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Resource and Environmental Management Courses

REM 100 - Global Change (3)

The Earth is experiencing the most dramatic environmental changes it has for thousands of years. How did we end up here? Provides an interdisciplinary perspective on the forces behind our ever-increasing environmental footprint. Highlights how ideologies and societal structures have shaped how we interact with the environment and explores the necessary changes for a more sustainable future. Breadth-Social Sciences.

REM 200 - Introduction to Resource and Environmental Management in Canada (3)

Explores the natural and social science foundations of resource and environmental management and demonstrates how that knowledge can be used in environmental decision-making in Canada. Provides a basic understanding of the nature and management of natural resources, including Indigenous resource management issues in a Canadian context. Consideration is given to strategic thinking for environmental planning, socio-economic and biophysical trade-offs in natural resource decision-making and approaches for addressing uncertain knowledge. Prerequisite: One of REM 100, GEOG 100, GEOG 111, or EVSC 100. Breadth-Social Sci/Science.

REM 202W - Technical Communication for Environmental Professionals and Planners (3)

Teaches students to communicate technical information clearly and concisely. Reviews the fundamentals of writing and progress to the creation and presentation of professional documents. Students improve their skills through writing-intensive assignments related to the fields of resource management and planning. Students should familiarize themselves with a reference-management software; the course references the free, online program, Zotero. Prerequisite: One of REM 100, GEOG 100, GEOG 111, or EVSC 100. Writing.

REM 207 - Indigenous Peoples and Resource Management (3)

Explores a variety of Indigenous perspectives on resource, land and water management in British Columbia. Students are encouraged to critically analyze contemporary resource management/relationship issues (ie. energy, fisheries, forestry) from reconciliation-informed perspectives. Breadth-Social Sciences.

REM 211 - Introduction to Applied Ecology (3)

Balancing the needs of people and other components of nature is among the foremost challenges of our time. Understanding key processes that structure nature across space and through time can help inform this challenge. Introduces students to the foundational concepts of applied ecology motivated by real-world management and conservation problems. Breadth-Science.

REM 221 - Systems Thinking and the Environment (3)

Introduces systems thinking in the context of environmental and sustainability challenges using system archetypes and system dynamics theory. Analytical and modeling techniques are applied to understand and project systems complexity. Emphasis is placed on using systems thinking concepts to finding solutions in a complex world. Prerequisite: One of REM 100, GEOG 100, GEOG 111, or EVSC 100. Students with credit for ENV 221 may not take this course for further credit. Quantitative.

REM 225 - Quantitative Toolkit for Social-Ecological Systems (3)

Develops a basic understanding of the breadth and role of quantitative models in social-ecological systems. Introduces skills, methods, and software typically used in data analysis, quantitative modelling, and research for environmental professionals. Provides important baseline education and essential skills for students needing to apply quantitative skills in future courses, and establishes a common understanding in Excel and R. Prerequisite: 18 units. Quantitative.

REM 311 - Applied Population Ecology (3)

Builds on foundational ecological concepts to study the ecological processes that govern the dynamics of populations. Uses quantitative models to examine the role of data, variability, uncertainty, and assumptions in science and decision making. Students learn how to improve the sustainable use of natural capital by applying scientific data, ecological theory, ecological models, critical thinking, and Adaptive Management to societal decisions. Uses R to code, run, and interpret ecological population models. Prerequisite: REM 100 or EVSC 100; BISC 204 or GEOG 215 or REM 211; STAT 201 or STAT 203 or STAT 205 or GEOG 251 or equivalent. Recommended: REM 225. Quantitative.

REM 319 - Environmental and Planning Law (3)

Provides a practical introduction to the legal system governing the use and protection of the environment and planning and land use law in Canada. A central theme is the difference between the law on paper and the law in practice. Prerequisite: 45 units. Students who have taken ENV 399-3 "Special Topics in Environmental Law" in 2012 may not take this course for further credit. Students with credit for ENV 319 or PLAN 319 may not take this course for further credit.

