- 1.
Prof. Hideki Asai
Dept. of Systems Eng.
Shizuoka University
3-5-1, Johoku, Naka-ku
Hamamatsu, 432-8561
Fax: 81-53-478-1269
E-mail: hideasai at sys.eng.shizuoka.ac.jp
- 2.
Prof. Soumitro Banerjee
Mohanpur Campus
E-mail: soumitro.banerjee at gmail.com
- 3.
Dr. Elena Blokhina
School of Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineerin
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
Tel: +353-1716-1909
E-mail: elena.blokhina at ucd.ie
- 4.
Dr. Jan Bremer
Institute for Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Leibniz University Hannover
Appelstrasse 9A
D-30167 Hannover
Fax :
E-mail: bremer at tet.uni-hannover.de
- 5.
Dr. Sergio Callegari
ARCES - University of Bologna
Via Toffano 2/2
Via Venezia 52
Tel.: +39-320-436-5437
E-mail: scallegari at arces.unibo.it and sergio.callegari at unibo.it
- 6.
Prof. Seth Chaiken
CS Dept. LI67A
SUNY at Albany
1400 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12222
E-mail: sdc at cs.albany.edu
- 7.
Prof. Guanrong (Ron) Chen
Department of Electronic Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon
Hong Kong, China
Tel.: 852-2788-7922
Fax: 852-2788-7791
E-mail: gchen at ee.cityu.edu.hk
- 8.
Prof. Xiang Chen
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario
Canada N9B 3P4
Tel.: (519) 253-3000 (ext. 2571)
Fax: (519) 971-3695
E-mail: xchen at uwindsor.ca
- 9.
Dr. Geoffrey Coram
Analog Devices, Inc.
804 Woburn St., MS-422
Wilmington, MA 01887
Tel.: 781-937-1924
Fax: 781-937-1014
E-mail: gjcoram at ieee.org
- 10.
Dr. Fernando Corinto
Assistant Professor
Dipartimento di Elettronica
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
10129 Torino ITALY
Tel.: +39 0110904199
Fax: +39 0115644171
E-mail: fernando.corinto at polito.it
- 11.
Prof. Mario di Bernardo
University of Naples Federico II University of Bristol, UK
Dept. Computers and Systems Engineering
via Claudio 21
80 125 Napoli
Tel.: +39-081-768-3909
Fax: +39-081-768-3186
E-mail: mario.dibernardo at unina.it
- 12.
Prof. Ahmed S. Elwakil
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Sharjah
P.O. Box 27272, Sharjah
Tel.: 00971 6 505 0978
Fax: 00971 6 558 0971
E-mail: elwakil at ieee.org
- 13.
Prof. Tetsuro Endo
Deparment of Electronics and Communication
Meiji University
Kawasaki, 214-8571 Japan
Tel: +81-44-934-7344
Fax: +81-44-934-7344
E-mail: endoh at isc.meiji.ac.jp
- 14.
Prof. Orla Feely
School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
E-mail: Orla.Feely at ucd.ie
- 15.
Prof. Rui J. P. de Figueiredo
4417 Calit Bldg.
California Institute for Telecommunication and Information Technology
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-2800
Tel.: (949) 824-7043
Fax: (949) 854-6528
E-mail: rui at uci.edu
- 16.
Prof. Douglas Frey
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
19 Memorial Dr. West
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Tel.: (215) 758-4065
Fax: (215) 758-6279
E-mail: drf3 at lehigh.edu
- 17.
Prof. Zbigniew Galias
AGH-University of Science and Technology
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059
Krakow, Poland
Tel.: +48 12 617 2890
Fax: +48 12 634 4825
E-mail: galias at agh.edu.pl
- 18.
Dr. Damian Giaouris
Lecturer in Control Systems
Overall MSc Coordinator
Degree Program Director of MSc in Automation and Control
School of Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK - NE1 7RU
Tel.: +44(0)191 222 7327
E-mail: damian.giaouris@newcastle.ac.uk
- 19.
Prof. Marco Gilli
Dept. Elettronica
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca Abruzzi, 24
I-10129 Torino - Italy
Tel: +39 011 564 4096
Fax: +39 011 564 4099/15
E-mail: gilli at polito.it
- 20.
Prof. Izzet Cem Goknar
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Işik University
Tel: +90.216.5287125
E-mail: cem.goknar at isikun.edu.tr
- 21.
Dr. Leonid Goldgeisser
Menotr Graphics Corp.
8005 S.W. Boeckman Rd.
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Tel: (503) 685-0507
Fax: (503) 685-1239
E-mail: goldgeisser at gmail.com
- 22.
