Accessing Articles Using J-Stor:

A Brief Primer


There are two ways to access articles available electronically.  One is to go directly to J-Stor and search there.  That works just fine if the article is stored at J-Stor.  However, it might be stored elsewhere.  If you cannot find it on J-Stor, do the following:


(I use a PC—if there is a problem with these generic instructions when it comes to using a Mac (or, for that matter, a PC!) please let me know.)


1.     Go to the library website:


2.     Click on “journals and data bases”


3.     Click on “P” in the alphabet offered


4.     Scroll down for “Philosophers’ Index.”  Click on “connect” and log-in as required.


5.     Search for the article you want, using “advanced search.”  Narrow your search to speed things up.


6.     Click on “where can I get this?” when you’ve found the article you want.


7.     Follow the link!  If the file you access is not pdf, there is often another link you can follow. 


1.     When you are where you want to be, select “save as” from the “File” tab, and save the article to your hard drive.  Keep in mind copyright considerations.


2.     Let me know well in advance of class if you are having a problem.