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French Courses

FREN 101 - Elementary French I (3)

Elementary French I is a carefully sequenced and highly interactive presentation of French language and culture in a media-rich course environment. To successfully take this course, students should be motivated with a sincere desire to learn about French language and francophone cultures, and be comfortable with computer technologies. Students with credit for FREN 120 or FREN 121 may not take this course for further credit.

FREN 102 - Elementary French II (3)

Elementary French II is a carefully sequenced and highly interactive presentation of French language and culture in a media-rich course environment. To successfully take this course, students should be motivated with a sincere desire to learn about French language and francophone cultures, and be comfortable with computer technologies. This course continues on where FREN 101 left off to develop new pathways. Prerequisite: FREN 101, FREN 120, or FREN 121 or consult with a French advisor. Students with credit for FREN 122 may not take this course for further credit.

FREN 105 - STT - The French Urban Experience (3)

What makes Paris ‘Paris’? How do its inhabitants experience their city? And why has it always been an endless source of inspiration for poets, artists and filmmakers? This course aims to shed some light on the French urban experience, through a variety of texts, movies, multimedia documents and paintings. Students will be able to understand the French capital as the blueprint of the modern city.

FREN 106 - STT-Introduction to Francophone Comics in Translation (3)

Expose students to a variety of examples from a long-established tradition of comics in French while inviting critical engagement with themes and representation within this tradition. Taught in English. No prior knowledge of French, Franco-Belgian comics, or comics studies is required or assumed. Selected texts are all in English translation.

FREN 198 - French for Reading Knowledge I (3)

For students with little or no background in French who wish to acquire the ability to read periodicals, journals and basic literary and academic texts. Prerequisite: May not be taken by students with French 12 or with FREN 151 or 210 or higher (or their equivalents).

FREN 201 - Intermediate French I : Cultures and Communication (3)

Presents an integrated approach to studying the French language and culture by zooming in and out across two Francophone cities: Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe and Lyon in France. The course includes literary and cultural reading and analysis, listening comprehension activities, grammar, and intensive practice activities in written and spoken French. Prerequisite: Grade 12 French or FREN 102 or FREN 122 or consult with the French advisor. Students with credit for FREN 210 or FREN 211 may not take this course for further credit.

FREN 202 - Intermediate French II: Cultures and Communication (3)

Presents an integrated approach to studying the French language and culture by zooming in and out across two Francophone cities: Lyon in France and Montréal in Québec. The course includes literary and cultural reading and analysis, listening comprehension activities, grammar, and intensive practice activities in written and spoken French. Prerequisite: FREN 201 or FREN 210 or FREN 211 or FREN 212 or FREN 221 or consult with the French advisor. Students with credit for FREN 222 may not take this course for further credit.

FREN 203 - Contemporary Francophone Issues in the Humanities and Social Sciences (3)

The aim of this course is to enable students to deepen their ability to read and understand French texts on contemporary socio-political issues. Students will do close readings of essays, newspaper articles or short excerpts from opinion pieces, so as to develop an analytical and critical reading methodology. Prerequisite: FREN 202 with a minimum grade of C-.

FREN 204 - STT - Self-Writing in Francophone Literatures (3)

Introduces current theories regarding the definition and forms of today’s writing of the self – autobiography, autofiction, journal, memoire. It also presents recurrent themes of such types of writings, studying its strengths, usages, and limits regarding the representation of the self and its capacity for actions and agency. Prerequisite: Grade 12 French or permission of the department.

FREN 245 - Introduction to French and Francophone Studies (3)

An introduction to French literary studies with selected works in poetry and prose, including theatre. Attention will be given to methods of analysis. The course will be conducted in French. Prerequisite: Grade 12 French Immersion or FREN 202 with a minimum grade of C+ or permission of the Department of French. Students with credit for FREN 240 or 230 cannot take FREN 245 for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

FREN 275 - French Inside Out: Introduction to French Language, Culture, and Society (3)

Introduces to some fundamental questions about human behavior that can be answered by the study of the language forms, structure, and use. Topics such as how did language begin? Where is French from, and how did it change over the years? How does French vary from place to place, from context to context? Prerequisite: Grade 12 French Immersion or FREN 202 with a minimum grade of C+ or permission of the Department of French. Students who have credit for FREN 270 or 370 or LING 222 cannot complete this course for further credit. May not be taken concurrently with LING 222. Breadth-Social Sciences.

FREN 300 - Francophone Arts, Cultures and Traditions (3)

Designed to further develop ability in oral expression. Instruction in class and in lab. Prerequisite: Grade 12 French Immersion or FREN 202 with a minimum grade of C+ or permission of the Department of French. Students with native or near-native proficiency are not allowed to take this course and must contact the instructor for evaluation or exemption prior to enrollment.

