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks
(IWCSN 2010), Beijing, China, September 25–27, 2010.
[12] J. Lu, Co-chair of the 6th Chinese Forum on Network Sciences (CFNC'10) and the 2nd Chinese Chaos
Application Workshop, July 26 - August 1, 2010, Beijing, P. R. China.
[13] J. Lu, Tutorial Workshop "Complex Networks and Multi-Agent Systems" in the 8th World Congress
on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2010), Jinan, China, July 6-9, 2010.
[14] G. Chen (Chair, under NCAS TC technical Support), The 3rd International Conference on Dynamics,
Vibration and Control, 12-14 May 2010, Hangzhou, China.
Special Sessions Organized by Members
[1] J. Lu and G. Chen, "Recent Advances in Complex Networks and Multi-Agent Systems" in the IEEE
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2011), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 May 2011.
[2] H. Asai, Tutorial day at ASP-DAC (Asia-South Pacific Design Automation Conference) Tutorial 3 &4,
Tutorial 3: 3D Integration (1) and Tutorial 4: 3D Integration (2), Jan 2011.
[3] S. Oishi (Organizer), Special Session on "Verified Numerical Computations for Linear and Nonlinear
Problems", International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'10), Krakow,
Poland, September 5-8, 2010.
[4] T. Ueta (Organizer), Special Session on "Pattern Formation, Emergence, and Imaging Featuring
Nonlinear Dynamics", International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'10),
Krakow, Poland, September 5-8, 2010.
[5] K. Okumura and Lj. Trajkovic (Organizers), Special Session on "Complex Networks and their
Dynamics", International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'10), Krakow,
Poland, September 5-8, 2010.
[6] T. Ueta and Y. Nishio (Organizers), Special Session on "Nonlinear Maps and Applications",
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'10), Krakow, Poland,
September 5-8, 2010.
[7] G. Chen (Chair), Special Session on "Complex Systems", 2010 Int. Symp. on Nonlinear Theory and its
Applications, Krakow, Poland, Sept. 5-8, 2010.
[8] M. di Bernardo, Invited Minisymposium on Cell Dynamics at Dynamics Days 2010, Bristol (UK),
September 2010.
[9] M. Monnigmann, M. Storace, M.Diehl, and P.J. Goulart, "Model Predictive Control on Embedded
Systems (Part 1 and Part 2)" Conference: 18th World Congress of the International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC), Milan, Italy, August 28 – September 2, 2011.
[10] M. Storace, "Piecewise linear circuits and systems: bridging electronics and control systems," IEEE
International Symposium on Circuits And Systems (ISCAS2010), Paris, France, May 30-th - June 2-nd,
[11] M. di Bernardo, Invited Session on Complex Networks, IEEE ISCAS 2010, Paris, May 2010.
[12] M. di Bernardo, Minisymposium on Evolving Dynamical Networks at SIAM Conference on
Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird (Utah, USA), May 2011.
[13] G. Chen (Co-Chair), Invited Session on "Recent Advances in Complex Networks: Theories and
Applications", IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Paris, France, 30 May – 2 June, 2010.
[14] G. Chen (Chair) Special Session on "Nonlinear Circuits and Systems", 18th Nonlinear Dynamics of
Electronic Systems (NDES), Dresden, Germany 25-28 May 2010.
[15] K. Okumura and Lj. Trajkovic, Special Session on "Complex Networks and their Dynamics," NOLTA
Invited Lectures Delivered by Members
[1] H. Asai, "PI/SI/EMI Simulation Technology for Chip/Package/Board Co-Design," workshop in APEMC
(Asia-acific EMC Symposium) May 2011.
[2] X. Li, "More than cooperation: what we learn from evolutionary dynamics on complex networks",
The 9th AEARU workshop of Web Technology and Computer Sciences, Jan. 22-24, 2011 Kyoto, Japan.
[3] M. J. Ogorzalek, "Cooling techniques for 3D integrated circuits" at the 2nd IEEE CASS Summer School
"Pushing the Boundaries of Energy Efficiency in Low Power Design" January 17-21, 2011 Cusco, Peru.
[4] H. Asai, Tutorial talk, "Advanced PI/SI/EMI Simulation Technology for 3D Co-Design," ASP-DAC (Asia-
South Pacific Design Automation Conference) Jan 2011.
[5] Lj. Trajkovic, keynote talk, "Complex networks, spectral analysis, and Internet topologies,"
International Computer Symposium (ICS 2010), Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 2010.
[6] Lj. Trajkovic, keynote talk, "Complex networks, spectral analysis, and Internet topologies," Asia
Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2010.
[7] M. J. Ogorzalek, Invited tutorial, "From nano-devices to nano-circuits and nano-systems on chip",
16th IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), Kuala Lumpur, 6 December 2010
(together with Prof. G. DeMicheli).
[8] Lj. Trajkovic, keynote talk, "Complex networks, spectral analysis, and Internet topologies," 5th
European Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications (ECCSC'10), Belgrade, Serbia, Nov.
[9] Lj. Trajkovic, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Distinguished Lecturer Program, "Mining network
traffic data," St. John's, Newfoundland, Nov. 2010.
[10] Lj. Trajkovic, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Distinguished Lecturer Program, "Mining network
traffic data," Halifax, New Brunswick, Canada, Nov. 2010.
[11] M. J. Ogorzalek, "3D Integrated Circuits - Small World Networks on Chip", The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, 5 November 2010.
[12] M. J. Ogorzalek, Plenary lecture, "Fractals for Nano/Tera Microelectonics", 3rd IWCFTA & 5th
APWCCS: The Third International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications Jointly held
with The Fifth Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization, Kunming-Yunnan, China, 29
October 2010.
[13] W. X. Zheng, invited talk, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong in October 2010.
