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Interactive Arts and Technology Courses

IAT 100 - Digital Image Design (3)

This is a project-based course that introduces the theory and hands-on practice of art and design in digital media. As the introductory course in IAT, this course teaches the core fundamental principles in 2D visual design, sequential and animation design. Students learn the fundamentals of digital photography and vector image creation. The theory is contextualized in contemporary new media design practice and is broadly applicable across disciplines. Breadth-Humanities.

IAT 102 - Graphic Design (3)

Introduction to fundamental design principles for visual communication. Organized as a continual interplay of theory and practice, students will examine historical, philosophical, perceptual and semiotic approaches to understanding graphic design, and will explore principles of form, such as structure and composition, hierarchy, form, color, space, scale, typography, and legibility and readability through hands-on projects. Traditional time-based and interactive media forms will be compared and contrasted.

IAT 103W - Design Communication and Collaboration (3)

Teaches essential skills for negotiating first-year course work successfully. Covers the principles, practice and understanding of effective communication, research, critical thinking, and teamwork with a focus on issues central to the practice of IAT as a profession. Presents opportunities to practice and develop interpersonal skills and make that expertise transferable to the workplace. Writing.

IAT 106 - Spatial Thinking and Communicating (3)

Introduces the world of 3D thinking, representation and communication, with a focus on spatial thinking. Provides the foundational skills and knowledge needed to understand, create, and use computer-generated 3D representations. Covers the technical bases of representing 3D environments, technical sketching, computer-based modelling (Computer-Aided Design) and physical modelling. Students with credit for SEE 100 cannot take this course for further credit.

IAT 110 - Visual Communication Design (3)

Visual communication for art and design in digital media. Students learn the fundamentals of digital raster and vector image creation. Design principles such as form, typography and colour theory as they apply to digital media will be taught. Students will have core projects in digital photography, magazine layout and kinetic typography. Primarily for non-SIAT majors; while SIAT majors may take the course, it does not count for credit for SIAT degree requirements. Breadth-Humanities.

IAT 167 - Digital Games: Genre, Structure, Programming and Play (3)

Introduces game genres, structures, and programming methods basic to developing games. Students learn how games are designed and how to program the underlying patterns that facilitate play and engagement. Issues of user interface, skills and competition are discussed as are principles of compelling entertainment for players. Prerequisite: CMPT 120 (or equivalent first year programming course such as CMPT 102, 125, 126, 128, 130, 135, or 166) with a minimum grade of C-. Students who have obtained credit for, or are currently enrolled in, a CMPT course at the 200-division or higher, or IAT 265 or 267 may not complete this course for credit.

IAT 201 - Human-Computer Interaction and Cognition (3)

Introduces topics in human perception, cognition and embodied action as a foundation of design for human use. It explores the practical application of techniques for analyzing diverse interactive situations and designing effective user interfaces. Students will engage in the analysis and design of a simple user interface, gaining detailed knowledge and experience with the standard basic techniques for interface specification, prototyping and evaluation. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 units, including at least one lower division "W" course.

IAT 202 - New Media Images (3)

Explores the computational nature of technology as applied to contemporary art and design. It is a studio-based, media production course that explores new forms of art and design that are mediated by or modeled after computing processes as opposed to transforming or digitizing existing forms. Prerequisite: IAT 100 with a minimum grade of C- and a minimum of 21 units. Breadth-Humanities.

IAT 206W - Media Across Cultures (3)

Introduces a discursive framework for media, design and cultural interfaces enabling students to interpret, negotiate, and engage with new media with an awareness of the significance of cultural and contextual difference. Assessment is based on written and project work. Prerequisite: IAT 103W with a minimum grade of C- and completion of 21 units. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.

IAT 208 - Drawing as Inquiry (3)

An overview of the various forms and languages of drawing as both a critical and creative research tool. Activities and projects in each unit offer opportunities to understand and apply drawing as a medium for visual thinking and conceptualization. Related social and gender concerns are investigated to contextualize figurative representations within a broader cultural framework. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 units.

IAT 210 - Introduction to Game Studies: Theory and Design (3)

Reviews the history of games, tracing the evolution of game design from board and card games through the latest electronic products. Examines the medium of games through various lenses: games as rules (game design), games as play (game experience), and games as culture (culture within games, and role of games and game cultures). Prerequisite: Completion of 21 units. Breadth-Humanities/Social Sciences.