REM 320W - Ethics and the Environment (3)

An introduction to the field of environmental ethics. Addresses questions such as what obligations we have to future generations and the natural world, as well as the extent of these obligations. Prerequisite: 45 units. Philosophy Majors and Minors may not take this course for credit towards their major or minor degree. Students who have taken PHIL 333-3 or ENV 399-3 "Special Topics in Environmental Ethics" prior to or in 2011 and students with credit in ENV 320W or PHIL 328-3 may not enroll in this course for further credit. Writing.

REM 321 - Ecological Economics (4)

Introduces students to the concepts and methods of ecological economics. Provides students with grounding in the core principles of conventional economics applied to the environment but then extends this to the integration of economics and ecology to create a new ecological-economic understanding of environmental change and sustainability. Prerequisite: 45 units. Students with credit for ENV 321 cannot take REM 321 for further credit. Breadth-Social Sciences.

REM 325 - Uncertainty, Risk, and Decision Analysis (3)

Provides a broad, yet practical, perspective on uncertainty and risk that can be used to improve decision-making abilities in a wide range of settings. Quantitative decision analysis provides a formal approach to accounting for uncertainty in resource and environmental management decision-making. Prerequisite: 45 units. Recommended: REM 225 or STAT 201 or STAT 203 or STAT 205 or GEOG 251 or equivalent.

REM 334 - Earth's Past Climates (4)

Paleoclimatology is the study of how and why Earth's climate has changed in the past. Paleoclimatologists study ice ages, past abrupt changes, and what the Earth was like during past climate warm periods. The knowledge gained from paleoclimate studies provides us with the information needed to refine climate models, so that we understand how the Earth's climate works, and better predict how human activity will impact climate in the future. Describes the tools used by paleoclimatologists to reconstruct past climate change and evaluate the hypothesis put forth to explain those changes. Prerequisite: REM 100 or EVSC 100; GEOG 111 or EASC 101 or EASC 106; and 45 units. Recommended: EASC 210, GEOG 214 or GEOG 215. Students with credit for EVSC 334 may not take this course for further credit. Students who have taken REM 463-3 "Special Topics" in Spring 2019 may not enroll in this course for further credit.

REM 350 - Energy Management for a Sustainable Climate and Society (4)

An interdisciplinary approach to transforming energy systems in pursuit of sustainable climate and society. Perspectives include thermodynamics, resource potentials, technological potentials, economic evaluation, implementation of transformative public policies, political-economy assessment of policy constraints, national and sub-national governance options, behavioural change potentials, global diplomacy, and pursuit of greater equity within and between countries. Prerequisite: 45 units. Breadth-Social Sciences.

REM 355 - Sustainable Transportation for a Zero-Emissions World (3)

Explores the transportation system and how to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as well as other sustainability goals. Topics include zero-emissions vehicles, low-carbon fuels, shared mobility, vehicle automation, and reduced vehicle use. An interdisciplinary approach is followed, including analyses of environmental and resource impacts, consumer behaviour, systems, technology change, and climate policy. Prerequisite: 45 units or permission of instructor.

REM 356W - Environmental Policy (3)

Provides an overview of policy and governance approaches used to manage the natural environment from international to local levels. The history, basic concepts, and key strategies of modern environmental policy are presented and discussed. Students then analyze and critique environmental policy across scales regarding climate, forests, oceans, and urban landscapes focusing on determining the effectiveness and efficiency of different approaches to regulate and manage the environment. Prerequisite: One of REM 100, GEOG 100, GEOG 111, or EVSC 100; and 45 units. Students with credit for REM 356 may not take this course for further credit. Writing.

REM 357 - Planning for Sustainable Food Systems (3)

Provides students with the tools to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current food system and will encourage them to critically analyze diverse solutions from both the global South and global North to build a more sustainable food system. Students will work collaboratively with the instructor to examine diverse and interdisciplinary approaches to food sustainability and strengthen their problem-solving skills. Prerequisite: 45 units. Students who have taken REM 363-3 "Special Topics" in Spring 2019 and Fall 2019 may not enroll in this course for further credit.

