Abraham P. Punnen
- A. P. Punnen, Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory, (under preparation, Draft version available, 2024)
- A. P. Punnen, Introduction to Linear Algebra, (under preparation, Draft version available, 2023)
- A.P. Punnen, Introduction to Linear Programming, (under preparation, Draft version available, 2023)
- A.P. Punnen, (editor), The Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization Problem: Theory,
Algorithms, and applications. Springer 2022
- G. Gutin and A.P. Punnen, (editors), The Traveling Salesman problem
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002
Book Chapters
- A. P. Punnen, Introduction to QUBO, in Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, A. P. Punnen (ed.), Springer, 2022
- A. P. Punnen and R. Sotirov, Mathematical Programming Models and Exact Algorithms, in Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, A. P. Punnen (ed.), Springer, 2022.
- E. Cela and A. P. Punnen, Complexity and Polynomially Solvable Special Cases of QUBO, in Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, A. P. Punnen (ed.), Springer, 2022.
- A. P. Punnen, Fast Heuristics and Approximation Algorithms, in Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, A. P. Punnen (ed.), Springer, 2022.
- A. P. Punnen, The bipartite QUBO, in Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, A. P. Punnen (ed.), Springer, 2022.
- B. Woods, G. Kochenberger, and A. P. Punnen, QUBO software, in Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, A. P. Punnen (ed.), Springer, 2022.
- K. Malladi, S. Mitrovic-Minic, D. Karapetyan, and A. P. Punnen, Satellite Constellation Image Acquisition Problem: A
Case Study, in Space Engineering: Modelling and Optimization with Case Studies, G. Fasano and J. D. Pinter (eds.), Springer, 2016.
- D. Karapetyan, S. Mitrovic-Minic, K. T. Malladi and A. P. Punnen, The satellite downlink scheduling problem: A case study of RADARSAT-2.
Chap. 21 in Optimum Decision Making: Case studies of realistic applications, K.G. Murty (ed.), Springer (2015) 497–516.
- D. Karapetyan and A. P. Punnen, An Integer Programming Model for the Ferry Scheduling
Problem, Chapter 22 in Optimum Decision Making: Case studies of realistic applications, K.G. Murty (ed.), Springer (2015) 513--534.
- A. P. Punnen, P. Sripratak, and D. Karapetyan, Domination analysis of algorithms for bipartite boolean quadratic programs, Springer LNCS 8070, 271--282, 2013.
- Q. Han and A. P. Punnen, On the Approximability of Vertex Cover and Related Problems, AAIM 2010 Weihai, China, Springer LNCS 6124, 161-169, 2010.
- J. B. Orlin, A.P. Punnen and A. Schulz, Integer programming: Optimization and evaluation are equivalent. Book chapter, Springer LNCS, Proceedings of WADS 2009.
- S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, Anti-stalling pivot rule for linear programs with totally unimodular coefficient matrix, Book Chapter in, Mathematical Programming and Game Theory for Decision Making, S. K. Neogy, R. B. Bapat, A. K. Das and T. Parthasarathy (editors), World Scientific Press, 2008.
- R.K. Ahuja, O. Ergun, J.B. Orlin, and A.P. Punnen, Very Large Scale Neighborhood Search: Theory,
Algorithms and Applications, Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics , T. Gonzalez
(ed), CRC Press, 2007.
- A.P. Punnen, Computational Complexity, Appendix In The traveling salesman problem and its
variations Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
- A. Lodi and A.P. Punnen, TSP Software, In The traveling Salesman Problem and its variations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2002).
- S.N. Kabadi and A.P. Punnen, The Bottleneck Traveling Salesman
Problem, In The Traveling Salesman Problem and its
variations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2002).
- A.P. Punnen, The traveling salesman problem: Formulations, Applications and Variations, In The traveling Salesman Problem and its variations, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, (2002).
- R.K. Ahuja, O. Ergun, J.B. Orlin, A.P. Punnen, Very large scale neighborhood search,
in Discrete Optimization: The state of the art, E Bores and Hammer PL (eds)
Journal Special issues edited
- A.P. Punnen and R. Sotirov (editors) Quadratic Combinatorial Optimization Problems,
Special issue of Discrete Optimization Elsevier 2022.
- G. Gutin and A.P. Punnen (editors) Variations of the Traveling salesman
problem, Special issue of Discrete Optimization Elsevier 2005.
- A.P. Punnen and P. Sharma (editors) Combinatorial Optimization, Special issue of Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, Hindawi 2005.
- G. Gutin and A.P. Punnen (editors) Foundations of Heuristics in Combinatorial
Optimization, Special issue of Discrete Applied
Mathematics, Elsevier 2002.
- A.P. Punnen (editor), Traveling Salesman Problem, Special issue of Computers and
Operations Research, Pergamon 26 (1999).
- A.P. Punnen, Local search in Combinatorial Optimization by Emile Aarts and J K Lenstra (eds)
- A.P. Punnen, Interactive Operations Research with MAPLE, by M. Parlar, INFOR 40 (2002)
- A.P. Punnen Postoptimal Analysis, Parametric Programming and Related topics by Thomas
Gal, Interfaces, 1997.
- A.P. Punnen Interior point approach to linear, quadratic, and convex programs
by D. den Hertog, Interfaces 25 (1995) 132-133.