FREN 301W - Writing Your Way Toward French Proficiency (3)

A writing course to improve precision, organization and style when writing academically or creatively in French. Prerequisite: Grade 12 French Immersion or FREN 202 with a minimum grade of C+ or permission of the Department of French. Students with credit for FREN 301 may not take this course for further credit. Writing.

FREN 302 - Critical Thinking & Public Speaking on Contemporary Francophone Cultural, Social & Political Issues (3)

The aim of this course is to help students strengthen their ability to express themselves orally and debate contemporary Francophone cultural and sociopolitical issues. Students will work with audiovisual productions such as documentaries, news reports, interviews, talk shows and podcasts, and critically analyze the ideas presented in them. Prerequisite: FREN 202 with a minimum grade of C-.

FREN 303 - Practical French for a Practical World I (3)

This language course uses an interactive, action-oriented approach to help refresh and improve oral comprehension, fluency, and spontaneity in various interactions. It aims to expand vocabulary, which will help to better understand radio and TV shows, songs, documentaries, interviews, and conferences. Prerequisite: FREN 202 with a minimum grade of C- or Grade 12 French Immersion or with the permission of the Department of French.

FREN 304 - Advanced French Grammar (3)

Continuation of FREN 222, with emphasis on grammatical analysis. Instruction in class and online. Prerequisite: FREN 222 (or equivalent based on placement test).

FREN 307 - The Right Word: Advanced Vocabulary and Translation (3)

Choosing the right word for the right context is the principal aim of this course. Through practical exercises and a variety of simple translation techniques students will expand their vocabulary and become more familiar with the nuances of French. Prerequisite: FREN 222.

FREN 320 - Field School: Special Topics in French I (3)

Selected studies in French language, linguistics, literature or civilization. Prerequisite: FREN 222, FREN 230 or 240, FREN 245 and 270, FREN 275 or LING 222. May be taken only by field school participants. Corequisite: FREN 321, 322.

FREN 321 - Field School: Special Topics in French II (3)

Selected studies in French language, linguistics, literature or civilization. Prerequisite: FREN 222, FREN 230 or 240, FREN 245 and 270, FREN 275 or LING 222. May be taken only by field school participants. Corequisite: FREN 321, 322.

FREN 322 - Field School: Special Topics in French III (3)

Selected studies in French language, linguistics, literature or civilization. Prerequisite: FREN 222, FREN 230 or 240, FREN 245 and 270, FREN 275 or LING 222. May be taken only by field school participants. Corequisite: FREN 321, 322.

FREN 330 - Francophone World (3)

A multidisciplinary analysis of socio-cultural aspects of French speaking countries, involving written work and oral participation. Prerequisite: FREN 222 or permission of instructor. Breadth-Humanities.

FREN 331 - Accents of French (3)

An introduction to notions paramount to the study of French accents such as linguistic norm, representations and attitudes, phoneme and allophones for instance. Analyses on short corpora will provide students a hands-on experience and will lead to discussions about relevant methodologies. Prerequisite: FREN 275 or 270 or LING 222.

FREN 332 - Social Approaches to French (3)

The aim of this course is to offer students a comprehensive view of a set of issues pertaining to the French language in society. The topics studied in class include: social categories and language variation, new technologies and language evolution, language and identity, and language ideology. Prerequisite: FREN 275 or 270 or LING 222.

FREN 333 - The Magic of French Words (3)

An introduction to the study of the form, structure, evolution and use of French words. Selected topics related to the study of French words in Morphology, Terminology, Orthography, Etymology, Diaphasic and Diatopic Varieties and Language use. Prerequisite: FREN 275 or 270 or LING 222.

FREN 334 - Topics in French Applied Linguistics (3)

The study of selected topics in French Applied Linguistics. The course may be developed around one or a combination of areas such as Computer-mediated-communication, language pathology, language socialization, translation, error analysis, language in contexts, language planning. This course may be repeated once for credit if the topic is different. Prerequisite: FREN 275 or 270 OR LING 222.

FREN 340 - Survey of Quebecois Literature (3)

Intermediate study of issues in Quebecois Literature. Prerequisite: FREN 245 or 240. Students with credit for FREN 230 may not take this course for further credit.

FREN 341 - Survey of French Literature to 1600 (3)

Survey of works, themes, or movements in French Literature from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Prerequisite: FREN 245 or 230 or 240.

FREN 342 - Francophone World Literature in Translation (3)

A study of representative and significant works (from one or more French speaking countries) from literature and cinema originally produced in French in their socio-cultural context. This course does not count towards the degree requirements for an extended minor, major or honours in French. With permission of the Department of English, may count towards the requirements of an English major or honours. Prerequisite: Knowledge of French is not required; two courses in literature.

