Curio: A Portrait of Robyn Volk

Short Documentary
Academic Group Project

Client: Museum of Vancouver
Tools Used: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Roles: Storyboarder, Interviewer, Film Editor, Camera Operator

In collaboration with the Museum of Vancouver, I worked in a team of four to create a 5-minute documentary featuring a Vancouver collector to be featured in a future exhibition at the Museum of Vancouver, All Together Now.

During the pre-production process, I helped create a moodboard by providing a verbal description of how I envisioned the documentary would look, suggesting the idea of letting the collection tell the collector’s story. I also created some sketches for the storyboard, and helped put a storyboard together.

My storyboard sketches (Full storyboard here)

During the filming process, I took the interviewer role for day one of filming with a list of questions we wanted the interviewee – the collector – to address. I helped handle the camera and collect b-roll.

Using Adobe AfterEffects and Premiere Pro, I took up the task of editing the introduction of the documentary. While editing the footage, I kept in mind our focus showing the collector’s personality through her collection and things in her apartment rather than through her physical appearance. With that in mind, I reminded my team members to show the collector’s face when she is more expressive. I also created the title card for the exercise records. A teammate had found inspiration online and wanted us to do something similar, but she did not know how. So I took on creating the motion graphics using what my teammate had in mind. The first iteration had a neon sign theme that I felt did not suit the documentary’s mood, so I created another based on one of the record covers owned by our designated collector.

Exercise record used as a reference for title motion graphics

For the final stages of making the film, I searched for music that could suit the film’s mood and compiled a list to give to my teammates to listen to. I put together all the sequences made by my teammates – requesting they make edits that I could not fix on my end – and inserted the music we had agreed on. I realized early on in my editing process that there would be issues with putting together the sequences with the music already inserted, so I asked my teammates to provide the video files without the music. By doing that it gave me more freedom to edit the music. As I was putting together the film, I did some additional colour correction and adjusted some of the timing of clips.

While working on this project I learned how to plan ahead, film under a tight schedule and share my concerns with my team regarding the project progress. I also learned how to apply some motion tracking effects to the introduction and how to edit audio levels so the resulting sound quality is good.

Title card for exercise records section

Theme by Joevy Leong, 2014-2016