IAT 222 - Interactive Arts (3)

Introduces key concepts within contemporary digital art practices. Issues surrounding digital art will be explored through readings, the study of artworks, and the creation of their own artistic projects. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 units. Breadth-Humanities.

IAT 233 - Spatial Design (3)

Designing and understanding spaces used by people. The iterative process of making and criticizing, experiencing and analyzing spatial form. Compositional ideas for form-making. Critical thinking applied to design. Computers are the principal medium used in this course for form-making and visualization. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 units, IAT 102, and IAT 106, both with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 235 - Information Design (3)

Introduces theory and practice of designing visual representations of information. Students will learn to visually translate textual, numerical and evidentiary information so that it can be communicated to diverse user communities and contexts. An emphasis will be on understanding how the meaning of images can change over time and across contexts and cultures. Beginning with photographic images, interactive charts, graphs, and maps, projects progress to more complex information in media forms ranging from advanced aspects of the web to interactive 3D visualizations. The relationship between visual display is explored in relation to its technology of creation, including code and information architecture. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 units and IAT 102 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 238 - Foundations for Designing Interactions (3)

The course integrates visual communication and interaction design alongside developing skills in design process such as prototyping, ideation and iteration. Emphasis is placed on seeking the right solution for the right problem and receiving feedback effectively. The course culminates in an intermediate-level design project that connects interactions to foundational concepts in designing. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 units including IAT 102.

IAT 244 - Digital, Virtual and AI Photography (3)

An introduction to digital photography using mobile technologies, free software and online platforms. The focus of the course is on developing a final portfolio that demonstrates a wide range of technical, aesthetic, stylistic, genre and conceptual approaches to digital photography, including the use of generative AI platforms and real-time rendered virtual image production. Students are encouraged to experiment and develop their own eye and approaches, while learning the fundamentals of digital image production and workflows, including output for web and print. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 units.

IAT 265 - Multimedia Programming for Art and Design (3)

Using cases from topics such as animation, cinema, music and design, this course introduces a variety of programming tools and techniques. Practical use of multimedia scripting languages and authoring environments is covered in the context of a series of composition and design projects. Code libraries and programming techniques for specific media will be introduced. Assessment will be based on both programming and the expressive use of programs in their case context. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 units and IAT 167 with a minimum grade of C- and one of MATH 130, MACM 101, MATH 150, MATH 151, MATH 154, or MATH 157, with a minimum grade of C-. Quantitative.

IAT 267 - Introduction to Technological Systems (3)

Introduction to the core technologies and systems used in media-rich interactive environments, including computer hardware, operating systems, input and output technologies, networking and media. The concepts will be examined by working in a high-level media programming environment. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 units and IAT 167 with a minimum grade of C- and one of MATH 130, MACM 101, MATH 150, MATH 151, MATH 154, or MATH 157, with a minimum grade of C-. Recommended: IAT 265.

IAT 271 - Co-op Practicum I (3)

First term of work experience for students in the SIAT Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards completion of an SFU degree. Graded as pass/fail. Students with credit for WKTM 100 cannot complete this course for further credit.

IAT 272 - Co-op Practicum II (3)

Second term of work experience for students in the SIAT Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards completion of an SFU degree. Graded as pass/fail. Prerequisite: IAT 271 (or WKTM 100). Students with credit for WKTM 200 may not take this course for further credit.

IAT 309W - Writing Methods for Research (4)

Develops critical thinking and writing strategies adaptable to professional communications in design, media arts and technology. Prerequisite: IAT 206W with a minimum grade of C- and completion of 48 units. Writing.

IAT 312 - Foundations of Game Design (4)

Examines the discipline of game design. Games are studied across three analytical frameworks: games as rules (formal system), games as play (experiential system), games as culture (social system). Includes analytical and practical exercises in game design. Prerequisite: Completion of 48 units, including IAT 265 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 313 - Narrative and New Media (3)

Explores the role of narrative in various media and New Media environments, from traditional linear environments and multi-linear and networked media environments. Examines the relationship of narrative elements in the light of the practice and the aesthetics of New Media. It will include an overview of New Media theorists. Prerequisite: Completion of 48 units.

