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Final Video

Illuminaut - A Kinetic Sculpture


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Final Improvements

  • MDF panels swapped to galvanized steel panels to reduce weight
  • Square base swapped for a galvanized steel plated hex base
  • Weights added to string ends
  • Bolt added to house light


For our final, we attempted to add a bolt to add yet another degree of freedom to our sculpture (to create a vertical translation of the light), however two attempts to 3D print a matching bolt, we still have yet to have create a smooth mechanism. In the end, we decided just to include it as housing for the light. From our experiement with the bolt, we learned that 3D printing, while convenient for custom parts, it may not come out exactly as planned, in our case, lower res and not enough space for the 3D parts to fit together. In the future, many attempts or more accurate 3D models may be needed.