Simon Fraser University Surrey



Aerial photo of Central City, Surrey, BC, home of SFU's Graduate Computing Arts and Design Science Programme
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Curriculum Vitae
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SFU - Surrey  

Here's a short version of my curriculum vitae. For academics, these documents run on the long side. So to save you from terminal exhaustion over the minutae of my professional being, the version below is condensed. You can also access a complete, unexpurgated version.

Employment History:

Professor - Interdisciplinary: Simon Fraser University - Surrey, BC, Canada (September, 1999 to present). Director of the EC3 Lab and Graduate Programme admissions chair. Prime teaching responsibilities include history of technology and culture, social informatics, new communication technologies and policies.  Research interests have centered in several are: new media, technology and policy; communication of technical information; minorities and new media; and public opinion.

Associate Professor - Communications: University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 (January, 1981 to 1998; assistant professor, September, 1974, to December, 1980). On sabbatical leave September, 1982 through August, 1983: Visiting Senior Lecturer, National Institutes for Higher Education (now Dublin City University), Dublin, Ireland; Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, NSW, Australia, January - April, 1988. Adjunct, UW Department of Technical Communication (1996 to 2000).

Assistant Professor Journalism and Director of the Communication Program: The University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58201 (September 1970 to August 1974).

Assistant to the Director, Information Services: National Assessment of Educational Progress, 822 Lincoln Tower, 1860 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80203 (May, 1969, to September, 1970, full-time; part-time, January to April, 1969).

Research Associate: Science Research Associates, 259 East Erie Street, Chicago, Illinois (June to September, 1966; June to September, 1963, as a summer intern).

Instructor: Agency for International Development, Communication Seminars, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (June, 1969).

Major Related Experience:

Pacific Advanced Communications Consortium (PACC). Co-chair, Higher Education Group (1994-5). PACC is a Pacific Northwest consortium of higher education and telecommunications industries (in British Columbia, Washington and Oregon).

Washington State Legislature, Telecommunications Subcommittee, "Encryption and Digital Signature Standards" February, 1995.

Discussant, Weyerhauser Corporation seminar on new media and the role ofpaper products. February, 1994.

Researcher and Consultant, Mayor's Committee on the Status of Women and Minorities: Hate Crimes Study. October-July, 1990-91.

Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Charles Sturt University (Australia), College of Communication and Liberal Studies, January-April, 1988.

Participant, Annenberg Washington Faculty Workshop on Telecommunications Policy, June, 1986.

Participant, Gannett Foundation Seminar on Newspapers and New Technology, New York City, May, 1986.

Participant and Panelist, 3rd International Information Societies Conference, Tokyo, Japan (September, 1983)

External Examiner, University of Northern Ireland (then, Ulster Polytechnic Institution) Communications Programme, Belfast, Northern Ireland. March-April, 1983.

Consultant and Contractor, Union Carbide Corporation Nuclear Division, concerning communication of technical information to lay audiences (September, 1977 to June, 1978).

Participant, International Conference on Telecommunications Policies, Tokyo, Japan (May-June, 1978).

Speaker and seminar leader, General Telephone and Electronics Corp. Executive Leadership Conference (April, 1978).

Co-organizer, Information Societies Conferences, Battelle Institutes-UW School of Communications (December, 1977, March, 1979)

Consultant, USOE Urban information Needs Project (1975 to 1977); Co-Investigator, 1974. School of Communications, University of Washington.

Consultant, Weyerhaeuser Company. Research services information system development research (1974-75).


Doctor of Philosophy (Communication), Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (December, 1971).

Master of Science (Communication), Newhouse School of Public Communication, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York (August, 1965).

Bachelor of Arts, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY (June, 1964).

Professional Associations, Offices Held, Honoraries:

American Association for Public Opinion Research (member of technical standards committee, 1977-80)

Pacific Advanced Communications Consortium (PACC). Co-Director (1995 to present); chair, Higher education committee (1994-5)

Association for Education in Journalism (vice chairman of public relations division research committee, 1978-9; reviewer, Journalism Quarterly; member: theory & methodology; and new information technologies divisions.)

Public Relations Society of America (accredited member, 1977-; accreditation examiner, 1978; editorial reviewer, Public Relations Quarterly).

International Communication Association (editorial reviewer, advisory board member & critic, Journal of Communication; Human Communication Review; member information systems, political communication and new information technologies divisions); Convention coordinator (1985) for Communications Technologies Div. special programs

Editorial Reviewer, Communication Research.

American Association of University Professors (Board Member, U. Washington Chapter, 1979-80)

Papers and Publications: Many research papers, book chapters and journal publications (about 40). Recent works include:

Bowes, John E. “Communication and Community Development for Health Information: Constructs and Models for Evaluation.” Conference on Evaluating Public Health Interventions for Rural Communities, National Network of Libraries of Medicine

Bowes, John E. “The Satellite Home Viewing Act: The Clash of Public Technologies with Private Rights.” Paper presented to the Communication Technologies and Policy Division, Association for Journalism and Mass Communications

Bowes, John E. "Out of the Closet and Into the Marketplace: Meeting Basic Needs in the Gay Community." In Gays, Lesbians and Consumer Behavior: Theory, Practice and Research Issues in Marketing (ed. Daniel L. Warlow) Haworth Press., 1966 pp. 219-244.

Bowes, John E. and Scott Elliott "Immaculate Reception: Birth and Development of High Definition Television in the U.S." Technical Communication, Spring 1994.

Bowes, John E. and Scott Elliott "Tradition, Confusion and Multimedia: Developing New Standards from Old Industrial Roots," New Telecom Quarterly, Fall (part I) and Winter (part 2), 1993-94. This article was selected for republication by The International Engineering Consortium, Annual Review of Communications, 47: 1993-94, pp. 548-557.

"Tales from the Crypt: Escrow Encryption Systems and Privacy." ASIS (Assoc. Grad. Students in Library and Info. Science), Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences, University of Washington, October, 1994.

Author/Co-author of several books, including:

Bowes, John E. Merging on the Information Highway: New Technologies and Old Media

Industries (in development). Anticipated completion date, 1997.

Stamm, Keith R., and John E. Bowes The Mass Communication Process: A Behavioral and Social Perspective. Dubuque: Kendall-Hunt, 1990, rev. 1992.

Edelstein, Alex, John E. Bowes and Sheldon Harsel. Information Societies: Comparing the Japanese and American Experience, U. of Washington Press, 1978.


Last Modified October, 1999
Photo by Rick Ells, copyright 1996
University of Washington C&C
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