
If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies at Simon Fraser University in the fields of forest hydrology and water quality please contact me at jleach@sfu.ca.


GEOG 311 - Introduction to Hydrology

GEOG 411 - Advanced Hydrology

GEOG 606 - Research Design and Analytical Techniques in Physical Geography


My research broadly aims to improve process-based understanding of hydrologic systems to model and predict how these systems respond to climatic and land use changes. This research is critical for developing effective strategies for managing and protecting water resources and aquatic ecosystems in British Columbia and beyond. Specifically, my research focuses on three complementary themes within hydrology: 1) stream temperature processes, 2) integrated fluvial sciences, and 3) hydrologic response to cumulative effects across spatial scales.


Hassan, M.A., L. Roberge, M. Church, M. More, S.D. Donner, J.A. Leach and F. Ali. In press. What are the contemporary sources of sediment in the Mississippi River? Geophysical Research Letters.

Campeau, A., K. Bishop, M. Billett, M. Garnett, H. Laudon, J.A. Leach, M. Nilsson, M. Öquist and M. Wallin. In press. Aquatic export of young dissolved and gaseous carbon from a pristine boreal fen: implications for peat carbon stock stability. Global Change Biology.

Leach, J.A. and R.D. Moore. 2017. Insights on stream temperature processes through development of a coupled hydrologic and stream temperature model for forested coastal headwater catchments. Hydrological Processes 31:3160-3177. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11190

Leach, J.A., W. Lidberg, L. Kuglerová, A. Peralta-Tapia, A. Âgren and H. Laudon. 2017. Evaluating topography-based predictions of shallow lateral groundwater discharge zones for a boreal lake-stream system. Water Resources Research 53:5420-5437. DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019804

Leach, J.A., D.H. Olson, P.D. Anderson, and B.N.I. Eskelson. 2017. Spatial and seasonal variability of forested headwater stream temperatures in western Oregon, USA. Aquatic Sciences 79:291--307. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-016-0497-9

Leach, J.A., A. Larsson, M.B. Wallin, M.B. Nilsson, and H. Laudon. 2016. Twelve-year interannual and seasonal variability of stream carbon export from a boreal peatland catchment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121:1851-1866. DOI: 10.1002/2016JG003357

Leach, J.A. and R.D. Moore. 2015. Observations and modeling of hillslope throughflow temperatures in a coastal forested catchment. Water Resources Research 51: 3770--3795. DOI: 10.1002/2014WR016763

Brown, S.M., R.M. Petrone, L. Chasmer, C. Mendoza, M.S. Lazerjan, S.M. Landhauser, U. Silins, J.A. Leach, and K.J. Devito. 2014. Atmospheric and soil moisture controls on evapotranspiration from above and within a Western Boreal Plain aspen forest. Hydrological Processes 28:4449-4462. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9879

Moore, R.D., J.A. Leach, and J.M. Knudson. 2014. Geometric calculation of view factors for stream surface radiation modelling in the presence of riparian forest. Hydrological Processes 28:2975-2986. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9848

Leach, J.A. and R.D. Moore. 2014. Winter stream temperature in the rain-on-snow zone of the Pacific Northwest: influences of hillslope runoff and transient snow cover. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18:819-838. DOI: 10.5194/hess-18-819-2014

Leach, J.A., R.D. Moore, S.G. Hinch and T. Gomi. 2012. Estimation of harvesting-induced stream temperature changes and bioenergetic consequences for cutthroat trout in a coastal stream in British Columbia, Canada. Aquatic Sciences 74(3): 427-441. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-011-0238-z

Redding, T., S. Lapp, and J. Leach. 2012. Natural disturbance and post-disturbance management effects on selected watershed values. Journal of Ecosystems and Management 13(1):1-14.

Leach, J.A. and R.D. Moore. 2011. Stream temperature dynamics in two hydrogeomorphically distinct reaches. Hydrological Processes 25(5): 679-690. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7854

Leach, J.A. and R.D. Moore. 2010. Above-stream microclimate and stream surface energy exchanges in a wildfire-disturbed riparian zone. Hydrological Processes 24(17): 2369-2381. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7639

Leach, J.A. and R.D. Moore. 2008. Stream temperature response to riparian wildfire: lessons from Fishtrap Creek. Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin 12(1): 11-16.


Robert C Brown Hall 7228
Department of Geography
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6