Tiebout and Redistribution in a Model of Residential and Political Choice

Anke Kessler and Christoph Lülfesmann, SFB-Discussion Paper No. A-666, revised version 2002

Keywords: Local Public Goods, Migration, Fiscal Federalism
JEL--Classification: H71, H73


The paper considers a multi-community model with freely mobile individuals  which differ (a) in  their incomes and (b) their tastes for a local public good. In  each jurisdiction, the amount of  public services is determined  by majority vote of the inhabitants, and local spending is financed by a  residence-based  linear income tax. in making their residential and political choice,  individuals thus face a trade-off between the provisionary and  redistributive effects of policies. We show that Tiebout-like sorting equilibria exist  in this framework.  If the spread in tastes among individuals is very large, an almost  perfect sorting according to preferences merges; otherwise,  stratification into rich and poor communities  is more  pronounced.  Finally, we demonstrate that sorting equilibria even exist if  individuals are allowed to relocate after voting, which gives rise to tax competition aspects.


Copyright © Anke Kessler