IAT 320 - Body Interface (4)

Explores ideas of embodiment, knowledge, and space within the human relationship to technology. Throughout this course, students will construct and analyze contemporary and historical models of bodily interaction with machines, understand physical practices of embodiment, and apply these concepts to representation, design, and the production of artistic interfaces. Prerequisite: Completion of 48 units, including IAT 267 and 222, with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 330 - Make Change Studio I: Introduction (3)

The foundation course of the Business of Design program. An introduction to design and business through jointly resolving a business problem with a real client. Individually, students prototype a product or service contributing to an aspect of the larger problem. Sustainability is a goal throughout the course. Prerequisite: BUS 238 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 333 - Interaction Design Methods (4)

Examines concepts of design practice and related design methods for interaction designers. Design methods include ethnography, personas, design games, role-playing, scenarios, participatory workshops, and prototyping. Prerequisite: Completion of 48 units, including IAT 238 with a minimum grade of C- or IAT 235 with a minimum grade of C- completed before the Spring 2025 term.

IAT 334 - Interface Design (4)

Provides an introduction to the art and design of human-computer interfaces, design methods, prototyping and evaluation of user interfaces. Examines issues of interactivity and its relation to human contexts and technological systems. The role of aesthetic, symbolic, affective and cultural factors will be assessed in concert with scientific and technological issues. The class is primarily focused on visual interfaces on computer monitors and hand-held devices, but culminates with considerations of increasingly physical interactions in ubiquitous environments. Prerequisite: Completion of 48 units, including IAT 235 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 336 - Materials in Design (4)

Introduces material properties and performance in the context of interactive artifacts. Covers criteria for material selection, including durability, environmental effects, tactile properties, manufacturing processes, compatibility and effects of particular forms of use. Prerequisite: IAT 233 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 339 - Web Design and Development (3)

Advanced theory and implementation of web media from a design perspective. Students will design and develop web media that focuses on communication and design issues for a variety of users. This course will address design methods and approaches for technical aspects such as content management, responsive design, and server-side support. Prerequisite: IAT 235 and IAT 265, with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 340 - Sound Design (3)

Introduction to theory and practice of sound design. Explores sound's relationship to moving images, installation, performance, video games, user interfaces and Web sites. Includes audio production, post-production, mixing and mastering, beginning programming for digital signal processing, sound synthesis and sound interaction. Prerequisite: Completion of 24 units. Recommended: IAT 202 New Media Images.

IAT 343 - Animation (4)

An introduction to techniques for 3D computer animation such as keyframing, performance animation, procedural methods, motion capture, and simulation. The course also includes an overview of story-boarding, scene composition, lighting and sound track generation. The course will explore current research topics in computer animation such as facial animation, behavioral animation, artificial life and interactive systems. Prerequisite: Minimum of 24 units, including MATH 130 or MACM 101 or MATH 150 or MATH 151 or MATH 154 or MATH 157, with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 344 - Moving Images (4)

Reviews and consolidates the fundamentals of digital video production, including camera and composition skills, the role of sound, lighting, and continuity and montage editing. Students will review and analyze works from traditional cinema and from contemporary digital video. The course will reinforce fundamental skills and extend the student's abilities to use a range of digital production, post-production, and presentation techniques. Prerequisite: Minimum of 48 units and IAT 202 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 351 - Advanced Human-Computer Interaction (3)

Students will learn about and gain experience with a wide variety of interaction technologies, environments and architectures supporting user interaction with systems in work, learning and play. Applied topics may include, but are not limited to, collaboration and computers; ubiquitous and responsive environments; security, trust and privacy; networking; and distributed and heterogeneous interfaces. Emphasis is on practical experience, involving a group design/analysis project in advanced topics in human computer interaction. Prerequisite: Completion of 48 units, including IAT 201 and IAT 265, with a minimum grade of C-. Strongly recommended: IAT 267.

IAT 355 - Introduction to Visual Analytics (3)

Focuses on the design and implementation of interactive computer visualization techniques for the analysis, comprehension, and explanation of large collections of abstract information. The application of principles from perception, information visualization, interaction and visual analytics will be covered. Introduces tools for programming geometric information and displaying the results. Emphasizes development of practical skills in using graphics libraries and tools: students will develop programming experience with relevant examples and techniques. Prerequisite: IAT 201 and IAT 267 and either IAT 265 or CMPT 225, all with a minimum grade of C-. Recommended: IAT 235.

IAT 359 - Mobile Computing (4)

An introduction to mobile computing and the development of applications for mobile environments. The three areas that will be covered in the course are mobile technologies, application development and user interaction in a mobile setting. Students will make use of mobile application frameworks and development environments to develop their own application and project, while reinforcing concepts covered in the lectures. Topics covered include mobile development environments, user interfaces, user experience and application development guidelines, gesture recognition, location, sensors, and graphics, and others, as will be outlined in the weekly schedule. Prerequisite: Completion of 48 units, including IAT 265 with a minimum grade of C-. Students with credit for CMPT 362 may not take this course for further credit.

IAT 360 - Exploring Artificial Intelligence: Its Use, Concepts, and Impact (3)

Designed to provide a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the world of artificial intelligence that will empower the students to navigate the AI-driven future. Students will explore fundamental AI concepts, including machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing, and computer vision; discover real-world applications, ethical considerations, and the societal impact of AI. Prerequisite: CMPT 120, IAT 265, and IAT 267, all with a minimum grade of C-. CMPT 310 will be accepted in lieu of this course.

IAT 373 - Co-op Practicum III (3)

Third term of work experience for students in the SIAT Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards completion of an SFU degree. Graded as pass/fail. Prerequisite: IAT 272 (or WKTM 200). Students with credit for WKTM 300 may not take this course for further credit.

IAT 374 - Co-op Practicum IV (3)

Fourth term of work experience for students in the SIAT Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards completion of an SFU degree. Graded as pass/fail. Prerequisite: IAT 373 (or WKTM 300). Students with credit for WKTM 400 may not take this course for further credit.

IAT 375 - Co-op Practicum V (3)

Optional term of work experience for students in the SIAT Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards completion of an SFU degree. Graded as pass/fail. This course may be repeated for additive credit. Prerequisite: IAT 374 (or WKTM 400).

IAT 380 - Special Topics in Interactive Arts and Technology (Arts) (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to registration each semester. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Variable units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units.

IAT 381 - Special Topics in Interactive Arts and Technology (Science) (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to registration each semester. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Variable units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units.

IAT 382 - Special Topics (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to registration each semester. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Variable units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units.

IAT 383 - Special Topics (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to registration each semester. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Variable units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units.

IAT 384 - Special Topics (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to registration each semester. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Variable units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units.

IAT 385 - Special Topics (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to registration each semester. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Variable units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units.

IAT 386 - Directed Studies (3)

Independent reading and research topics selected in consultation with individual members of the SIAT faculty. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units, and permission of the instructor and of the School is required. No more than six units of Directed Studies may be taken.

IAT 387 - Directed Studies (3)

Independent reading and research topics selected in consultation with individual members of the SIAT faculty. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units, and permission of the School and the instructor is required. No more than six units of Directed Studies may be taken.

IAT 391 - Italian Design History (3)

Part of the 9-12 Credit italiaDesign Field School curriculum. The first course of four is taught in Vancouver five weeks prior to departure for Italy. Students prepare research plans for use once they arrive at each of four destinations (Rome, Tuscany, Florence, Milan). The course covers histories of city planning, architecture and urban design in these venues that live on in contemporary Italian design. Field school instruction is in three phases: (1) Vancouver: methodology and preparatory research work; (2) field study on-site in italy, and upon return to Vancouver; (3) synthesis and writing-up of research and final arguments. This course fulfills the first phase. All projects will be available for viewing at the ItaliaDesign Field School public website. Students will also present their work to a live audience. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units.

IAT 392 - Italian Design in Context: Learning from La Citta (3)

Part of the 9-12 Credit ItaliaDesign Field School curriculum. Field school instruction is in three phases: (1) Vancouver: methodology and preparatory research work; (2) field study on-site in Italy, and upon return to Vancouver; (3) synthesis and writing-up of research and final arguments. This course fulfils one half of phase 2 fieldwork in Italy. Student work is primarily in Rome and the hill towns of Tuscany and Florence. It requires using design and social science field methodologies to organize observations made of daily life and its expression in cultural patterns. Pattern "languages" provide a taxonomy, linking prior scholarship to student field work. This work in turn provides historical roots to understanding contemporary Italian design and design industry. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units, including IAT 391 with a minimum grade of C-. Corequisite: IAT 393 (ItaliaDesign Field School).

IAT 393 - Interaction Design Workshop I (3)

Involves a sequential series of projects based on field studies in Florence and Milan. Students are required to examine and interpret the impact of design on Italian life and culture in each designated centre. The field studies are supported by a series of in-situ lectures to provide a context for further reflection. Minor independent projects are completed in Florence and Milan followed by a major collaborative project focusing on an interpretation and reflection of the impact of design on life in Italy. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units, including IAT 391 with a minimum grade of C-. Corequisite: IAT 392 (ItaliaDesign Field School).

