BUEC 333 - Term Project


This handout states what I would like you to do regarding the term project for BUEC 333. You will get a fair project grade provided that you fulfill all the requirements stated below. You will be penalized only for a bad interpretation of the results, not for bad statistical results.

The deadline for submission of the project is Thursday of the last week of classes. There are absolutely no extensions.

The project will comprise of a 5 - 7 pages (single-spaced) report (please type) on your findings according to the format stated in the Project Outline. (Include computer output as an appendix and do not count this as part of the 5-7 pages.) The computer output will be discussed in tutorials, so be there. You may find the following references helpful:

1. Multiple regression Ch. 13
2. Model Building Section 14.1
3. Specification Bias Section 14.5
4. t-test and misc. Section 12.8
5. F-test Section 13.7
6. Standard Assumptions Section 13.3
7. Multicollinearity Section 14.6
8. Heteroskedasticity

- LM test

Section 14.7
9. Autocorrelation

- Durbin-Watson test

Section 14.8

Project Outline

A. Introduction

B. Data Definitions and Sources

C. Statistical Results and hypothesis testing

D. Statistical Analysis

E. Conclusion

Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q. Some students do not know the deadline.

A. The deadline for the project is the last Wednesday of classes, absolutely no extensions permitted.

Q. For autocorrelation, one way to check is the visual inspection. However plots a and b in the book (checking autocorrelation) are hard to tell apart for rho =0 and rho=0.3. Is that a mistake or basically visual inspection is not that reliable after all?

A. Yes, visual inspection for autocorrelation is not very reliable.

There are more FAQ's on the FAQ web page.

Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management (CANSIM)