REM 363 - Special Topics (3)

REM 370 - Global Resource Issues in Oceanography (4)

Uses the lens of ocean resource management to introduce principles of oceanography, including ocean circulation, ocean carbon cycling, nutrients and biological productivity, oceans and the climate system, and global fisheries. Provides basic understanding of ocean resource management through case studies such as plastic pollution, ocean acidification, Arctic Ocean change, and global fisheries management. Prerequisite: EVSC 100, or GEOG 111, or REM 100, and 45 units. Students with credit for MASC 435 may not take this course for further credit.

REM 375 - Ecology and Conservation of Coastal BC (3)

Investigates the ecosystems and environmental challenges of coastal British Columbia. Examines the major flora and fauna, fundamental ecological principles, anthropogenic drivers of change, and the role of applied science in conservation and management. Prerequisite: 45 units. Students with credit for MASC 414 may not take this course for further credit.

REM 388 - Wildlife Conservation (3)

Provides an overview of the taxonomic, ecological, and conservation relationships among wildlife and with humans. This knowledge is used to identify the ecological and social opportunities and constraints for sustainable resource and environmental management and planning related to the ecosystems that support wild populations. Prerequisite: 45 units.

REM 404 - Indigenous Planning and Stewardship (4)

Examines the historical and contemporary role planning plays in the dispossession of land, while introducing Indigenous perspectives and understandings of place and the responsibility of environmental stewardship. Explores settler-colonialism, property and Indigenous land relations, co-management and collaborative stewardship, while presenting alternative planning frameworks to inform community-engaged practice. Prerequisite: PLAN 100 or PLAN 200; REM 207 or any INDG course; and 75 units. Recommended: REM 319 or PLAN 319. Students with credit for PLAN 404 or REM 406 may not take this course for further credit.

REM 407 - Indigenous Governance and Resource Relationships (4)

Explores diverse Indigenous perspectives on governance, resource, land and water management, intergovernmental relations and economic development in the context of contemporary settler colonialism in Canada. Skills include critical thinking, anti-colonial, economic, political and policy analyses. Prerequisite: One of REM 207, ARCH 286, or any INDG course; and 75 units. Students with credit for PLAN 407 may not take this course for further credit.

REM 412 - Environmental Modeling (4)

Students receive hands-on experience in the construction and analysis of computer simulation models of environmental and ecological systems and problems. Prerequisite: REM 100 or EVSC 100; BISC 204 or GEOG 215 or REM 211; STAT 201 or STAT 203 or STAT 205 or GEOG 251 or equivalent; and 60 units. Recommended: REM 225. Quantitative.

REM 423 - Research Methods in Fisheries Assessment (4)

Introduction to quantitative methods for providing scientific advice on the status, productivity and effects of fishing of fish stocks. Includes development and application fish population dynamics models, data analysis, and the quantification of uncertainty. Focus will be primarily on biological aspects of fisheries assessment while illustrating how these interface with economic, social and institutional concerns of management agencies. Prerequisite: BISC 204 or GEOG 215 or REM 211; REM 225; STAT 201 or STAT 203 or STAT 205 or GEOG 251 or equivalent; MATH 151 or MATH 154 or MATH 157 or equivalent; and 60 units; or permission of instructor.

REM 427 - Avalanche Risk Management (4)

Interdisciplinary introduction to snow avalanches and the management of the associated risks. Embedded in an overall risk management framework, the course discusses the physics of avalanche formation, identification and characterization of avalanche terrain, the fundamentals of hazard assessment, and mitigation approaches in different contexts with practical examples from in Canada. Prerequisite: STAT 201 or 203 or 205 or GEOG 251 or equivalent, and 60 units; or permission of the instructor. Recommended: REM 225.

REM 431 - Climate Change and Environmental Management (4)

Reviews how climate change is impacting multiple facets of earth system (e.g. atmosphere, oceans, and freshwater systems). Students will examine the challenges faced by environmental managers as they attempt to mitigate or adapt to these changes. One major goal of the course is to teach an appreciation of uncertainties and predictability in earth systems, to better address resource management issues on regional to global scales. Prerequisite: REM 100 or EVSC 100 or GEOG 111; REM 221; 60 units; or permission from instructor.

