Ten Commandments
Get the picture ID taken in Maggie Benston Center (MBC) (main floor):
- ensure that you are in the system (do it after the payroll application)
- present the contract document
- collect your ID when ready
Fill out the ACS form:
Academic Computing Services (ACS) Computing Account Application Form
- get the ACS form signed by Professor Ljiljana
- submit the ACS form to the ACS office in Strand Hall (basement)
- pick up the login and password in person
- telnet to fraser.sfu.ca
- change your password
- read e-mail messages
E-mail ensc-help at sfu.ca
and ensure that you are added to the ''ensc-net'' users group
- login to the UNIX machine and change your password
- login to a PC and change your password
Get an application form for lab and/or office key from the ENSC Main Office
(phone: 778 782-5723 and e-mail: ensco at sfu.ca)
- authorized by Professor Ljiljana
- pick up the key(s) in Security Office
- fee is $10 plus $20 deposit
If needed, get an access card from the ENSC Main Office in ASB 9801
(phone: 778 782-5723 and e-mail: ensco at sfu.ca)
- authorized by Professor Ljiljana
- fee is $10
Apply for the first three months of medical insurance:
- fill the form and sending fax to the Program Administrator David Cummings at (604) 228-9807
- phone number at Insurance Services Ltd. is: (604) 228-8816 and email: student@david-cummings.com
- visit the web site: http://www.david-cummings.com
Open the bank account:
- check if you need to make an appointment prior to going to the bank
If you have an employment contract:
- fill out the payroll form and tax form
- submit to Payroll in Strand Hall (2nd floor)
If you have an employment contract:
- apply for SIN (Social Insurance Number) in the Burnaby Human Resource Centre of Canada (HRCC) office
- address: 4279 Canada Way (corner of Canada Way and Gilmore) Burnaby, BC, V5G 4Y2, Canada
- visit the web site: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/home.shtml
Find the place to stay
- check out the Housing Office (MBC) and on the Web:
- http://www.sfu.ca/student-services/residences
- http://sfu.myidealhome.com
- advice: consider living on campus until you learn the ropes around Burnaby