Sustainable Energy Engineering
Master of Engineering
The master of engineering (MEng) in sustainable energy engineering (SEE), offered through the Faculty of Applied Sciences, is a course-based, interdisciplinary program. The primary emphasis of the program is to couple fundamental engineering knowledge with critical policy, business, and environmental considerations relating to the sustainable provision, conversion, and use of energy. Through formal coursework and an integrated team-based project, MEng in sustainable energy engineering graduates will be equipped to assess, interpret, and communicate the complex trade-offs involved in the development, deployment, and use of clean energy technologies that address current energy needs without compromising the needs of future generations. Candidates will develop a strong interdisciplinary understanding of sustainable energy engineering and the intersecting and conflicting demands of policy, business, and environmental sustainability. Graduates will have demonstrated mastery of applying engineering tools to sustainable energy problems; analyzing energy engineering applications from diverse viewpoints; designing creative and inclusive solutions to energy engineering problems; and communicating risks, benefits, and trade-offs of alternative solutions to stakeholders.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the MEng program is competitive. Applicants must satisfy university admission requirements as stated in Graduate General Regulation 1.3 in the SFU Calendar, and have the following:
- An undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree in a relevant field of engineering; or
- A degree in a closely related field in the natural sciences and demonstrated substantive experience in the application of sustainable energy or environmental engineering principles;
Program Requirements
This program is comprised of a set of mandatory courses (19 units), elective courses (minimum eight units), and a team-based integrated project (six units, taken over two consecutive terms). Students who lack the necessary background knowledge may, at the discretion of the program chair, be asked to complete additional courses to ensure an adequate breadth of knowledge to successfully complete the full program requirements.
Students must complete
BUS 790
Lab to Market
Innovation management frameworks are introduced and applied to articulate value propositions, assess viability, and manage resources in the commercialization of science. The students will apply these frameworks to an invention within their own lab or a related interest.
BUS 793
Business Models
Develop alternate business models for commercializing an invention or a related technology. By the end of the course students will be able to recognize the key aspects and considerations of a business model.
SEE 770
Water, Energy and Food Nexus
Rapid population and economic growth in combination with accelerated urbanization and changing lifestyles are driving ever-increasing demands for water, energy, and food. All three sections are closely linked - 30% of global energy consumption is used for food production, which also takes up 70% of water consumption. Integrated policy and engineering solutions that simultaneously address the three nexus sectors are the focus of this course. It explores innovative technologies, engineering challenges, and supportive policy approaches. The overall scope of the course is international with a strong focus on Canadian applications. Students explore real-world problems through identification of innovative technological solutions.
SEE 771
Sustainable Energy Systems I
Students will develop the engineering knowledge base needed to analyze modern sustainable energy systems, including electrical power engineering, material sciences, and thermodynamics. Physical laws relevant to each engineering discipline will be introduced and analytical approaches will be developed for application to representative energy systems.
SEE 772
Sustainable Energy Systems II
Application of engineering principles from electrical engineering, material sciences, and thermodynamics to sustainable energy systems. Topics will include electrical energy production, sustainable buildings, smart grids, and low-carbon transportations. Prerequisite: SEE 771.
SEE 773
Sustainable Energy Policy
Writing intensive graduate course designed to examine one of the most pressing issues of our time: how to develop alternative and sustainable energy sources in the face of climate change. Students receive a technical introduction to how energy works, then moves to a historical perspective focusing on how petroleum-based economy has evolved, and what the future holds for it. Next, students review energy policy frameworks in economic, political, and regulatory terms. Students will learn how to write a policy brief or memo, using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Students with credit for POL 452W or POL 855 may not take this course for further credit.
and one of
SEE 820
Materials Design for Energy Systems
Modern engineering materials design for energy system applications. Predictive modelling and design implications applied to energy systems. Advanced theoretical and experimental investigations will be discussed to understand the methodologies for design of materials and machinery to be applied to the energy conversion. Corequisite: SEE 896 or SEE 897. Recommended: SEE 222.
SEE 821
Membranes and Filtration
Water usage and global water shortages; principles of membrane separation including microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis; physico-chemical criteria for separations and membrane materials; basic mass transport in mixed solute systems; polarization and fouling; prediction of membrane performance; operational issues, limitations, energy requirements and system configurations. Corequisite: SEE 896 or SEE 897. Recommended: SEE 224 and SEE 225.
and one of
REM 650
Energy Management for a Sustainable Climate and Society
Management strategies and policies to achieve sustainable flows of energy and materials in the economy. Eco-efficiency strategies reduce these flows while resource substitution strategies seek more environmentally benign flows. Applies expertise from economics, ecology, thermodynamics, engineering, geology and behavioral sciences. Students with credit for MRM 650 may not take this course for further credit.
REM 658
Research Methods and Models for Sustainability
Theory, background, and practical experience in the use of a range of methods and models related to environment, sustainability, and energy, with the aim of demonstrating how more environmentally and socially sustainable trajectories can be achieved. Techniques include: simulation modelling, optimization modelling, survey design, statistical analysis, discrete choice modelling, and qualitative research methods. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
and a major two-term integrated project
SEE 799
Capstone Project
Students in this course will work in teams on an applied industry design project related to sustainable energy engineering. Students synthesize their learning from previous MEng courses to research, design, build and test a real-world industry project. Students deliver a final project report and presentation. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: SEE 772.
Program Length
Students are expected to complete the program requirements within four terms.
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations, as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.