Rent A Friend

We have found a list of friends that suits your needs. Please select one or more friends that you wish to rent.

Bob Graham

My name is Bob. I work as a Firefighter at the Vancouver Fire Department. I love to work on my car, workout, hike, camp, go to concerts, party, and play video games.

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Betsy Adams

I'm super easy going and a blast to be around! I like doing all sorts of things and always have something to talk about. I've always wanted to have fun with friends as a job.

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Jesse Walter

Hi, I'm Jesse, a simple guy moving through life looking for adventures. i'd love to go out and have fun with you. I have a good sense of humor and fun to hang out with, or so I'm told.

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Gregorio Jones

I'm a simple adventurous guy who loves to have fun and meet new people. I don't like when people are sad and I can say that you'll always be smiling.

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Lucas Richards

I'm an easy going guy, I like making time for my friends and those around me. I like watching movies (comedies and horror), working out, and trying new things.

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