Prof. Giuseppe Grassi
Department of Innovation Engineering
University of Lecce
73100 Lecce, Italy
Tel: +39-0832-297217
Fax: +39-080-5347470
E-mail: giuseppe.grassi at unile.it
- 23.
Prof. Michael Green
2213 Engineering Hall
Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-2625
Tel.: (949) 824-1656
Fax: (949) 824-3203
E-mail: mgreen at uci.edu
- 24.
Prof. Martin Hasler
School of Computer and Communication Sciences
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
Station 14
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel.: 41 21 693 2622
Fax: 41 21 693 6700
E-mail: martin.hasler at epfl.ch
- 25.
Prof. Takashi Hisakado
Department of Electrical Engineering
Kyoto University
Tel.: +81-75-383-2248
Fax: +81-75-383-2248
E-mail: hisakado at kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp
- 26.
Prof. Ian Hiskens
Vennema Professor of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
1301 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor MI, 48109
Tel.: +1-734-615-7076
E-mail: hiskens at umich.edu
- 27.
Prof. Herbert Ho-Ching Iu
School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley WA 6009
Tel.: +61 8 64887989
Fax: +61 8 64881065
E-mail: herbert at ee.uwa.edu.au
- 28.
Prof. Guo-Ping Jiang
College of Automation
Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications
Nanjing, 210003
E-mail: jianggp at njupt.edu.cn
- 29.
Prof. Michael Peter Kennedy
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University College Cork
Ireland \\
Tel.: +353-21-490 3124
Fax: +353-21-490 4573
E-mail: peter.kennedy at ucc.ie
- 30.
Dr. Ljupco Kocarev
University of California San Diego
Institute of Nonlinear Science
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla
CA 92093-0402
Tel.: 858 822-2011
E-mail: lkocarev at ucsd.edu
- 31.
Heinz Koeppl
Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Rundeturmstrasse 12
D-64283 Darmstadt
Tel.: +49 6151 16 57235
Mobile: +49 151 61375719
E-mail: heinz.koeppl at bcs.tu-darmstadt.de
- 32.
Prof. Tohru Kohda
Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering
Kyushu University
Higashi-ku Hakozaki
Fukuoka, Japan
Tel.: +81 92 642 4043
Fax: +81 92 642 4082
E-mail: kohda at csce.kyushu-u.ac.jp
- 33.
Prof. Géza Kolumbán
Pazmany Peter Catholic University
50/a Prater str.
Budapest, H-1083
Tel: +36-1-886 4754
Fax: +36-1-886 4724
E-mail: kolumban at itk.ppke.hu
- 34.
Prof. Francis Lau
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong SAR
Tel.: +852-2766-6206
Fax.: +852-2362-8439
E-mail: encmlau at polyu.edu.hk
- 35.
Prof. A. J. Lawrance
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Tel: +44-(0)24-7657-2579
Dept.: +44-(0)24-7657-4812
E-mail: A.J.Lawrance at warwick.ac.uk
- 36.
Dr. Adrian Leuciuc
Cadence Design Systems
6210 Old Dobbin Lane, ste. 100
Columbia, MD 21045
Phone: (410) 290-2914
Fax: (410) 290-2838
E-mail: aleuciuc at cadence.com
- 37.
Prof. Henry Leung
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive N.W.
Canada T2N 1N4
Tel: (403) 220-4875
Fax: (403) 282-6855
e-mail: leungh at ucalgary.ca
- 38.
Dr. Shujun Li
Zukunftskolleg Fellow (Junior Group Leader)
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Konstanz, Mailbox 697
Universitätsstraße 10, 78457 Konstanz
E-mail: hooklee@gmail.com
- 39.
Prof. Xiang Li
Dept of Electronic Engineering
Fudan University
Tel.: +86-21-65642127
FAX.: +86-21-65642127
E-mail: lix at fudan.edu.cn
- 40.
Dr. Shiguo Lian
France Telecom R&D (Orange Labs) Beijing
2 Science Institute South Rd., Haidian District
Beijing, 100080
Tel: 86 10 82175215
E-mail: shiguo.lian at ieee.org
- 41.
Prof. Wing-Kuen Ling
Faculty of Information Engineering
Guangdong University of Technology
No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road
Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center
Panyu District
Guangzhou 510006
Tel: +86-20-3932-2258
E-mail: yongquanling at gdut.edu.cn
- 42.
Prof. Jinhu Lu
Institute of Systems Science
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing 100190, P.R. China
E-mail: jhlu at iss.ac.cn
- 43.
