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Health Sciences | Faculty of Health Sciences Simon Fraser University Calendar | Summer 2025

Health Sciences Major

Bachelor of Science

This bachelor of science (BSc) program incorporates basic science courses (biology, chemistry, molecular biology and statistics) with HSCI courses about health and disease. Building on a solid base of basic biomedical and applied health science, students will receive advanced training in pharmacology, toxicology, pathophysiology and epidemiology, as well as molecular biology and genetics.

Admission Requirements

Internal Transfer

Internal transfer allows students to transfer, within Simon Fraser University, from one faculty to another. Students can apply for internal transfer into the bachelor of science program in the Faculty of Health Sciences with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 and the following with a minimum grade of C-:

  • HSCI 130
  • BISC 101 or BISC 102
  • one of HSCI 204, HSCI 207, HSCI 210, HSCI 211, HSCI 212, HSCI 214, HSCI 216, HSCI 220, HSCI 230 and
  • MATH 100 or equivalent. Students with only BC Pre-Calculus 12 require a grade of B or satisfactory grade on Calculus Readiness Test.

Minimum Grades

Students enrolling in HSCI courses must have a grade of C- or better in prerequisite courses and in the program's required courses.

Program Requirements

For the bachelor of science (BSc) health sciences program, students complete 120 units, which includes:

  • at least 44 upper division units including a minimum of 28 HSCI units
  • at least 60 units that must be completed at Simon Fraser University
  • satisfaction of the writing, quantitative, and breadth requirements
  • an overall cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and upper division CGPA of at least 2.0

Life Sciences Concentration Lower Division Requirements

Students complete all of

BISC 101 - General Biology (4)
BISC 102 - General Biology (4)
BISC 202 - Genetics (3)
CHEM 121 - General Chemistry and Laboratory I (4)
CHEM 122 - General Chemistry II (2)
CHEM 281 - Organic Chemistry and Laboratory I (4)
CHEM 282 - Organic Chemistry II (2)
HSCI 130 - Foundations of Health Science (4)
HSCI 230 - Evaluating Epidemiological Research (3)
MATH 154 - Mathematics for the Life Sciences I (3)
MATH 155 - Mathematics for the Life Sciences II (3)
MBB 222 - Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (3)
MBB 231 - Cellular Biology and Biochemistry (3)
PHYS 101 - Physics for the Life Sciences I (3)
STAT 201 - Statistics for the Life Sciences (3)

and one of

ENGL 111W - Literary Classics in English (3)
ENGL 112W - Literature Now (3)
ENGL 113W - Literature and Performance (3)
ENGL 114W - Language and Purpose (3)
ENGL 115W - Literature and Culture (3)
ENGL 199W - Writing to Persuade (3)
WL 101W - Writing in World Literature (3)
WL 103W - Early World Literatures (3)
WL 104W - Modern World Literatures (3)
WL 105W - World Literature Lab (3)

and one of

HSCI 204 - Perspectives on Human Health and the Environment (3)
HSCI 210 - Special Topics in Health Sciences (3)
HSCI 211 - Perspectives on Cancer, Cardiovascular, and Metabolic Diseases (3)
HSCI 212 - Perspectives on Infectious and Immunological Diseases (3)
HSCI 214 - Perspectives on Mental Health and Illness (3)
HSCI 216 - Ecological Determinants of Human Growth, Development and Health (3)

Life Sciences Concentration Upper Division Requirements

Students complete all of

HSCI 305 - The Canadian Health System (3)
HSCI 319W - Applied Health Ethics (3)
HSCI 321 - Human Pathophysiology (3)
HSCI 324 - Human Population Genetics and Evolution (3)
MBB 331 - Molecular Biology (4)

and one of

STAT 302 - Analysis of Experimental and Observational Data (3)
STAT 305 - Introduction to Biostatistical Methods for Health Sciences (3)

and one of

HSCI 323 - Principles of Pharmacology and Toxicology (3)
HSCI 326 - Introduction to the Immune System (3)
HSCI 338 - Virology (3)

and one of

BISC 357 - Genetic Engineering (4)
HSCI 336 - Health and Life Sciences Laboratory (4) *
MBB 308 - Molecular Biology Laboratory (3)
MBB 309W - Biochemistry Laboratory (4)

and one of

HSCI 440 - Cell Pathophysiology Laboratory (4)
HSCI 441 - Virology Laboratory (4)
HSCI 442 - Immunology Laboratory (4)

and two of

HSCI 427 - Immune Responses in Health and Disease (3)
HSCI 474 - Seminar in Neuropharmacology (3)
HSCI 475 - Seminar in Molecular Mechanisms of Epigenetics (3)
HSCI 476 - Seminar in Molecular Basis of Drug Action and Environmental Exposure (3)
HSCI 477 - Seminar in Vaccine Immunology (3)
HSCI 478 - Seminar in Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (3)
HSCI 482 - Senior Seminar in Infectious Diseases (3)

