D50 Astrophotography Page
This page will be directed
primarily at displaying images taken with my Nikon D50 DSLRs. I have
two D50 DSLRs, one is unmodified, while the other has the IR blocking
filter removed. I am extremely happy with these two cameras and I
consider them to be superior at astrophotography, compared to any other
sensor size, DSLRs available at this time (June 2006).
***NEW*** Click here to read my D50 FAQ.
Nikon D50 Images:

M101 2 x 30min @ ISO 800. Modded D50 (IR filter removed)
Taken with a 10" F6.3 OTA @F7, with a Baader MPCC.
May 29 2006. Click on the link for a high-res image.

M13 taken with a modified Nikon D50 (IR filter removed). a stack of
two images (30min + 2min) @ ISO200 which were also deconvolved
(RL2 15 0). Taken through a 10" F6.3SCT OTA @F7, on an EQ-6
Skyscan mount on May 28 2006, at Portal Arizona (ASV), with
Baader MPCC. The image was cropped to re-centre

M13 - Stack of 1012sec + 853sec + 1666sec = 59:31 (all mode 3)
Dark subtracted and digitally stretched in IRIS with visualization
settings of 2048 0 and deconvolution (RL2 15 0). The 3 images
aligned and stacked in RegiStar. Meade 10" F10 SCT @ F11
on a EQ-6 Skyscan, autoguided via a Mx716 and a Lumicon OAG,
with a Lumicon Coma Corrector. Taken at Portal, Arizona (ASV),
May 20 2006. Click on the image for a high-res version.

M22 - Modded
(No IR Filter) D50 Single 1800sec image at ISO200,
scope and
guiders details as above. Dark subtracted and digitally
developed,and converted to Jpeg in IRIS. Colour balance is
the camera. Click on the image for a high-res

M8 and M20. Unmodded D50. 699.3sec (Had to end exposure due to
twilight!) with a Nikkor 300 f4.5 (non-ED), ISO 800. Mode 3 with
subtraction, black point set, colour balanced, and digitally
in IRIS. Click on the image for a high-res version.

***NEW*** M8 and M20. Unmodded D50. 7 -600sec
(total 70min) with a Nikkor 300 f4.5 (non-ED), ISO 800. Automated
Mode 3 with dark
subtraction, median combined, black point set,
colour balanced, and digitally developed
in IRIS. Click on the image
for a high-res version.

***NEW*** In response to some constructive criticism, I reworked
the previous image (above) by using an arithmetic stacking routine
plus a more aggressive digital stretching. I also boosted the colour via
the saturation slider. Unmodded D50. 7 -600sec
(total 70min) with a Nikkor 300 f4.5 (non-ED), ISO 800. Automated
Mode 3 with dark
subtraction. Click on the image for a high-res
***NEW*** Click here to download a 7 image (acquired via
automated 'mode 3') DRIZZLE
stack of
M8 and M20 taken with
the above setup. Caution:
this image is 1.7megabytes and opens
up to a 4000x6000 pixel size!

M8. IR modded D50. 2 x 30min exposures with a 10" F6.3 OTA @F7,
with a Baader MPCC.
Dark subtracted, digitally developed, colour
balanced (crudely) anddeconvolved (RL2 10
0) in IRIS. May 29 2006
at Portal Arizona (ASV). Click on the image for a
high-res version.

M20. IR modded D50. A single 30min exposure with a 10" F6.3 OTA @F7,
with a Baader MPCC.
Dark subtracted, digitally developed, colour
balanced and deconvolved (RL2 10
0) in IRIS. May 29 2006 at
Portal Arizona (ASV). Click on the image for a
high-res version.
for more information about my telescope and mount setup, please refer
to the main index page: