John D. Jones

Applications of artificial intelligence to engineering design, finite-element analysis, heat transfer and thermodynamics.

Address: School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6
Phone: +1-778-782-4679
Fax: +1-778-782-4951
Office: ASB 10845

Currently Teaching: ENSC 412 GLS 815


Biographical Sketch

He has worked as a schoolteacher in rural Africa, as a consultant on heat exchangers and microturbines, and as an engine designer for General Motors Research Laboratories. His research interests include heat transfer, Stirling engines, and the analysis and design of micromachined liquid-filled acclerometers.

Secret Identity

J'onn J'onzz

Awards and Honours

Faculty of Applied Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award, 2010

Simon Fraser University Excellence in Teaching Award, 2010

Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC President's Teaching Award of Excellence, 2011

Current Research

Thermodynamics, heat transfer, finite-element analysis, buoyancy-based micromachined accelerometers.

Selected Publications

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Last updated Friday, February 14, 2014