mcl.jit object library

mcl.jit is a library of external objects for Max/MSP/Jitter developed in the Multimedia Communications Lab at SFU, under the New Media Initiative grant funded by NSERC and CCA (STPGP 350740). The software is provided without any warranty, expressed or implied, and is free for academic and non-commercial use. If you use the software in your research, please cite the corresponding references.

Live video frame rate control testbed - The following Max/MSP/Jitter patches implement the two frame rate control methods studied in the letter referenced below. To fully reproduce the testbed, please also download one of the scalable codecs listed in the next section.


Scalable video coding - The following objects are an implementation of a well-known SPIHT algorithm for scalable coding. Two versions are available, one without arithmetic coding (called mcl.jit.spihtbin*), the other with arithmetic coding (called mcl.jit.spihtarit*). The arithmetic coding version is slightly slower, but has better compression performance. Sample patches are included with each version.


Scalable video coding with Region Of Interest (ROI) support - These objects combine SPIHT coding with Region Of Interest (ROI) coding. This is accomplished by the up-shifting of subband/wavelet coefficient bitplanes, similar to the ROI coding by scaling in JPEG2000. A demo patch is provided to illustrate ROI coding coupled with face detection.
