Underland: New Contemporary Art Magazine
Featuring artwork by Camilla d'Errico and Audrey Kawasaki

Underland: New Contemporary Art Magazine

Fictional Magazine Design
Academic Individual Project

Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign

The goal of this project was to create your own magazine or redesign an existing one. Each student was to create a visual theme for their magazine and write a creative brief that helped guide their creative process. Students were to then design a nameplate, a cover and 5 interior spreads of their choice.

Below is a portion of my original creative brief explaining the editorial niche of my fictional magazine.

Underland is a quarterly Canadian contemporary art magazine. This print magazine targets those in the artist community, specifically those involved in artistic styles that are more aligned with pop surrealism. The purpose of this magazine is to inform readers of art related events and news, provide tips and techniques, and entertain. Underland will be a collectable art publication, serving as an art guide or a mini gallery.

This publication helps artists – emerging and established – to gain exposure in Canada, and for contemporary art aficionados to feast their eyes on the diverse creations from across the country. The magazine also focuses on sharing techniques and experiences, and providing inspiration for budding artists. Overall, the audience will consist of those who have an eye for aesthetics.

The content of the magazine includes interviews with artists, articles on upcoming exhibitions, reviews of art tools and product brands, and pages of colourful artwork. The magazine will feature artists from around the world, such as Camilla d’Errico, Kelly Haigh, Audrey Kawasaki, Angelina Wrona and many more.

The style of the magazine is sophisticated yet quirky to represent the clash of popular culture and traditional art. The magazine will bring life to the wildly imaginative worlds crafted by the artists and prompt readers to explore their own imagination. It may visually appear sweet and feminine at times but there may be an underlying shadow underneath. The visual style of this magazine will be similar to whimsical imagery of Hi­Fructose magazine. Like how covers of Hi­Fructose and Juxtapoz magazine prominently feature a piece of artwork from one of the featured artists, the covers of Underland will be similar. The magazine will act as a blank canvas while featured artists and stories add the colour and personality to the overall issue.

Alternative Interior Article Spread

Theme by Joevy Leong, 2014-2016