IAT 394 - Interaction Design Workshop II (3)

An optional fourth course and directed study. Participants must receive approval for their topics from the Field School instruction team prior to departure to Italy. Students can work individually or in teams on research or applied projects. Research must contribute to the ongoing ItaliaDesign repository. Projects focus on furthering knowledge of Italian Design and Innovation practices and extending the course concepts. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units, including IAT 391, 392 and 393, with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 395 - North Europe Design Field School: Contexts of Design (3)

The first of three courses in the North Europe Design Field School prepares qualified students to explore the contexts and interconnectedness of design, innovation and technology in selected Northern Europe design organizations, schools and other institutions. Prerequisite: 45 units.

IAT 396 - North Europe Design Field School: Design Inquiry (6)

The second of three courses in the North Europe Design Field School where students undertake a design inquiry in selected Northern Europe design organizations, schools and other institutions. Prerequisite: 45 units, including IAT 395 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 397 - North Europe Design Field School: Design Synthesis (3)

In the third of three courses in the North Europe Design Field School, students work individually, and in teams to synthesize investigations and produce a professional-quality design artifact. On completion, students are prepared to transition from University to real-world settings. Prerequisite: 45 units, including IAT 395 and IAT 396, with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 410 - Advanced Game Design (4)

Students will design and develop a variety of electronic games, culminating in an advanced game project. They will continue to analyze the experience of play within the game, and the connections between the game experience and broader cultural phenomena. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units, including IAT 265 and IAT 312, with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 430 - Make Change Studio III: Refinement and Production (3)

Immerses students in the development and launch of a sustainable product offering and business model. Students will develop production, operating, communication and marketing plans and then deliver products to real customers. Prerequisite: BUS 339 with a minimum grade of C- and an upper division Writing (W) course. Corequisite: BUS 476.

IAT 431 - Speculative Design (4)

Provides students with the opportunity to experiment with designing in various non-normative frameworks provided by cultural studies, critical theory and phenomenology. Students will examine design's potential for cultural, social and ethical critique of emerging technologies and society. Rather than merely illustrating theoretical positions, this examination involves enacting and embodying differing theoretical positions, thereby rendering criticism productive. Individual design expertise and voice is emphasized. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units, including IAT 309W and IAT 333, with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 432 - Design Evaluation (3)

Examines evaluation concepts and methods for designers. Introduces a range of evaluation approaches including informal usability studies, lab experiments, field studies, and analytically-based evaluations. Students will explore techniques for feedback including usability tests, observation, interviews, heuristic reviews, and discursive evaluations. Underlying concepts of evaluation including scientific experimentation, ethnography, phenomenology, and aesthetics will be discussed. Students will learn how to design and implement appropriate evaluation studies for a range of design projects. Prerequisite: IAT 334 with a minimum grade of C- and completion of 60 units. Recommended: IAT 201 and 235.

IAT 437 - Representation and Fabrication (3)

Introduces computer-based tools for representing and fabricating designs. Covers the representation of work within a design process, the use of visualization techniques to communicate with clients, and the use of digital fabrication technology to build prototypes. Projects are chosen to highlight key representational issues in contemporary design practice. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units and IAT 336 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 438 - User Experience Design (6)

Advanced level course that examines design practice for Interaction and User Experience Designers. Students apply professional industry standards to related strategies from Graphic Design, Visual Design, Interaction Design, Content Strategy and User Interface Design, to develop a rich understanding of client-based product design and service design projects. Portfolio-quality projects will be grounded in design research, and cultural context, and evaluated in rigorous evidence-based design critiques. Prerequisite: Completion of 75 units, including IAT 309W and 333, with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 443 - Interactive Video (4)

An intermediate level investigation of interactivity explored through media, in the context of current display technologies relevant to Interactive Arts and Design. Examines recombinant, computational and compositional structures related to image, sound and video. Students explore video within technologies ranging from cell phones and mobile locative media, and hand held and wearable devices, to 3D immersive virtual and/or networked environments, video art installations, multiple scales of display technology, and responsive spaces. Students will design, produce and critically appraise work. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units, including IAT 344 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 445 - Immersive Environments (4)

