Phil 120: Intro to Moral Philosophy
Spring 2005; Evan Tiffany
Formal Requirements
The paper must be typed, double-spaced, with reasonable margins (1”-1.5”)
and font-size (11-12).
The paper should be around 2 pages (maximum of 750 words). Please
staple all your pages together.
You must include your name, the name of your teaching assistant, and your
tutorial number. You do not need a cover page.
Your introductory paragraph must contain a thesis statement, which you
should underline.
Due: in tutorial, week 4 (Jan. 30-Feb. 2).
You must have your paper submitted to by the end of
week 4.
Make sure you have read and understand the plagiarism
Select one of the following articles:
“Stop Him Before He Votes”; available through online reserves.
“Two Cheers for Sweatshops”; available through online reserves. (can also
“Ed Schools vs. Education”; available through online reserves.
“The two-step to two-tier”; available through online reserves.
Nozick, “The Experience Machine,” in Ethical Theory: A Concise
Write a short essay in which you: (i) reconstruct the author’s argument,
and (ii) critique the argument.
Note: you want to focus on uncovering the underlying moral
principle(s) assumed or appealed to by the author. That should be
the focus of your critique.
Note: critique does not necessarily mean reject. Perhaps you will
agree with the author, in which case, you should consider how a reasonable
critic would criticize the argument and then respond to that criticism.