Cribsheet for Exams

Note: unless otherwise stated, you should always assume that cash flows are end-of-period and interest rates are discrete.

Consider a regular series of payments, where the quantity of the initial payment A changes by a fixed ratio g every time. (g may be greater or less than 1.) The present worth of this series can be calculated from the following formula:

P=A(1-(1+g)N(1+i)-N)/(i-g) (if i is not equal to g)

P=AN(1+i)-1 (if i=g)

To convert a nominal interest rate of r, continuously compounded, to an effective interest rate i, use


Suppose we have a machine that we purchase for a given cost P, and which we expect to sell after N years for a salvage cost S. The equivalent annual cost is conventionally referred to as capital recovery, and can be calculated from

CR=P(A/P,i,N) - S(A/F,i,N)

If you have a continuous cash flow, continuously compounded, there is only one formula that can be used for calculating interest, the funds flow conversion formula.

This formula gives the amount A you'll have in the bank at the end of the year, given that the bank continuously compounds at a nominal rate of r% per year, and that the total amount you pay into the bank over the year in regular installments is A bar.

A = A bar ((er-1)/r)

This is the formula used to generate Appendix C in the text book.

Weighted cost of capital:

WCC = Sum(XiAi) / Sum Xi

Book value of an asset under declining-balance depreciation:

BVn = P(1 - depreciation rate)n

Capital cost tax factor:


where i is the interest rate, d is the depreciation rate, and t is the rate of taxation.