Introduces advanced 3D computer animation and virtual world building techniques. Integrates hands-on fundamentals with design praxis and theoretical and research concerns. Fundamentals are complemented with examples from current research and design praxis. The studio aspect of the course will include assignments focusing on specific animation and behaviour modeling techniques and a team-based design project. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units, including IAT 343 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 452 - Developing Design Tools (3)

Introduces approaches to customizing and developing software applications as design-support tools to be employed in dynamic design environments comprising people, other tools, and their interactions in relation to the tasks to be performed. Discusses effective strategies for software development to find the best matching solutions for a given situation and applies the select methods in software design, prototyping, and evaluation. Makes use of software development processes, languages, and notations in representing design of the tools being developed. Experiments with contemporary systems such as drafting tools (CAD), authoring applications (for games, Websites, animations), parametric design-modeling systems, etc.; and searches their potentials to enhance design environments. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units, including IAT 351 with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 455 - Computational Media (3)

The representation of media is introduced: specifically one dimensional (sound), two dimensional (images) and three dimensional (moving images). This course focuses on techniques and methods for creating digital video special effects, allowing students to explore their creativity while extending their graphics and programming skills in digital media. Computational techniques based on signal processing are developed that support the creation, manipulation, combination, transformation, compression, storage and display/performance of different media forms. An important aspect is representation in the temporal/spatial vs. the frequency domain and different transformation techniques. Students will be required to generate special effects, critique and analyze effects from movies, develop skills and abilities to manipulate digital video and audio, and implement their own algorithms to express their technical and artistic skills. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units, including IAT 265 and MACM 101, with a minimum grade of C-. Recommended: MATH 151 or equivalent.

IAT 459 - Internet Computing Technologies (4)

Focuses on the server-side technologies for cross-platform applications. Students will design and implement relational databases to store and extract data to support the application. Server-client and service oriented architectures are examined from the perspective of building interactive systems. Technologies for the deployment of web applications on the internet are reviewed. Students apply conceptual knowledge by programming a web application using server-side scripting, AJAX, and a database, integrating it with the web or mobile front-end. Prerequisite: Completion of 48 units, including IAT 339 and IAT 359, with a minimum grade of C-. Students with credit for IAT 352 may not take this course for further credit.

IAT 460 - Generative AI and Computational Creativity (4)

Proposes an in-depth introduction to design and use of generative systems in the context of creative practices. It surveys the families of algorithms and interfaces used in generative artificial intelligence (Al) and computational creativity, to augment or automate creative tasks across domains. Prerequisite: IAT 360. Students with credit for IAT 380 under the title "Generative Art and Computational Creativity", or received credit through Kadenze, may not take this course for further credit.

IAT 461 - Data Science for Human-Centered Systems (4)

Analytical approaches examining user interaction data to understand how interactive systems meet their users' goals are covered. The data preprocessing techniques, feature engineering for summative and temporal characteristics, statistical, data mining and machine learning techniques used to derive insights are compared, focusing on their benefits and pitfalls. Prerequisite: IAT 355 and IAT 360, both with a minimum grade of C-.

IAT 480 - Special Topics in Interactive Arts and Technology (Arts) (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to enrollment each term. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Variable units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units.

IAT 481 - Special Topics in Interactive Arts and Technology (Science) (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to enrollment each term. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Variable units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units.

IAT 482 - Special Topics in Performance and Media Arts (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to enrollment each term. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units and permission of the instructor.

IAT 483 - Special Topics in New Media Environments (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to enrollment each term. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units and permission of the instructor.

IAT 484 - Special Topics in Technology in Art and Design (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to enrollment each term. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units and permission of the instructor.

IAT 485 - Special Topics in Interactive Design (3)

Specific details of courses to be offered will be published prior to enrollment each term. Prerequisite: Completion of 60 units and permission of the instructor.

IAT 486 - Directed Studies (3)

Independent reading and research topics selected in consultation with individual members of the SIAT faculty. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Prerequisite: Completion of 69 units, and permission of the instructor and School are required. No more than six units of Directed Studies may be taken.

IAT 487 - Directed Studies (3)

Independent reading and research topics selected in consultation with individual members of the SIAT faculty. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Prerequisite: Completion of 69 units, and permission of the instructor and School are required. No more than six units of Directed Studies may be taken.

IAT 488 - Directed Studies (3)

Independent reading and research topics selected in consultation with individual members of the IAT faculty. This course can be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three times, if topic studied is different. Variable credit units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Prerequisite: Completion of 69 units. No more than six units of Directed Studies may be taken, and permission of the instructor and school are required.

