About me

I am a postdoctoral fellow at California Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Stuart . I work on the theory and applications of the Bayesian framework for solution of inverse problems.

I received my Ph.D. in Applied and Computational Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University under the supervision of Profs. John Stockie and Nilima Nigam.

My research interests lie at the intersection of applied mathematics, probability and statistics. Broadly speaking, I work on the analysis, development and application of methods for estimating parameters and quantifying uncertainty. I am particularly interested in the Bayesian approach for solution of inverse problems. My interest in this field stems from industrial projects in atmospheric dispersion and focused ultrasound treatment.


-December 9, 2017
I will be moving to Pasadena, CA to begin my postdoc position at Caltech. Addresses on this page will be updated very soon.
-October 27, 2017
Ph.D. Defense.
-July 12, 2017
I received the SIAM student paper prize for "Well-posed Bayesian inverse problems: priors with exponential tails."

Curriculum vitae

You can download my full CV here.


Bamdad Hosseini, Simon Fraser University, Department of Mathematics, 8888 University dr, Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5A 1S6.

My desk is in TASC2-8500.

Find me online

Email: bhossein [at] sfu [dot] ca
My Google Scholar page.