(ISCAS 2003 - May 26th, 2003, Bangkok, Thailand)

Tetsuo Nishi
Joos Vandewalle (NCAS Track Chair at ISCAS 2003)
Martin Hasler
Gianluca Setti (Past-Chair)
Maciej Ogorzalek
Kenya Jinno
Tetsushi Ueta
Leonid Goldgeisser (Chair)
Ljiljana Trajkovic
Kohshi Okumura
Yoshifumi Nishio (Secretary)
Hideki Asai
Takashi Hisakado

During the period 2002-2003, the members of the Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Technical Committee (TC-NCAS) edited two Special Issues in related journals, published three technical books in the field of nonlinear circuits and systems, organized several Special and Invited Sessions, and participated in numerous major conferences and workshops.

Special Issues in CAS-related Journals:
[1] M. Hasler, G. Mazzini, M. Ogorzalek, R. Rovatti, and G. Setti edited a Special Issue on "Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics to Electronic and Information Engineering," in the Proc. of the IEEE, published in May 2002.
[2] M. di Bernardo, H.S.H. Chung, C.K. Tse, A. Ioinovici, M. Kazimierczuk, and T. Saito, plan to edit a special issue on "Analysis, Design and Applications of Switching Circuits and Systems," in the IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-I, to appear in September 2003.

[1] G. Chen and T. Ueta (eds.), Chaos in Circuits and Systems, World Scientific Pub. Co., Singapore, May 2002.
[2] G. Chen, X.H. Yu and D.J. Hill (eds.), Chaos and Bifurcation Control: Theory and Applications, Volume I: Chaos Control, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.
[3] G. Chen, D.J. Hill and X.H. Yu (eds.), Chaos and Bifurcation Control: Theory and Applications, Volume II: Bifurcation Control, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.

Special/Invited Sessions, Tutorials organized:
[1] ISITA/NOLTA'02 Joint Special Session "Application of Chaos to Communication and Signal Processing", Organizers: G. Setti, R. Rovatti, G. Mazzini, and C.K. Tse.
[2] NOLTA'02 Special Session on "Application of Chaos", Organizers: R. Rovatti, G. Setti, and C. K. Tse.
[3] ISCAS'03 Invited Session on "Nonlinear Dynamics for Coding Theory and Network Traffic," Organizers: G. Setti, G.M. Maggio, R. Rovatti, and G. Mazzini.
[4] ISCAS'03 Tutorial on "Chaotic and Random Point Processes: Analysis, Design and Application to Hybrid Systems". Organizers: W. Schwarz, A. Baranowski.
[5] ISCAS'03 Invited Session on "High-Speed circuits and interconnects". Organizers: Hideki Asai and Michel Nakhla.
[6] ISCAS'03 Invited Session on "New Trends in switching power converters towards integration''. Organizers: Eduard Alarcon and Luigi Fortuna.
[7] ISCAS'03 Invited Session on "Theoretical aspects in cellular neural networks". Organizer: Marco Gilli.
[8] GLOBECOM'03 Tutorial on "Discrete-Time Chaotic Systems: Mathematical Tools and Communication Applications". Organizers: G. Mazzini, R. Rovatti, G. Setti.

Conferences, Workshops, Schools co-sponsored:
[1] Int. Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems 2002, Chengdu, China, June 26-28, 2002.
[2] Nanjing Regional Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization with Applications, Nanjing, China, December 6, 2002.
[3] The Second Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, June 7-8, 2003.
[4] Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Science and Applications, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, June 9-13, 2003.
[5] The First International Conference Physics and Control, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 27-29, 2003.
[6] International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, NOLTA2002, Xian, China, Oct 7-11, 2002.

WWW Site and Mailing List:
o The TC-NCAS WWW page: http://diva.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ljilja/tcncas contains TC news, TC meeting minutes, conference reports, useful information regarding past and future conferences, and links to other sites of interest.
o We continue to maintain the majordomo list (automatic mailing system) for the NCAS Technical Committee members and guests. The list is private and supports geographically diverse membership. It currently consists of 70 subscribing members. The TC-NCAS email address is: ncastc-ieee@sfu.ca. The members can subscribe and unsubscribe by sending e-mail to: ljilja@eecs.berkeley.edu or ljilja@cs.sfu.ca.


TC Budget:
M. Hasler stated that the finances of the society are in bad shape. However, there are funds on his budget to support one meeting of each Technical Committee per year, usually held at ISCAS. He will also support, if funds are left on his budget, workshops organized by the Technical Committees. Given the lack of funds, he suggests to concentrate on activities that do not cause substantial expenses.

  • TC Web pages:
    The following points have mainly been proposed by M. Hasler and they have been accepted by the TC Chairs. Goal of the Web pages:
    - To show the activities of the Technical Committee to the CAS members and in particular to the current and prospective TC members.
    - To attract new members for the TC and to encourage them and the current TC members to participate in the activities of the TC and to start new activities.
  • Content of the Web pages:
    The following is a list of information items a Technical Committee Web page should contain. The order of presentation as well as the whole design of the Web pages is entirely under the control of the Technical Committees.
  • List of items the TC Web pages should contain:
    - Scope (A few lines describing the technical domain the TC covers)
    - Officers (usually Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary)
    - Contact (who should be contacted for information)
    - Information how to become a member of the TC
    - Special issues in journals, organized by members of the TC (recently published issues and upcoming issues, with call for papers)
    - Tutorials and invited sessions organized by members of the TC at conferences (recent and upcoming)
    - Workshops organized by the TC
    - Distinguished lecturers that were proposed by the TC
    - List of members (if possible protected, i.e. accessible only with a password)
    - Annual reports
    - Minutes of meetings
    - Bylaws
  • Optional items:
    - Research papers of particular significance
    - Overview papers
    - Books
    - Tutorials, maybe online (however, the CAS society may want to sell such IP)
    - Software
    - News about technical achievements
    - Projections into the future
  • Timeline:
    The target date for updating the Web pages is JULY 15.

    o Dr. Tetsuo Nishi has informed the Committee that NOLTA 2003 has been canceled due to SARS and the economy situation in Asia (and worldwide).
    o Dr. Joos Vandewalle (2003 NCAS Track Chair) has informed the Committee that he had to organize the review of about 120 manuscripts for ISCAS 2003.

    o Dr. Ljiljana Trajkovic solicited special sessions for ISCAS 2004. Endorsement from the Technical Committee is not mandatory, but encouraged. Link to the ISCAS 2004 Invited Sessions can be found on the ISCAS 2004 home page: http://www.iscas2004.org/ under "Invited Sessions".
    o Dr. Ahmed Elwakil asked endorsement for his proposal for a TCAS-I Special Issue on "Advances in Oscillator Analysis and Design", for which he produced a draft proposal. It was agreed to ask Dr. Elwakil a more detailed proposal to be circulated among the Committee members.

    ELECTION OF TC-NCAS OFFICERS (Term ending at ISCAS 2004)

  • Chair: Gian Mario Maggio (gmaggio@ucsd.edu)
  • Past-Chair: Leonid Goldgeisser (leonidg@ieee.org)
  • Chair-elect: Yoshifumi Nishio (nishio@ee.tokushima-u.ac.jp)
  • Secretary: Joos Vandewalle (joos.vandewalle@esat.kuleuven.ac.be)
  • Track Chair for Nonlinear Circuits and Systems at ISCAS 2004: Gianluca Setti (gsetti@ing.unife.it)

    Note: Dr. Gianluca Setti has kindly agreed to serve as Track Chair for ISCAS 2004 but he does not intend to climb the hierarchy once again. Thus, a new person will need to be found, nominated and elected. (This was not possible at the ISCAS 2003 meeting due to the limited number of participants).

  • Prepared by: G. Setti, L. Goldgeisser, G. M. Maggio, Y. Nishio, J. Vandewalle and L. Trajkovic.
    (A copy of these minutes will be also posted on the Web at: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ljilja/tcncas/writeups.html.)