Dr. Gian Mario Maggio
ST Microelectronics
Chemin du Champ-des-Filles, 39
C.P. 21
Geneva, Plain-les-Ouates
Tel.: +41-22-929-6917
Fax: +41-22-929-2970
E-mail: maggio at ieee.org
- 44.
Dr. Gabriele Manganaro
National Semiconductor
East Coast Labs
1 Stiles Road, Suite 302
Salem, NH 03079-4863
Tel.: +1-603-896-7028
Fax: +1-603-896-7092
E-mail: gabriele.manganaro at ieee.org
- 45.
Prof. Wolfgang Mathis
Institute for Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Leibniz University Hannover
Appelstrasse 9A
D-30167 Hannover
Tel.: +49-511-762-3201/3202
Fax : +49-511-762-3204
E-mail: mathis at tet.uni-hannover.de
- 46.
Prof. Dinesh Mehta
Dept. of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
1500 Illinois Street
Golden, CO 80401
Tel: 303 273 3713
E-mail: dmehta at mines.edu
- 47.
Dr. Bharathwaj Muthuswamy
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Milwaukee School of Engineering
5342 Fred Loock Engineering Center
1025 N. Broadway
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Tel.: +1-414-277-7147
E-mail: muthuswamy at msoe.edu
- 48.
Prof. Dragan Nikolik
Maastricht School of Management
Endepolsdomein 150
6229 EP Maastricht
P.O. Box 1203
6201 BE Maastrich
The Nederlands
Tel.: 31-43-361-83-18
Fax: 31-43-361-83-30
E-mail: nikolic at msm.nl
- 49.
Prof. Tetsuo Nishi
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Waseda University
4-19-6 Okubo, Tokyo 169-0072
Tel./Fax: 81 3 5286 2738
E-mail: nishi-t at waseda.jp
- 50.
Prof. Yoshifumi Nishio
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Tokushima University
2-1 Minami Josanjima
Tokushima 770-8506
Tel.: +81-88-656-7470
Fax.: +81-88-656-7471
E-mail: nishio at ee.tokushima-u.ac.jp
- 51.
Prof. Josef A. Nossek
Technische Universität München
Institute for Circuit Theory and Signal Processing
Arcisstrasse 21
D-80333 Muenchen, Germany
Tel. 49-89-289-28504
E-mail: josef.a.nossek at tum.de
- 52.
Prof. Maciej J. Ogorzalek
Department of Information Technologies
Jagiellonian University
ul. Reymonta 4
30-059 Krakow
Tel.: 48-12-663-5826
Fax: 48-12-633-7086
E-mail: Maciej.Ogorzalek at uj.edu.pl
- 53.
Prof. Shiníchi Oishi
Department of Information & Computer Science
School of Science and Enginering
Waseda University
3-4-1 Okubo Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 169
Fax: 0081 3 3200 2567
E-mail: oishi at waseda.jp
- 54.
Prof. Kohshi Okumura
Simon Fraser University
E-mail: o.kohshi at gmail.com
- 55.
Prof. Stefano Pastore
DEEI - University of Trieste
Via A. Valerio, 10
I 34127 Trieste, Italy
Tel.: 39-40-676 3015
Fax: 39-40-676-3460
E-mail: pastore at univ.trieste.it
- 56.
Prof. Irwin Sandberg
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
Tel.: (512) 328-1004
E-mail: sandberg at ece.utexas.edu
- 57.
Prof. Arturo Sarmiento Reyes
National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics
P.O. Box 51, Puebla, Pue 72 000
Tel./FAX: +52-222-470517
E-mail: jarocho at inaoep.mx
- 58.
Dr. Mark Seidel
Staff Analog Engineer
Intel Corporation
5000 W. Chandler Blvd.
Chandler, AZ 85226
Tel.: 480-554-9755
E-mail: mark.n.seidel at intel.com
- 59.
Prof. Hiroo Sekiya
Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Science
Chiba University Japan
Tel: +81-43-290-3258
FAX: +81-43-290-3258
E-mail: sekiya at faculty.chiba-u.jp
- 60.
Neslihan Serap Sengor
Istanbul Technical University
Electrical and Elecronics Faculty
Electronics and Communication Department
Maslak, 80626
Tel.: +0212-285-36-10
Fax: +0212-285-36-79
E-mail: sengorn at itu.edu.tr
- 61.
Prof. Gianluca Setti
University of Ferrara
Via Saragat 1, 44100
Ferrara, Italy
Tel: (+39)-0532-293829
Fax: (+39)-0532-768602
E-mail: gsetti at ing.unife.it
- 62.
Prof. Marco Storace
Biophysical and Electronic Engineering Department
University of Genoa
Via Opera Pia 11a
Genova, Italy, I-16145
Tel: +39-010353-2079 (off.) -2276 (lab.)