IAT 490 - Honours Project I (3)

Research work related to a particular topic in the field of Interactive Arts and Technology. Students will undertake an individual project under supervision of a SIAT faculty member. May be extended by combining this course, sequentially, with IAT 491. Prerequisite: Students accepted into Honours Program and project accepted by a supervisor.

IAT 491 - Honours Project II (3)

Research work related to a particular topic in the field of Interactive Arts and Technology. Students will undertake an individual project under supervision of a SIAT faculty member. The project may be extended by combining this course, sequentially, with IAT 490. Prerequisite: Students accepted into Honours Program and project accepted by a supervisor.

IAT 499 - Graduation Project (6)

Students will complete a project of significant size and scope that allows them to bring together skills and knowledge learned across a variety of courses in SIAT. They will produce a design, media, or interactive system artifact that is of a high caliber ("portfolio' quality) along with a detailed report of the project activities completed throughout the term, the methods or processes used, the knowledge learned, and a description of the final outcomes. Projects will be presented publicly at an end-of-the-term graduation showcase. Prerequisite: Completion of 90 units (ensuring a 4th year equivalent student), including 18 upper division IAT units plus IAT 309W with a minimum grade of C-. Enrollment is competitive - each term we will enroll a maximum of 20 students or team based on the strongest student project ideas and CGPA.

IAT 801 - Qualitative Research Methods and Design (3)

An introduction to qualitative research practices. Covers structures of research that are prevalent across and at the intersection of the areas of art, design, media, human-computer interaction and information studies, introduces research methodologies and tools, and teaches methods for interdisciplinary work. This course will foster a critical discourse among differences in approaches to research.

IAT 802 - Quantitative Research Methods and Design (3)

Introduction to the research enterprise from a quantitative perspective. It covers structures of research that are prevalent across fields, introduces research methodologies and tools, teaches methods for interdisciplinary work and fosters a critical discourse around differences among research in different areas. Prerequisite: Graduate student status.

IAT 803 - Science, Technology & Culture (3)

Introduces the core values of interdisciplinary scholarship through engagement with history, theory and practice in the study of science, technology, society and culture. This course will be a reading-intensive, extended seminar style investigation of theoretical and historical references in science and technology studies and broader societal implications of technologies. Prerequisite: SIAT Graduate Student.

IAT 804 - Foundations of Research Design for Human-Centred Design of Interactive Technologies (3)

Provides an introduction to different epistemological worldviews, research approaches and methodological traditions of inquiry that are used to conduct research within SIAT. Students are introduced to a range of ways of knowing and inquiring in human-centred design, development and analysis of interactive technologies including scientific, social science, humanities, design and art-based approaches. Prerequisite: SIAT Graduate Student.

IAT 805 - Research Colloquium

Through an interdisciplinary speaker series, presents research topics relevant to the SIAT graduate program. Engages students in discussion and debate on the utility, results and methods of research. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the SIAT graduate program.

IAT 806 - Interdisciplinary Design Approaches to Computing (3)

Introduces students to computer programming that encompasses knowledge of art/design history and practices, and introduces a deep approach to design thinking in creating interactive software projects. This programming-intensive course includes an introduction to Interactive Design Computing and the history of ideas that lead to modern interactive computing systems and emphasizes decision making in software design process, historical perspective of art and design, interactive software objects, iterative design cycles and design rationale in producing interactive software and introduces a historical perspective on these techniques. Prerequisite: SIAT Graduate Student.

IAT 811 - Computational Poetics (3)

The theory and practice of metacreation, i.e. the design of generative and pro-active computer software endowed with creative behaviour is presented. Tools and techniques from artificial intelligence, artificial life and machine learning are introduced and exemplified through their application in previous artistic works. The interweaving of related theoretical and practical issues situates metacreation within a larger perspective on art, science and technology.

IAT 813 - Artificial Intelligence in Computational Art and Design (3)

Applications of computational intelligence to art and design are introduced through a set of motivating examples. Specific areas of application include knowledge representation, problem solving, rule based systems, ontologies and statistical reasoning.

IAT 814 - Visualization and Visual Analytics (3)

Provides a cognitive and computational framework for understanding and designing graphical and visual representations. Investigates several psychological and computational models of diagram processing, and explores diverse interactive graphical systems.

