Spring 2018

Grading scheme for Assignment 3:

Question 1: ns-3 Tutorial - 10 marks
I. Introduction (summarize in one paragraph) - 0.5 marks
II. Resources (summarize in one paragraph) - 0.5 marks
III. Getting Started (description and screen print) - 1.5 marks
IV. Conceptual Overview (description and screen print) - 1.5 marks
V. Tweaking (summarize in one paragraph) - 0.5 marks
VI. Building Topologies
- Building a Bus Network Topology (description and screen print) - 2.5 marks
- Models, Attributes and Reality (sumarize in one paragraph) - 0.5 marks
- Building a Wireless Network Topology (description and screen print) - 2.5 marks
Last modified: Sat Jan 27 20:54:09 PST 2018.