Fax: +39-010353-2290
E-mail: marco.storace at unige.it
- 63.
Prof. Jitao Sun
Dept. of Mathematics
Tongji University
Shanghai, 200092
P.R. China
Tel: 86-21-65983241-1307
Fax: 86-21-65981985
E-mail: sunjt at sh163.net
- 64.
Prof. Johan Suykens
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Department of Electrical Engineering, ESAT-STADIUS
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10
B-3001 Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium
Tel : +32-16-32 18 02
Fax : +32-16-32 19 70
E-mail: johan.suykens at esat.kuleuven.be
- 65.
Prof. Norikazu Takahashi
Dept. of Computer Science and Communication Engineering
Kyushu University
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku
Fukuoka 819-0395
Tel: +81 92-802-3622
Fax: +81 92-802-3600
E-mail: norikazu at csce.kyushu-u.ac.jp
- 66.
Prof. Wallace K.S. Tang
Department of Electronic Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR
P.R. China
Tel: 852-2788-7783
Fax: 852-2788-7791
E-mail: kstang at ee.cityu.edu.hk
- 67.
Prof. Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman
Professor and Hitachi Chair in Computer Science
University of Oklahoma
200 Felgar Street
Norman, OK 73019
Tel: (405) 325 0566
Fax: (405) 325 4044
E-mail: thulasi at ou.edu
< ahref="http://www.cs.ou.edu/~thulasi>http://www.cs.ou.edu/~thulasi
- 68.
Prof. Ljiljana Trajkovic
School of Engineering Science
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C.
Canada V5A 1S6
Tel.: (778) 782-3998
Fax: (778) 782-4951
E-mail: ljilja at cs.sfu.ca
- 69.
Prof. Chi Kong Tse
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Electronic Engineering
Tel.: 852 2766 6246
Fax: 852 2632 8439
E-mail: encktse at polyu.edu.hk
- 70.
Prof. Tetsushi Ueta
Center for Advanced Information Technology
Tokushima University
2-1, Minami-josanjima
Tokushima 770-8506
Tel/Fax: 81-88-656-7501
E-mail: tetsushi at is.tokushima-u.ac.jp
- 71.
Dr. Yoko Uwate
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Tokushima University
2-1 Minami-Josanjima
Tokushima 770-8506
Tel.: +81-88-656-7662
Fax.: +81-88-656-7471
E-mail: uwate at ee.tokushima-u.ac.jp
- 72.
Prof. Joos Vandewalle
Department of Electrical Engineering
K. U. Leuven
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10
3001 Heverlee
Tel.: 32 16 32 1052
Fax: 32 16 32 1970
E-mail: joos.vandewalle at esat.kuleuven.be
- 73.
Prof. Xiaofan Wang
Department of Automation
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Shanghai, 200030
P. R. China
Tel: 86-21-6283-1590
Fax: 86-21-6293-2045
E-mail: xfwang at ieee.org
- 74.
Dr. Chai Wah Wu
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
P.O.Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Tel.: 1-914-945-1567
E-mail: chaiwahwu at ieee.org
- 75.
Dr. Yongxiang Xia
Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou 310027
E-mail: xiayx at ieee.org
- 76.
Jianwu Xu
Department of Radiology
The University of Chicago
5841 South Maryland Ave, MC I-136
Chicago, IL 60637
E-mail: jwxu at ieee.org
- 77.
Guoliang (Larry) Xue
Computer Science and Engineering
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-8809
Tel.: 480-965-6218
E-mail: xue at asu.edu
- 78.
Prof. Mustak Erhan Yalcin
Istanbul Technical University
Faculty of Electrical and Electrnic Engineerign
80626 Maslak-Istanbul
E-mail: mustak.yalcin at itu.edu.tr
- 79.
Prof. Kiyotaka Yamamura
Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering
Chuo University
1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 112-8551
Tel.: 81-3-3817-1854
Fax : 81-3-3817-1847
E-mail: yamamura at elect.chuo-u.ac.jp
- 80.
Prof. Wei Xing Zheng
School of Computing and Mathematics
University of Western Sydney
Penrith South DC NSW 1797
Tel.: +61-2-4736 0608
Fax: +61-2-4736 0867
E-mail: w.zheng at uws.edu.au
- 81.
Dr. Christoph Zorn
Institute for Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Leibniz University Hannover
Appelstrasse 9A
D-30167 Hannover
Tel.: +49-511-762-17330
Fax :
E-mail: zorn@tet.uni-hannover.de
Last modified: Tue Oct 13 08:03:01 PDT 2015.