IAT 830 - Learning Design and Media (3)

Students will gain an understanding of instructional design as an evolving set of theories and practices based on learning research. They will develop detailed knowledge of design strategies for interactive learning media and will be able to explain how they relate to cognitive theories of learning. As an overarching goal, students will develop the knowledge and skills to conduct basic research projects relating to the design of learning media.

IAT 831 - Encloding Media Practice (3)

Studies conceptual, aesthetic, and computational issues and techniques involved in the encoding of interactive media objects. It includes study of theoretical and poetical backgrounds in computer-human interaction (Bush, Dinkla, De Landa, Grosz, Deleuze, Manovich, Murray, Laske, Hamman, Ascott, Penny, Kahn), basic tenets of programming for the arts (media representations, practical machine perception, algorithmic processes, database strategies, display techniques), and practical exercises in programming interactive computer art that may include interactive cinema, audio and narrative.

IAT 840 - Models of Networked Practice (3)

Examines several social frameworks for describing mutual activity in work and learning particularly in computer supported networked environments. The frameworks are used to describe, analyze and design the tools and approaches for new communities of practice. This course is designated as a research methods course.

IAT 848 - Mediated, Virtual, and Augmented Reality (3)

Covers the emerging field of virtual, augmented, mediated, and mixed reality from human-centered, research, technical, and ethical perspectives. Discusses and analyzes design, development, usage, and evaluation of technologies that can be used to mediate human experience and interaction with virtual and real environments including Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Realities (together known as XR). Investigates how these emerging technologies can affect and augment human perceptual, motor, cognitive and socio-emotional processes. Analyzes human-centered approaches to interaction with 3D real and virtual content, using visual, auditory, haptic, kinesthetic, physiological and neurophysiological modalities. Design guidelines and practices are covered throughout. Considers aesthetic, cultural and ethical implications of mediating reality. Prerequisite: IAT 806 and one of IAT 801 or 802 or 804 or 834 or permission of the instructor.

IAT 856 - Visual Analytics Graduate Seminar (3)

Aims to be a research seminar on new methods, techniques and applications in Visual Analytics (VA), for exposure to diversity of VA research work and method, for fostering understanding of VA disciplinary commonalities and differences. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: Registered graduate students from the School of Interactive Arts and Technology, or with permission of the instructor.

IAT 871 - Directed Readings I (3)

IAT 872 - Directed Readings II (3)

IAT 873 - Directed Readings III (3)

IAT 881 - Special Topics I (3)

IAT 882 - Special Topics II (3)

IAT 883 - Special Topics III (3)

IAT 884 - Special Topics IV (3)

IAT 885 - Special Topics V (3)

IAT 886 - Special Topics VI (3)

IAT 887 - Special Topics VII (3)

IAT 888 - Special Topics VIII (3)

IAT 890 - PhD Comprehensive Exam

With the consent of their supervisory committee, students may sit the Comprehensive Examination following completion of required course work. Upon passing the student will be admitted to full degree candidacy. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. The examination may be retaken once. Prerequisite: Enrollment in SIAT PhD Program and completion of Annotated Bibliography.

IAT 895 - Master of Arts Graduation Project (6)

Students in the MA project-option will enroll in this course to complete an interdisciplinary project on designing, making, and managing technology with balanced theoretical and practical applications in society and industry, particularly in creative areas of art, design and media. Students are required to make an oral presentation of their projects and its report will be examined by two faculty members and submitted to the library after approval. Students may only enroll in this course once for credit. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the SIAT MA project-based option and completion of SIAT 803, 804, and 806.

IAT 896 - Master of Science Graduation Project (6)

Students in the MSc project-option will enroll in this course to complete an interdisciplinary project on designing, developing, evaluating, or managing technology in the context of complex human organizations and situations and on the application of new digital technologies in society and industry, particularly related to improving human-technology interaction. Students are required to make an oral presentation of their projects and its report will be examined by two faculty members and submitted to the library after approval. Students may only enroll in this course once for credit. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the SIAT MSc project-based option and completion of SIAT 803, 804, and 806.

IAT 897 - MA Thesis (18)

Students who are working on their Master of Arts thesis enroll in this course. This course will not count towards the course work requirements. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

IAT 898 - MSc Thesis (18)

Students who are working on their Master of Science thesis enroll in this course. This course will not count towards the course work requirements. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

IAT 899 - PhD Thesis (18)

Students who are working on their PhD thesis enroll in this course. This course will not count towards the course work requirements. PhD candidate status is neither required for nor implied by enrollment in this course. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.