REM 445 - Environmental Risk Assessment (4)

Students receive theory and practical experience in the control and management of hazardous substances in the environment. This includes the application of techniques used to assess toxicological, ecological and human health risks of contaminants within the current regulatory framework. Prerequisite: MATH 151 or 154 or 157; STAT 201 or 203 or 205 or GEOG 251 or equivalent; and 60 units. Recommended: REM 225.

REM 446 - Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (4)

Theory and practice of environmental and social impact assessment. The course will review and critically evaluate the regulatory frameworks, institutions and methods associated with impact assessment for resource and industrial development, transportation, public utilities, regional planning and public policy, using examples from British Columbia and Canada. Prerequisite: REM 100 or 200 and 75 units.

REM 452 - Environmental Education (8)

Examines the educational problems entailed in developing human awareness and understanding of the environment. Explores environmental issues through a multi-disciplinary approach and relates historical and contemporary problems in human-environment interactions to school curricula from the elementary to the secondary level. Includes a laboratory component. Grading will be on a pass/fail basis. A field activity fee will be levied in this course. Normally offered in summer term only. Prerequisite: 90 units or permission of instructor. Students may be required to successfully complete a Criminal Record Check. Students with credit for EDUC 452, EDUC 454 or ENV 452 may not take this course for further credit. Quantitative/Breadth-Science.

REM 454 - Water Security (4)

Students investigate dimensions of the global environmental crisis related to water security, including: human rights, political science, development economics, gender policies, geopolitics, regional integration and security, international law, national legislation, public health, trade, agriculture, energy generation, and water resources management. Prerequisite: 75 units and REM 100 or EVSC 100 or GEOG 100.

REM 463 - Special Topics (3)

REM 471 - Forest Ecosystems and Management (4)

Forests are critical components of the earth system and provide diverse ecological, economic, social, and cultural services. They are also a source of conflict regarding their conservation and use. Students will begin by examining the ecological characteristics of forest ecosystems and disturbances pertinent to North America. This knowledge will then be applied to evaluate tools of forest management for a variety of goals and objectives. The final section of the course will examine challenges and opportunities in the management of British Columbia’s forested ecosystems, including Indigenous Protected Conservation Areas, carbon accounting, and wildfire management. This course will involve lectures, group work, assignments, and possible field trips. Prerequisite: One of REM 100, or GEOG 100 or 111, or EVSC 100 or BISC 102; and 45 units.

REM 491 - Directed Studies (3)

Independent study on resource management topics selected in consultation with the supervising instructor. A directed study proposal must be completed and approved by the instructor and the REM undergraduate chair or designate prior to enrollment. Students may take this course only once. Variable units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Prerequisite: 90 units.

REM 495 - Resource and Environmental Management Capstone (4)

By guiding students through the inception, development and communication of a novel interdisciplinary research project, this course will provide students with an opportunity to integrate the knowledge and skills they gained through their undergraduate degree. Students will work corroboratively to conceive, investigate and present an original research project that addresses a real-world environmental issue of the students' choice. Prerequisite: 75 units. Students with credit for REM 491 - Directed Studies taken as the REM Capstone may not take this course for further credit.

REM 499 - Resource and Environmental Management Honours Thesis (4)

Independent research on a resource and environmental management topic, under the supervision of a REM faculty member. Program permission is required. Prerequisite: 90 units and permission of the REM Undergraduate Program Chair.

REM 602 - Professional Planning Practice (5)

Examines planning practice, principles, theory, and ethics. Reviews issues in current professional planning practice and requirements for professional planning accreditation. Prerequisite: Enrollment in REM MRM (Planning).

REM 606 - Indigenous People and Co-management (5)

Students taking this course will develop the analytical skills to identify and evaluate general types, stages of development, and particular aspects of co-management within a broader framework of what is possible in co-management and co-governance arrangements. Students will learn to situate their particular research question and resource type (fish, forests, wildlife, water, parks, etc.) in relation to and in comparison with other resource types and research questions, e.g., what are the givens and the constraints of co-managing a fugacious resource such as fish or wildfire vs. a stationary resource such as forests? They will develop an appreciation of the particular roles that communities of place, especially indigenous people, may play in co-management, and the types of co-management institutions that are most appropriate for them. They will be able to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of different kinds of co-managing partnerships, and appreciate the broader governance issues which influences co-management arrangements. Students with credit for REM 662 under the topic title "Aboriginal People & Co-mgmt" may not take this course for further credit.

