

In this project we were all responsible for all aspects of the project. I contributed on ideation of the project during the phases, sketching down and assessing the ideas presented as physical construction of the project. I also helped with gathering of materials for the physical prototype and making some content for poster/website. During the final phase I helped create the views on the modeling such as the explosion view.


I handled most of the design conceptualization (in terms of form) and most of the physical prototyping, as well as the media towards the end. During Phase I, I was responsible for ideation and sketching, as well as initial digital models. Our first phase consisted of paper forms and determining how to translate the mechanism into Solidworks. Using sketches and primitive physical prototypes to work with and communicate to Glen as we modeled.

In Phase II, we explored the screw mechanism, I was mainly responsible for building the physical prototype to test the core mechanism. Working with Janine, we built out the rest of the initial prototype as Glen mirrored in digital modelling.

During Phase III and after the desk crit, I was still mainly responsible for building prototypes using final materials. Designing initial forms that were refined digitally by Glen and Janine, then assembling and refining from the initial.

For the final, I put together the media aspects (website/posters/video/presentation) from assets created by Glen and Janine.


My main role for part of the project was Solidworks creation and refinement. I was also the main file preparer for 3D printing and lasercutting, by converting files and confirming which files needed to be cut. In Phase I, I helped with editing, refining, and rendering the earlier Solidworks models. In Phase II, I was also in charge of Solidworks modelling, by modelling while the other members created the physical model. I also helped create and maintain configuration differences and taught the other group members to follow the Configuration Manager workflow.

In Phase III, I took a more subrole in Solidworks modelling, though I started and refined some of the models for later use. This was the Phase where 3D printing and laser cutting started, where I had many correspondence with the lab technicians. I also coded and implemented the Arduino code into the project so that it can respond to light.


In this project, some of the main roles I was involved in were designing presentation slides, Solidworks creation, and content. In Phase I, I drew the final sketches of our ideas based on Janelynn's sketches and created presentation slides to clearly communicate our idea to the class. In Phase II, I worked with Janelynn to make the physical prototype functional. I also made motion studies of our prototype and created presentation slides again. In Phase III, I mainly created the Solidworks models for our prototype with Glen and Dennis. Also, I helped Glen preparing and converting files from Solidworks for laser cutting. For the final, I rendered images with Glen and helped with any minor fixes to the physical prototype.

We learned a lot about prototyping, iterating, 3D modelling, production methods and the design process as a whole. Overall the project was interesting, but we wish the course had consisted of making our product more purposeful, such as a product for an industry or company. This would have been more relevant to learning about product families and fabrication methods used in the real world.