* Recommended

Public Health and Data Concentration Lower Division Requirements

Students complete all of

BISC 101 - General Biology (4)
BISC 102 - General Biology (4)
CMPT 120 - Introduction to Computing Science and Programming I (3)
HSCI 130 - Foundations of Health Science (4)
HSCI 206 - The Economics of Health and Health Care (3)
HSCI 207 - Research Methods in Health Sciences (3)
HSCI 230 - Evaluating Epidemiological Research (3)

and one of

MATH 151 - Calculus I (3)
MATH 154 - Mathematics for the Life Sciences I (3)
MATH 157 - Calculus I for the Social Sciences (3)

and one of

ENGL 111W - Literary Classics in English (3)
ENGL 112W - Literature Now (3)
ENGL 113W - Literature and Performance (3)
ENGL 114W - Language and Purpose (3)
ENGL 115W - Literature and Culture (3)
ENGL 199W - Writing to Persuade (3)
WL 101W - Writing in World Literature (3)
WL 103W - Early World Literatures (3)
WL 104W - Modern World Literatures (3)
WL 105W - World Literature Lab (3)

and one of

STAT 201 - Statistics for the Life Sciences (3)
STAT 203 - Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences (3)
STAT 205 - Introduction to Statistics (3)

and at least two of

HSCI 204 - Perspectives on Human Health and the Environment (3)
HSCI 210 - Special Topics in Health Sciences (3)
HSCI 211 - Perspectives on Cancer, Cardiovascular, and Metabolic Diseases (3)
HSCI 212 - Perspectives on Infectious and Immunological Diseases (3)
HSCI 214 - Perspectives on Mental Health and Illness (3)
HSCI 216 - Ecological Determinants of Human Growth, Development and Health (3)

Public Health and Data Concentration Upper Division Requirements

Students complete all of

HSCI 305 - The Canadian Health System (3)
HSCI 319W - Applied Health Ethics (3)
HSCI 341 - Fundamental Epidemiological Concepts and Approaches (3)
HSCI 410 - Exploratory Data Analysis (3)

and one of

STAT 302 - Analysis of Experimental and Observational Data (3)
STAT 305 - Introduction to Biostatistical Methods for Health Sciences (3)

and at least 24 additional upper division HSCI units

NOTE: SFU students accepted in the accelerated master’s within the Faculty of Health Sciences may apply a maximum of 10 graduate course units, taken while completing the bachelor's degree, towards the upper division electives of the bachelor’s program and the requirements of the master's degree. These graduate courses must be passed with a grade of B (3.0) or better in order to be used towards the requirements of the master's degree. For more information go to:

Writing, Quantitative, and Breadth Requirements

Students admitted to Simon Fraser University beginning in the fall 2006 term must meet writing, quantitative and breadth requirements as part of any degree program they may undertake. See Writing, Quantitative, and Breadth Requirements for university-wide information.

WQB Graduation Requirements

A grade of C- or better is required to earn W, Q or B credit



W - Writing


Must include at least one upper division course, taken at Simon Fraser University within the student's major subject; two courses (minimum three units each)

Q - Quantitative


Q courses may be lower or upper division; two courses (total six units or more)
B - Breadth


Designated Breadth

Must be outside the student's major subject, and may be lower or upper division:

Two courses (total six units or more) Social Sciences: B-Soc
Two courses (total six units or more) Humanities: B-Hum
Two courses (total six units or more) Sciences: B-Sci


Additional Breadth

Two courses (total six units or more) outside the student's major subject (may or may not be B-designated courses, and will likely help fulfil individual degree program requirements).

Students choosing to complete a joint major, joint honours, double major, two extended minors, an extended minor and a minor, or two minors may satisfy the breadth requirements (designated or not designated) with courses completed in either one or both program areas.

Residency Requirements and Transfer Credit

  • At least half of the program's total units must be earned through Simon Fraser University study.
  • At least two thirds of the program's total upper division units must be earned through Simon Fraser University study.

Elective Courses

In addition to the courses listed above, students should consult an academic advisor to plan the remaining required elective courses.