[14] M. J. Ogorzalek, "3D Integrated Circuits - A Real Complex Network Challenge", 7th International
Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Beijing, China, 26 September 2010.
[15] X. Li, "Epidemic dynamics on complex networks: individual heterogeneity and mobility", The 2010
Autumn Conference of Chinese Physics Society, Sept. 20-23, Tianjin, P.R. China.
[16] M. di Bernardo, Plenary Talk at IWCSN 2010, Beijing (China), September 2010.
[17] H. Asai (Plenary Talk), "Advanced PI/SI/EMI Simulation Technology for High-Speed Electronic
Design", International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'10), Krakow, Poland,
September 5-8, 2010.
[18] M. Hasler (Plenary Talk), "Asymptotic Behaviour of Blinking (Stochastically Switched) Dynamical
Systems", International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'10), Krakow,
Poland, September 5-8, 2010.
[19] H. Asai, Plenary talk, "Advanced PI/SI/EMI Simulation Technology for High-Speed Electronic Design",
NOLTA2010, Sept 2010.
[20] Lj. Trajkovic, keynote talk, "Analysis of Internet topologies," PrimeAsia 2010, Shanghai, China, Sept.
[21] Lj. Trajkovic, "Spectral analysis and dynamical behavior of complex networks," International
Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Beijing, China, Sept. 2010.
[22] J. Lu, "Modeling, analysis and control of multi- agent systems," The 4th China- Europe Summer
School on Complexity Science, August 11-13, 2010, Shanghai, P. R. China.
[23] X. Li, "Evolutionary game and dynamics in our networking life", The 4th China-Europe Summer
School on Complexity Science, Aug. 11-12, 2010, Shanghai, P.R. China.
[24] X. Li, "On some latest focal points of complex systems and networks", The Systems Science and
Complex Network Workshop, Aug. 10, 2010, Shanghai, P.R. China.
[25] J. Lu, "Structure and function of complex networks," The Workshop on Systems Science and
Complex Networks, August 9-10, 2010, Shanghai, P. R. China.
[26] J. Lu, "Consensus of complex multi-agent systems," the 6th Chinese Forum on Network Sciences
(CFNC'10) and the 2nd Chinese Chaos Application Workshop, July 26 - August 1, 2010, Beijing, P. R.
[27] X. Li, "On human ECG identification and pattens: complex network theory and its applications", The
6th Chinese Network Science Forum, July 26-30, 2010, Beijing, P.R. China.
[28] J. Lu, "Recent advances in consensus of multi-agent systems," The 4th National Workshop on
Dynamics and Control for Young Scholars, July 26-29, 2010, Dalian, P. R. China.
[29] J. Lu, ``Recent advances in consensus of multi-agent systems,'' the 8th World Congress on Intelligent
Control and Automation (WCICA 2010), Jinan, China, July 6-9, 2010.
[30] Lj. Trajkovic, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Distinguished Lecturer Program, "Analysis of
Internet topologies," Macau, University of Macau, Macau, China, July 2010.
[31] Lj. Trajkovic "Analysis of Internet topologies," IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Lecture
Tour, China: Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Campus, Zhuhai, China, July 2010; South China University
of Technology, Guangzhou, China, July 2010.
[32] M. di Bernardo, Invited Lecture at SDS 2010 (International Workshop on Structural Dynamical
Systems), Bari (Italy), June 2010.
[33] J. Suykens, invited speaker at SYNCLINE 2010 Synchronization in Complex Networks, Theory and
Applications in Neuroscience and Climatology - 458th WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef,
May 2010.
[34] I. C. Goknar, three Invited Talks as an Erasmus Professor on "Foundations of Nonlinear Network
Theory: Passivity, Losslessness, Reciprocity" and "Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Networks: Harmonic
Balance," University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy, May 18-21, 2010.
[35] M. J. Ogorzalek, Invited lectures series Shanghai, China - Visit and a talk at Institute of Systems
Biology, Shanghai University + Visit and talk at Key Laboratory of Systems Biology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, 17 May, 2010.
[36] I. C. Goknar, three Invited Talks as an Erasmus Professor on "Foundations of Nonlinear Network
Theory: Passivity, Losslessness, Reciprocity," "Cellular Nonlinear Networks: two Intelligent Applications"
and "Fault Diagnosis in Digital Systems," University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, May 10-13, 2011.
[37] Lj. Trajkovic, "Your first job: learning the ropes and riding the waves." ISCAS 2010 PhD/GOLD Special
Session, Paris, France, May 2010.
[38] C.W. Wu, "Some Aspects of Multicoverage in Sensor Networks", Wireless and Optical
Communications Conference, New Jersey Institute of Technology, April 15-16, 2011.
[39] M. di Bernardo, Plenary Talk at ISIMM 2010 (International Symposium on Innovative Mathematical
Modelling), Tokyo (Japan), March 2011.
[40] Lj. Trajkovic, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Distinguished Lecturer Program, "Mining network
traffic data," National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Feb. 2010.
Web Site and Mailing List
The TC-NCAS web page contains links to annual reports,
meeting minutes, TC news, our vision, and a list of e-mail addresses and web pages of members. The TC-
NCAS mailing list address is ncastc-ieee at The list currently contains 70 e-mail addresses of NCAS
Technical Committee members and guests. Members may subscribe or unsubscribe by sending e-mail to
ljilja at
TC-NCAS Officers, term ending at ISCAS 2011
Chair: Henry Leung, leungh at
Past Chair: Zbigniew Galias, galias at
Chair Elect: Orla Feely, orla.feely at
Secretary: Francis Lau, encmlau at
Track Chairs for NCAS track at ISCAS 2011: Hiroo Sekiya, sekiya at
Prepared by Henry Leung, May 2011