REM 607 - Indigenous Governance and Resource Relationships (5)

Explores diverse Indigenous perspectives on governance, resource, land and water management, intergovernmental relations and economic development in the context of contemporary settler colonialism in Canada. Skills include critical thinking, anti-colonial, economic, political and policy analyses.

REM 610 - Applied Environmental Toxicology and Environmental Management of Contaminants (5)

A study of the environmental behavior and toxic effects of chemical substances in the environment and the application of methodologies for their assessment and management. Equivalent Courses: MRM610 MRM660.

REM 611 - Applied Ecology (5)

Explores the foundations of applied population, community, and ecosystem ecology within the context of contemporary management and conservation strategies. Topics are explored by way of interactive lectures, field trips, and group activities exploring imperiled species recovery, protected area design, and ecosystem-based management.

REM 613 - Methods in Fisheries Assessment (5)

Introduction to fishing methods, fisheries ecosystems and the effects of fishing. Application of models of fish population dynamics, methods of data analysis and the quantification of uncertainty. Introduction to selected methods for providing scientific advice on the productivity and status of fish stocks. Focus will be primarily on biological aspects of fisheries assessment while illustrating how these interface with economic, social and institutional concerns of managers. Equivalent Courses: MRM613.

REM 614 - Advanced Methods in Fisheries Assessment (5)

Combines fish population dynamics with statistical estimation to provide quantitative assessments of the status of fish populations and fisheries. The course builds upon REM 613 by developing a broader range of biological and mathematical models of fish populations and management procedures, as well as approaches for testing the reliability of these methods. Lab tutorial sessions develop quantitative models, estimation, and simulation approaches for performing and evaluating stock assessment methods that are currently applied in fisheries and wildlife management. Prerequisite: REM 613 or permission of instructor.

REM 621 - Ecological Economics (5)

Introduction to economic concepts for management of the environment and specific natural resources. Key topics include market failure, cost-benefit analysis, non-market valuation, pollution economics, analysis of transboundary environmental problems and the application of economics to sustainable development analysis and policies.

REM 625 - Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis for Management of Natural Resources (5)

Use of quantitative methods of risk assessment and decision analysis to explicitly take uncertainty into account when making decisions in management of natural resources. Methods of quantifying uncertainty and the resulting risks. Examples from management of forests, wildlife, fisheries, water resources, energy, and toxic chemicals. Communicating information about uncertainties and the resulting risks to resource managers, the public, and scientists. Advantages and limitations of various quantitative methods. Includes computer laboratories. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

REM 627 - Avalanche Risk Management (5)

Interdisciplinary introduction to snow avalanches and the management of the associated risks. Embedded in an overall risk management framework, the course discusses the physics of avalanche formation, identification and characterization of avalanche terrain, the fundamentals of hazard assessment, and mitigation approaches in different contexts with practical examples from in Canada.

REM 631 - Climate Change and Environmental Management (5)

Reviews how climate change is impacting multiple facets of earth system (e.g atmosphere, oceans, and freshwater systems). Examines challenges faced by environmental managers as they attempt to mitigate or adapt to these changes.

REM 641 - Environmental and Planning Law (5)

A practical introduction to the legal system that governs the use and protection of natural resources and the environment in Canada. The course also includes an overview of the law that governs land use planning in British Columbia. Prerequisite: Enrollment in a REM graduate program or permission of the department. Students with credit for MRM 641 may not take this course for further credit.

REM 642 - Sustainable Community Planning and Regional Development (5)

Theory and techniques of regional analysis; planning models and their application to key resource sectors. Equivalent Courses: MRM642.

REM 643 - Public Engagement, Environmental Conflict and Dispute Resolution (5)

Theory and techniques of public engagement, negotiation, and conflict resolution in planning and public policy.

REM 644 - Policy Analysis for Social and Environmental Change (5)

Analysis of methods of policy-making and problem solving with particular emphasis on natural resource issues. Topics include goal setting, problem definition, program scheduling, policy evaluation, policy implementation and public administration. A practical analysis of the structure and processes surrounding major contemporary policy issues. Equivalent Courses: MRM644.

