Silently leaping from building to building, the mysterious cyborg ninja Bolt Runner explores the city, making his rounds on petty villains and criminal masterminds alike. Armed with the deadly power of Bolts, you must leap from building to building while keeping up your Energy in order to charge into villains and eradicate their evil from the world.


Keep on Bolting

To keep Bolt Runner on the go, navigate through the city and pick up energy and powerups to give you enough juice to let you Bolt. Bolting lets you destroy obstacles and enemies, but only if you have the energy to do so! Keep the city safe at night with your Bolt attack, smash into enemies and deliver Justice to finish them all off!

How to play

Navigate through the cityscape by tilting your mobile device to change direction. To jump, simply tap anywhere on the screen. To Bolt into enemies, tap on them. Delivering Justice requires you to tap and hold on the villain until they glow green.

The Powerups

The Energy Powerup

This gives you the energy necessary to Bolt into enemies, destroy obstacles and execute Justice! Be careful to only attack enemies when your energy meter is filled!

The Justice Powerup

These powerups increase your Justice gauge by a block. Once the Justice bar is filled, you can deliver Justice to vanquish boss-type enemies! Always fight for justice!


Temporarily grants you a shield that will nullify or weaken enemy attacks! It only lasts a short while so don't be too dependent on it! The amount of damage blocked is proportionate to your Spots.


Accumulating these give your Bolts an extra punch! If you collect all 100 during a run, it will allow you to overcome your limits and unleash Mega Bolts for a short time.

Bolt Coin

Collecting coins allows you to purchase additional upgrades. Between missions. Save them up and unlock upgrades to your defenses, or gain a more powerful Bolt!