Fall 2024

Grading scheme for Assignment #3:

Question 2:
Chapter 2: Application Layer - 5 marks
1. DNS - Basics (130/56)*0.5
2. DNS - Iterative vs Recursive Query (100/56)*0.5
3. DNS and HTTP delays (similar to Chapter 2, P7,P8)(50/56)*0.5
4. HTTP GET (similar to Chapter 2, P4) (80/56)*0.5
5. HTTP RESPONSE (similar to Chapter 2, P5) (70/56)*0.5
6. Browser Caching (10/56)*0.5
7. Electronic Mail and SMTP (80/56)*0.5
8. A comparison of client-server and P2P file distribution delays (similar to Chapter 2, P22) (40/56)*0.5

Question 2: ns-3 Tutorial - 5 marks
VI. Building Topologies
- Building a Bus Network Topology (description and screen print) - 2.0 marks
- Models, Attributes and Reality (summarize in one paragraph) - 1.0 marks
- Building a Wireless Network Topology (description and screen print) - 2.0 marks

1. Please limit your pages as mentioned in assignment.
2. Attempt questions in serial order and provide your student ID number on the assignment.

Last modified: Sun 22 Sep 2024 20:00:14 PDT.