The Nonlinear Circuits and Systems (NCAS) Technical Committee goal is
to promote research in nonlinear circuits and systems and their
applications in electrical engineering and in related fields.
Nonlinear circuits and Systems include, but are not limited to:
nonlinear aspects of circuits and systems,
dynamics, oscillations, numerical methods, stability,
bifurcation and chaos, nonlinear signal and imaging processing,
and cellular neural networks.
Membership of the NCAS Technical Committee is open to any IEEE member.
Membership is approved by a majority of active members present at the
Committee's annual meeting. Membership is by recommendation
and by majority vote of the members present at a meeting.
A member is removed from the committee if he/she does not
attend three consecutive annual committee meetings.
The committee shall have up to 25 members.
The Committee shall have three officers: Chair, Chair-elect, and
Secretary. Each will serve one-year term.
The committee shall meet once a year at ISCAS. All business requiring
Committee approval will be transacted at that time.
Duties and Election of Officers
The Secretary, who will also act as the Treasurer for the Technical
Committee, will record the minutes of the yearly meeting and maintain
the roll of the committee. The Secretary will be the focal point for the
Committee's nominations for CAS Society awards and for nominating
transactions papers in the nonlinear circuits and systems field for the
Best Paper Awards. He/She will report on Committee activities through
the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter at least twice a year
(following ISCAS in the Summer and prior to ISCAS in the Spring).
The Secretary, a member of the Committee and the CAS Society, will be
elected by the membership of the Committee present at an annual meeting
and will serve for an one-year term that begins immediately after the
ISCAS at which he/she was elected.
The Chair will preside over committee meetings and will be
responsible for all interactions with the CAS Society. With the
of the Secretary, he/she will report the Committee activities to the CAS
Board of Governors. The Chair will also be responsible for
recommending Associate Editors for the CAS Transactions.
The Chair-elect, who must be a member of the Committee and of the CAS
Society, will be elected by the members of the Committee present at
an annual meeting and will serve an one-year term. The first year as a
Chair-elect and then a year as Chair). The Chair-elect will be
responsible for the NCAS Committee-sponsored special sessions and
workshops at ISCAS. The Chair-elect will assume the chairmanship of
the Committee immediately after the ISCAS following the ISCAS of his/her
Outside of ISCAS the three Officers can, upon a majority vote, undertake
unplanned business on behalf of the Committee, provided that these
activities be reported to the Committee at the next meeting.
The Committee will be responsible for nominating individuals for the
various CAS society Awards, and for nominating deserving papers in the
nonlinear CAS area for each of the CAS Society's Best Paper Awards. Every
active Committee member will be solicited the Secretary to submit
potential nominees. The Secretary and the two Chairmen will decide from
the submission by the members, the names to be submitted to the CAS
Award Committees.
The NCAS Technical Committee will organize a special session and/or
workshop on NCAS at each ISCAS. The Chair-elect who is elected at an
ISCAS will be responsible for organizing such an activity at the
following ISCAS. (While the newly elected Chair-elect will be
responsible for these activities at the next ISCAS, the Chair is
expected to assist.)
The NCAS Technical Committee will recommend new Associate Editors for the
Transactions of the Society in the field of nonlinear circuits and
systems, and related fields, to the Editorial Board of the CAS Society.
The Committee will accept nominations for these positions and review
them at the annual meeting proceeding the term of the incoming editors.
The Chair will be responsible for learning when each Editorial Board
is going to form and for soliciting nominations from the Committee
membership in a timely manner.
The Committee may engage in other activities such as editing a reprint
books, the organizing of special issues of an IEEE publication,
workshops, conferences, and other publication activities in the area of
nonlinear circuits and systems.
Future amendments to these bylaws will be by a majority vote from the
NCAS Technical Committee members present at an annual ISCAS meeting or from
majority of the members at large through mail. Any bylaw amendment can
be introduced at the Committee meeting, provided that at least one of
the three Officers has been notified at least one months prior to the
Committee meeting. Approval by the three Officers is not necessary, but
notification is required. An approved amendment will take effect the day
following the conclusion of the ISCAS meeting when it has been approved.
Ljiljana Trajkovic
Sun May 24 23:25:02 PDT 1998