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Interaction Design: Skype Redesign
  1. Tools Used: Paper prototypes / Adobe Illustrator
    School project: IAT201 Human-Computer Interaction & Cognition
    Team of six project
    Fall 2012

    Goal: The goal of this project was to choose a software interface, define its main problems and redesign its interface based on theories introduced in the course. We chose Skype and focused on increasing the efficiency and learnability of some functions for a better user experience.

    Process: After choosing Skype, we made affinity diagram in which each member had a chance to participate. From the affinity diagram we concluded that group calling is the main problem that requires attention. The next step was to create two prototypes and test them on people to determine which one is more efficient in eliminating the problem. I made sketches for one of the prototypes to present my ideas to the team and get suggestions to improve it. Meanwhile, I designed an improved prototype, Prototype B, in Illustrator and it was tested and compared to Prototype A and the original Skype interface as well. To reduce bias, we chose participants from different ages, experience and educational backgrounds. The result showed that Prototype B is the easiest and most efficient due to the drag and drop function that requires less steps to complete a complex task. Finally, I designed the finalized the interface with all its functions and icons in Illustrator.

    My Main Roles: Making sketches, designing Prototype B in Illustrator and designing the final interface.

    Result: This project highlighted the importance of user testing in determining the efficiency of the presented design. Moreover, I became more aware of the importance of hierarchy, placements of buttons, layout, and proper interactivity while working on the interface.

    Click to watch a video about the interface

    You can download both prototypes (Processing):
    Drag and Drop Interface
    Actions Tab Interface

    The affinity diagram:

    Prototype B Sketches:

    Testing Results:

    The final design: