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Canadian Election Results by Party
1867 to 2021

Elected Members Number of Candidates Percentage of Popular Vote Percentage of Seats
2021 (Sept 20)  - Official Turnout: 62.5 % 

Liberal 160 338 32.6 % 47.3 %
Conservative 119 337 33.7 % 35.2 %
Bloc Québécois
32 78 7.6 % 9.5 %
New Democratic Party
25 338 17.8 % 7.4 %
Green Party 2 252 2.3 % 0.6 %
People's Party of Canada 0
 312 4.9 % 0.0 %
Other  0 355  1.1 % 0.0 %
Total 338 2,010    
Government--160, Opposition--178, Minority--18
Elected Members Number of Candidates Percentage of Popular Vote Percentage of Seats
2019 (Oct 21)  - Official Turnout: 67.0 % 

Liberal 157 338 33.1 % 46.4 %
Conservative 121 338 34.3 % 35.8 %
New Democratic Party 24 338 16.0 % 7.1 %
Bloc Québécois  32 78 7.6 % 9.5 %
Green Party 3 336 6.5 % 0.9 %
People's Party of Canada 0
 315 1.6 % 0.0 %
Other  1 403  2.5% 0.0 %
Total 338 2,146    
Government--157, Opposition--181, Minority--24
Elected Members Number of Candidates Percentage of Popular Vote Percentage of Seats
2015 (Oct 19)  - Official Turnout: 68.3 % 
View Detailed Results of 2015 Elections
Liberal 184 338 39.5 % 54.4 %
Conservative 99 338 31.9 % 29.3 %
New Democratic Party 44 338 19.7 % 13.0 %
Bloc Québécois  10 78 4.7 % 3.0 %
Green Party 1 336 3.4 % 0.3 %
Other  0 364 0.8 % 0.0 %
Total 338 1,792    
Government--184, Opposition--154, Majority--30
2011 (May 2)  - Official Turnout: 61.1 % 
View Detailed Results of 2011 Elections
Conservatives 166 307 39.6 % 53.9 %
New Democratic Party 103 308 30.6 % 33.4 %
Liberal 34 308 18.9 % 11.0 %
Bloc Québécois  4 75 6.0 % 1.2 %
Green Party 1 304 3.9 % 0.3 %
Other  0 285 0.8 % 0.0 %
Total 308 1,587    
Government--166, Opposition--142, Majority--24
2008 (October 14)  - Official Turnout: 58.8 % 
View Detailed Results of 2008 Elections
Conservatives 143 307 37.6 % 46.4 %
Liberal  77 307 26.2 % 25.0 %
Bloc Québécois  49 75 10.0 % 15.9 %
New Democratic Party 37 308 18.2% 12.0 %
Green Party 0 303 6.8 % 0.0 %
Other  2 301 1.2 % 0.3 %
Total 308 1,601    
Government--143, Opposition--165, Minority--22
2006 (January 23)  - Official Turnout: 64.7 % 
View Detailed Results of 2006 Elections
Conservatives 124 308 36.3 % 40.3 %
Liberal  103 308 30.2 % 33.4 %
Bloc Québécois  51 75 10.5 % 16.6 %
New Democratic Party 29 308 17.5% 9.4 %
Green Party 0 308 4.5 % 0.0 %
Other  1 327 1.4 % 0.3 %
Total 308 1,634    
Government--124, Opposition--184, Minority--60
2004 (June 28)  - Official Turnout: 60.9 % 
View Detailed Results of 2004 Elections
Liberal  135 308 36.7 % 43.8 %
Conservatives 99 308 29.6 % 32.1 %
Bloc Québécois  54 75 12.4 % 17.5 %
New Democratic Party 19 308 15.7 % 6.2 %
Green Party 0 308 4.3 % 0.0 %
Other  1 378 1.4 % 0.3 %
Total 308 1,865    
Government--135, Opposition--173, Minority--38
2000 (November 27)  - Official Turnout: 61.2 %   Actual Turnout: 64.1% - see note**
View Detailed Results of 2000 Elections
Liberal  172 301 40.8 % 57.1 %
Canadian Alliance  66 298 25.5 % 21.9 %
Bloc Québécois  38 75 10.7 % 12.6 %
New Democratic Party  13 298 8.5 % 4.3 %
Progressive Conservative  12 291 12.2 % 4.0 %
Other  0 545 2.3 % 0.0 %
Total 301 1,808    
Government--172, Opposition--129, Majority--43
1997 (June 2) - Turnout: 67.0 %  
View Detailed Results of 1997 Elections
Liberal  155 301 38.5 % 51.5 %
Reform  60 227 19.4 % 19.9 %
Bloc Québécois  44 75 10.7 % 14.6 %
New Democratic Party  21 301 11.0 % 7.0 %
Progressive Conservative  20 301 18.8 % 6.6 %
Other  1 467 1.6 % 0.3 %
Total 301 1,672    
Government--155, Opposition--146, Majority--9
1993 (October 25) - Turnout: 69.6 %
Liberal  177 295 41.3 % 60.0 %
Bloc Québécois  54 75 13.5 % 18.3 %
Reform  52 207 18.7 % 17.6 %
New Democratic Party  9 294 6.9 % 3.1 %
Progressive Conservative  2 295 16.0 % 0.7 %
Other  1 989 3.6 % 0.3 %
Total 295 2,155    
Government--177, Opposition--118, Majority--59
1988 (November21) - Turnout: 75.3 %
Progressive Conservative  169 295 43.0 % 57.3 %
Liberal  83 294 31.9 % 28.1 %
New Democratic Party  43 295 20.4 % 14.6 %
Social Credit    9 0.03 % 0.0 %
Other    681 4.7 % 0.0 %
Total 295 1,574    
Government--169, Opposition--126, Majority--43
1984 (September 4) - Turnout: 75.3 %
Progressive Conservative  211 282 50.0 % 74.8 %
Liberal  40 282 28.0 % 14.2 %
New Democratic Party  30 282 18.8 % 10.6 %
Other  1 552 3.9 % 0.4 %
Social Credit    51 0.1 % 0.0 %
Total 282 1,449    
Government--211, Opposition--71, Majority--140
1980 (February 18) - Turnout: 69.3
Liberal  147 282 44.3 % 52.1 %
Progressive Conservative  103 282 32.5 % 36.5 %
New Democratic Party  32 282 19.8 % 11.3 %
Social Credit    84 1.7 % 0.0 %
Other    574 1.7 % 0.0 %
Total 282 1,504    
Government--147, Opposition--135, Majority--12
1979 (May 22) - Turnout: 75.7 %
Progressive Conservative  136 282 35.9 % 48.2 %
Liberal  114 282 40.1 % 40.4 %
New Democratic Party  26 282 17.9 % 9.2 %
Social Credit  6 103 4.6 % 2.1 %
Other    475 1.5 % 0.0 %
Total 282 1,424    
Government--136, Opposition--146, Minority--10
1974 (July 8) - Turnout: 71.0 %
Liberal  141 264 43.2 % 53.4 %
Progressive Conservative  95 264 35.4 % 36.0 %
New Democratic Party  16 262 15.4 % 6.1 %
Social Credit  11 152 5.1 % 4.2 %
Other  1 267 0.9 % 0.4 %
Total 264 1,209    
Government--141, Opposition--123, Majority--18
1972 (October 30) - Turnout: 76.7 %
Liberal  109 263 38.5 % 41.3 %
Progressive Conservative  107 264 35.0 % 40.5 %
New Democratic Party  31 251 17.7 % 11.7 %
Social Credit  15 166 7.6 % 5.7 %
Other  2 173 1.2 % 0.8 %
Total 264 1,117    
Government--109, Opposition--155, Minority--46
1968 (June 25) - Turnout: 75.7 %
Liberal  155 263 45.5 % 58.7 %
Progressive Conservative  72 263 31.4 % 27.3 %
New Democratic Party  22 263 17.0 % 8.3 %
Other  15 147 1.7 % 5.7 %
Social Credit    31   0.0 %
Total 264 967    
Government (Liberal / Liberal-Labour)--155, Opposition--109, Majority--46
1965 (November 8) - Turnout: 74.8 %
Liberal  131 265 39.8 % 49.4 %
Progressive Conservative  97 265 32.1 % 36.6 %
New Democratic Party  21 255 17.7 % 7.9 %
Other  11 140 5.8 % 4.2 %
Social Credit  5 86 3.6 % 1.9 %
Total 265 1,011    
Government (Liberal / Liberal-Labour)--131, Opposition--134, Minority--3
1963 (April 8) - Turnout: 79.2 %
Liberal  129 264 41.7 % 48.7 %
Progressive Conservative  95 265 32.9 % 35.9 %
Social Credit  24 224 11.9 % 9.1 %
New Democratic Party  17 232 13.1 % 6.4 %
Other    38 0.4 % 0.0 %
Total 265 1,023    
Government (Liberal / Liberal-Labour)--129, Opposition--136, Minority--7
1962 (June 18) - Turnout: 79.0 %
Progressive Conservative  116 265 37.3 % 43.8 %
Liberal  99 263 37.4 % 37.4 %
Social Credit  30 230 11.7 % 11.3 %
New Democratic Party  19 218 13.4 % 7.2 %
Other  1 40 0.2 % 0.4 %
Total 265 1,016    
Government--116, Opposition--149, Minority--33
1958 (March 31) - Turnout: 79.4 %
Progressive Conservative  208 265 53.7 % 78.5 %
Liberal  49 264 33.8 % 18.5 %
C.C.F.  8 169 9.5 % 3.0 %
Social Credit    82 2.6 % 0.0 %
Other    51 0.4 % 0.0 % %
Total 265 831    
Government--208, Opposition--57, Majority--151
1957 (June 10) - Turnout: 74.1 %
Progressive Conservative  112 256 39.0 % 42.3 %
Liberal  105 264 42.3 % 39.6 %
C.C.F.  25 162 10.8 % 9.4 %
Social Credit  19 114 6.6 % 7.2 %
Other  4 66 1.3 % 1.5 %
Total 265 862    
Government--112, Opposition--153, Minority--41
1953 (August 10) - Turnout: 67.5 %
Liberal  171 264 50.0 % 64.5 %
Progressive Conservative  51 248 31.0 % 19.2 %
C.C.F.  23 170 11.3 % 8.7 %
Social Credit  15 72 5.4 % 5.7 %
Other  5 143 2.3 % 1.9 %
Total 265 897    
Government (Liberal / Liberal-Labour)--171, Opposition--94, Majority--77
1949 (June 27) - Turnout: 73.8 %
Liberal  190 258 50.1 % 72.5 %
Progressive Conservative  41 250 29.7 % 15.6 %
C.C.F.  13 180 13.4 % 5.0 %
Social Credit  10 28 2.4 % 3.8 %
Other  8 132 4.4 % 3.1 %
Total 262 848    
Government (Liberal / Liberal-Labour)--190, Opposition--72, Majority--118
1945 (June 11) - Turnout: 75.3 %
Liberal  125 233 41.4 % 51.0 %
Progressive Conservative  67 203 27.7 % 27.3 %
C.C.F.  28 205 15.7 % 11.4 %
Social Credit  13 95 4.1 % 5.3 %
Other  12 216 11.1 % 4.9 %
Total 245 952    
Government--125, Opposition--120, Majority--5
1940 (March 26) - Turnout: 69.9 %
Liberal  178 244    
Progressive Conservative  39 213    
Social Credit  10 30    
Other  10 85    
C.C.F.  8 96    
Total 245 668    
Government (Liberal / Liberal-Progressive)--181, Opposition--64, Majority--117
1935 (October 14) - Turnout: 74.2 %
Liberal  171 244 44.4 % 69.8 %
Conservative  39 232 29.8 % 15.9 %
Social Credit  17   4.1 % 6.9 %
Other  11 297 12.8 % 4.5 %
C.C.F.  7 119 8.9 % 2.9 %
Total 245 892    
Government (Liberal / Liberal-Progressive)--173, Opposition--72, Majority--101
1930 (July 28) - Turnout: 73.5 %
Conservative  137 233 49 .0 % 55.9 %
Liberal  91 234 43.9 % 37.1 %
Other  17 79 7.1 % 6.9 %
Total 245 546    
Government--137, Opposition--108, Majority--29
1926 (September 14) - Turnout: 67.7 %
Liberal  116 220 43.6 % 47.3 %
Conservative  91 233 46.2 % 37.1 %
Other  38 77 10.2 % 15.5 %
Total 245 530    
Government (Liberal / Liberal-Progressive)--125, Opposition--120, Majority--5
1925 (October 29) - Turnout: 66.4 %
Conservative  116 234 46.6 % 47.3 %
Liberal  99 215 40.4 % 40.4 %
Other  30 130 13.0 % 12.2 %
Total 245 579    
Government--99, Opposition--146, Minority--47
1921 (December 6) - Turnout: 67.7 %
Liberal  116 202 40.7 % 49.4 %
Other Includes votes for the Progressive Party 69 225 29 .0 % 29.4 %
Conservative  50 208 30.3 % 21.3 %
Total 235 635    
Government--116, Opposition--119, Minority--3
1917 (December 17) - Turnout: 75.0 %
Conservative  153   57.0 % 65.1 %
Liberal  82   40.1 % 34.9 %
Other      2.9 % 0.0 %
Total 235 470    
Government--153, Opposition--82, Majority--71
1911 (September 21) - Turnout: 70.2 %
Conservative  133 215 51.2 % 60.2 %
Liberal  86 222 47.8 % 38.9 %
Other  2 26 1.0 % 0.9 %
Total 221 463    
Government--133, Opposition--88, Majority--45
1908 (October 26) - Turnout: 70.3 %
Liberal  133 216 50.6 % 60.2 %
Conservative  85 212 47.0 % 38.5 %
Other  3 31 2.4 % 1.4 %
Total 221 459    
Government--133, Opposition--88, Majority--45
1904 (November 3) - Turnout: 71.6 %
Liberal  139 211 52.5 % 65.0 %
Conservative  75 205 46.9 % 35.0 %
Other    28 0.7 % 0.0 %
Total 214 444    
Government--139, Opposition--75, Majority--64
1900 (November 7) - Turnout: 77.4 %
Liberal  132 207 52.0 % 62.0 %
Conservative  81 204 47.4 % 38.0 %
Other    25 0.6 % 0.0 %
Total 213 436    
Government--132, Opposition--81, Majority--51
1896 (June 23) - Turnout: 62.9 %
Liberal  118 193 45.1 % 55.4 %
Conservative  88 209 46.3 % 41.3 %
Other  7 61 8.6 % 3.3 %
Total 213 463    
Government--118, Opposition--95, Majority--23
1891 (March 5) - Turnout: 64.4 %
Conservative  123 217 52.0 % 57.2&
Liberal  92 192 46.4 % 42.8&
Other    27 1.6 % 0.0 %
Total 215 436    
Government--123, Opposition--92, Majority--31
1887 (February 22) - Turnout: 70.1 %
Conservative  123 209 50.7 % 57.2 %
Liberal  92 193 48.9 % 42.8 %
Other    37 0.4 % 0.0 %
Total 215 439    
Government--123, Opposition--92, Majority--31
1882 (June 20) - Turnout: 70.3 %
Conservative  139   53.4 % 66.2 %
Liberal  71   46.6 % 33.8 %
Other      0.1 % 0.0 %
Total 210 413    
Government--139, Opposition--71, Majority--68
1878 (September 17) - Turnout: 69.1 %
Conservative  137   53.2 % 66.5 %
Liberal  69   45.1 % 33.5 %
Other      1.7 % 0.0 %
Total 206 412    
Government--137, Opposition--69, Majority--68
1874 (January 22) - Turnout: 69.6%
Liberal  133   53.8 % 64.6 %
Conservative  73   45.4 % 35.4 %
Other      0.8 % 0.0 %
Total 206 364    
Government--133, Opposition--73, Majority--60
1872 (July 20 - October 12) - Turnout: 70.3 %
Conservative  103   49.9 % 51.5 %
Liberal  97   49.1 % 48.5 %
Other      0.9 % 0.0 %
Total 200 337    
Government--103, Opposition--97, Majority--6
1867 (August 7 - September 20) - Turnout: 73.1 %
Conservative  101   50 % 55.8 %
Liberal  80   49 % 44.2 %
Other      1 % 0.0 %
Total 181      
Government--101, Opposition--80, Majority--21

Source: Party Candidates & Votes: Library of Parliament; Turnout: Elections Canada. 2019 Election information: Elections Canada.

Notes: Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

**Note that the official voter turnout figure in 2000 is 61.2%, but that Elections Canada later realized that this was based on a voters' list that was artificially inflated by almost a million duplicate names.  The actual turnout figure is now estimated to be about 64.1%.  See the CBC News article about this updated information.



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Andrew Heard
Political Science Department  --  Simon Fraser university

© Copyright Andrew Heard 2005-2020