Phil 120: Introduction to Moral Philosophy
Spring 2005; Evan Tiffany

First Essay Assignment

Write on one of the following prompts:

1.  Compare and Contrast the level of autonomy present in the the Brave New World with that of our own society.  You will need to build your case by considering and responding to a counter-argument.

2.  Using the conceptual framework introduced in the textbook readings for week 3 ("Value" and the section of "Utilitarianism"), explicate and take a position on the debate between John "the Savage" and Mustafa Mond.

(Note:  at the bottom of this document is further commentary on each of these prompts.)


Due Dates Thesis Statement
Your essay must have a thesis statement.  The thesis statement must come at the top of your paper before your introductory paragraph. (click  for more information on thesis statements)

So, the start of your paper will look like this:

Tutorial leader; D1.0X

Title of Paper

Thesis statement:  Based on Singer’s moral principle, the parents of conjoined twins, Mary and Jodie, have a moral obligation to have the twins surgically separated.

    Now the paper begins with a very brief introductory paragraph followed by the body of the essay.  It is a good idea to repeat the thesis statement at some point in the introductory paragarph.

Comments/Hints on Prompts and Organization
Students always want to know which is easier.  There is never a straightforward answer to this, as it depends on the student.

For both prompts, remember:

Prompt 1
This prompt is more creative and provides the most flexibility.  The biggest challenge with this prompt will be focusing and organizing your paper.  Also, the thesis statement will be particularly important for this prompt.  The most straightforward thesis statement would be of the form: "We are more free [are no more free] than those in the Brave New World because..."  What comes after the 'because' will represent your own thinking on the nature of autonomy.

Prompt 2
This prompt is more straightforward.  You are simply to translate the debate that takes place between John and Mustafa Mond into the vocabulary and conceptual framework provided by the textbook reading on Value and Utilitarianism.  For example, Pojman interprets Mond as defending a "sensualist-hedonist" conception of value.  One could also read Mond as defending a particular type of utilitarianism.  You cannot try to summarize all aspects of the debate, so you will have to narrow your paper to just one of them.

It is essential for this paper that you: (a) explicate John's position, (b) explicate Mond's position, and (c) provide your own analysis.  You can either: agree with John, agree with Mond, or come up with a third option.  In providing your own analysis, you give reasons for your opinion.  It is probably best to structure your paper as such: (i) position you agree with, or agree with most, (ii) opposition's argument, (iii) response to opposition.  So, for example, if you were agreeing with John, you should first state John's case, then Mond's response, then provide reasons why Mond's argument is less compelling than John's.

To explicate a position is not simply to describe it very briefly; rather, it is to provide a detailed presentation and analysis.  In philosophy this almost always means providing an analysis of the reasoning behind the view.  So in explicating the John's or Mond's position, make sure to make their reasoning explicit.  This might require adding missing premises or making explicit assumption that are merely implicit in the actual dialogue in the book.

In explicating the debate, do not let the characters speak for themselves.  You do not want to simply quote from the book.  Rather, you want to redescribe the positions in your own words, using the terminology provided in the textbook readings.