REM 646 - Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (5)

Evaluation and application of current methodologies for social, economic, and biophysical impact assessment.

REM 650 - Energy Management for a Sustainable Climate and Society (5)

Management strategies and policies to achieve sustainable flows of energy and materials in the economy. Eco-efficiency strategies reduce these flows while resource substitution strategies seek more environmentally benign flows. Applies expertise from economics, ecology, thermodynamics, engineering, geology and behavioral sciences. Students with credit for MRM 650 may not take this course for further credit.

REM 655 - Water Planning and Management (5)

Evaluation of theoretical models and management experiences; federal, provincial and international institutional arrangements and jurisdictional responsibilities; emerging problems and opportunities. This is primarily a field course in which water and environmental management systems in British Columbia are compared with those in the states of Washington, Oregon, and California. Equivalent Courses: MRM655, MRM662.

REM 658 - Research Methods and Models for Sustainability (5)

Theory, background, and practical experience in the use of a range of methods and models related to environment, sustainability, and energy, with the aim of demonstrating how more environmentally and socially sustainable trajectories can be achieved. Techniques include: simulation modelling, optimization modelling, survey design, statistical analysis, discrete choice modelling, and qualitative research methods. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

REM 660 - Special Topics in Natural Resources Management (5)

Special topics in areas not currently offered within the offerings of the resource and environmental management program.

REM 661 - Special Topics in Resources Management (5)

Special Topics in areas not currently offered within the offerings of the resource and environmental management program.

REM 662 - Special Topics in Resource Management (5)

Special Topics in areas not currently offered within the offerings of the resource and environmental management program.

REM 663 - Special Topics in Resource Management (5)

Special topics in areas not currently offered within the offerings of the resource and environmental management program.

REM 664 - Directed Studies (5)

Special topics in areas not currently offered within the offerings of the resource and environmental management program.

REM 665 - Directed Studies (5)

REM 667 - Special Topics (3)

Special topics in areas not currently offered within the offerings of the resource and environmental management program.

REM 668 - Special Topics (3)

Special Topics in areas not currently offered within the offerings of the resource and environmental management program.

REM 670 - Forest Ecosystems and Management (5)

Examine the characteristics of forest ecosystems and disturbances pertinent to North America. Evaluate tools of forest management for a variety of ecological, economic, social, and cultural objectives. Assess challenges and opportunities in the management of British Columbia’s forests including sources of conflict regarding their conservation and use.

REM 697 - MRM Thesis (18)

Thesis course for the MRM - thesis stream degree. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

REM 698 - Field Resource Management Workshop (3)

An intensive field course introducing students to the diversity of issues and viewpoints concerning management of natural resources. Problem areas will include forestry, mining, fisheries and wildlife management, energy, recreation and land use planning. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Equivalent Courses: MRM698.

REM 699 - Research Project (6)

A research project dealing with a specific interdisciplinary problem in resource management, administration or allocation. The study must result in the preparation of a formal paper and the presentation of a seminar. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Students with credit for MRM 699 may not take this course for further credit.

REM 801 - Approaches to Sustainability Research and Practice (5)

Sustainability research and practice are by nature interdisciplinary. Both demand that results are mobilized to diverse audiences outside the academy. Through a combination of workshops, peer-to-peer learning, self-designed assignments, and interactive lectures, students will expand their professional toolbox with cutting-edge research, communication, and leadership skills to help them advance their sustainability research and practice goals.

REM 802 - Research Approaches for REM PhD Students (5)

This course is designed for all REM PhD students, although considerable course material may be of interest and value to other REM students. The course will emphasize preparing PhD students for their breadth comprehensive exams by discussing and evaluating various viewpoints in published debates related to the three topic areas of comprehensive exams: resource and environmental economics, policy and planning and environmental science. The course will also cover planning and carrying out the PhD research, as well as effectively communicating research results. Equivalent Courses: MRM802.

REM 898 - Thesis Proposal

Students will present and orally defend their proposal before an approved oral examination committee. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

REM 899 - PhD Thesis (18)

Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Students with credit for MRM 899 may not take this course for further credit.