FREN 344 - Survey of French Literature after 1789 (3)

An introduction to the history of French literature from the late eighteenth century to the late twentieth century. Prerequisite: FREN 245 or 230 or 240.

FREN 345 - Survey of French Literature from 1600 to 1789 (3)

A survey of works, themes, or movements in French literature of the 17th and 18th centuries. Prerequisite: FREN 301W; FREN 245, 230, or 240.

FREN 352 - French and Francophone Cultures through Films and/or Media Texts (3)

Explores various cultural topics of French and Francophone countries (Europe, America, Africa, Asia) with the aid of visual and/or media text documents. Prerequisite: FREN 222. Students with B+ in FREN 221 may take FREN 222 and FREN 352 concurrently.

FREN 355 - Survey of Indigenous Literatures in French and Translation (3)

Study of representative and significant works in Indigenous literature in French and in translation. Prerequisite: FREN 245 and FREN 301W.

FREN 365 - Survey of African Literature in French (3)

Explores African literature across various cultural genres and themes. Topics may include identity, gender issues, family, colonialism, memory, migration, and culture. Prerequisite: FREN 245.

FREN 401 - Practical French for a Practical World II (3)

This advanced French course prepares students to reach a proficient level of French language. An interactive, action-oriented approach will improve oral and written communication and improve listening and reading skills of both professional and academic works. This course also develops students’ knowledge of French and Francophone cultures. Prerequisite: Two 300-level FREN courses.

FREN 407W - Language in Translation: A Contextual Approach to French (3)

Translating from English to French allows students to explore and understand the nuances of French as well as language transfer. Through the precise use of vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, students will improve their writing skills. They will also learn how to identify context in a variety of documents. Prerequisite: FREN 301W and one of FREN 304 or FREN 307 or permission of the department. Writing.

FREN 416 - Acquisition of French as a Second Language (3)

Examines cognitive, linguistic and social processes involved in the acquisition of a second language, with a focus on the acquisition of French, especially as an official language and in a minority language context. Prerequisite: FREN 270 or 275 or LING 222, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group A (ling.) course.

FREN 417 - Topics in the Structure of French (3)

Selected topics in the structure of French. Topics will vary according to the faculty and student interests. Develops one or a combination of subjects pertaining to French morphology, syntax, (lexical) semantics and phonology/phonetics. Prerequisite: FREN 270 or 275 or LING 222, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group A (ling.) course. Students with credit for FREN 411, 412, 413 or 415 may not complete this course if topic is the same. Quantitative.

FREN 420 - Discourse Analysis of French (3)

This course aims at providing analytical tools for studying different genres of discourse in French such as billboard advertising, political speeches, literary texts, scientific papers, and pamphlets. Prerequisite: FREN 270 or 275 or LING 222, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group A (ling.) course.

FREN 423 - Topics in the History of French (3)

Studies of selected topics in French historical linguistics. Subject matter may include external history, history of sound changes, morphological and syntactic changes. Prerequisite: FREN 270 or 275 or LING 222, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group A (ling.) course.

FREN 424 - Topics in French Linguistics (3)

The subject matter will vary according to faculty and student interests. Selected aspects of French linguistic theories as they apply to the study, teaching and/or learning of French. Prerequisite: FREN 270 or 275 or LING 222, FREN 301W and at least one 300-level group A (ling.) course.

FREN 425 - Topics in the Varieties of French (3)

Study of selected topics in French dialectal variation. Subject matter may include, but is not limited to, French Dialects, Canadian French and French Creoles. Prerequisite: FREN 270 or 275 or LING 222, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group A (ling.) course. Students with credit for FREN 421 and/or 422 may not take this course for further credit.

FREN 430 - Topics in Québécois Literature (3)

Advanced study of selected works of Québécois literature. Topics will vary. Prerequisite: FREN 230 or 240 or 245, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group B (lit.) course.

FREN 440 - Topics in French Genre Studies (3)

Advanced study of selected works belonging to a literary genre (novel, theatre, poetry, etc). May be organized by author, period, movement, theme or approach. Prerequisite: FREN 230 or 240 or 245, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group B (lit.) course. Students with credit for FREN 472, 474 or 475 must seek permission of the Department to take this course for further credit.

FREN 441 - Topics in French Literature from the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century (pre-1789) (3)

Advanced study of selected works composed between the Middle Ages and the late eighteenth century. May be organized by period, movement, theme or approach. Prerequisite: FREN 230 or 240 or 245, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group B (lit.) course. Students with credit for FREN 461, 462 or 463 must seek permission of the Department to take this course for further credit.

FREN 442 - Topics in French Literature from 1789 to 1989 (3)

Advanced study of selected works written between the late eighteenth century and the late twentieth century. May be organized by period, movement, theme or approach. Prerequisite: FREN 230 or 240 or 245, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group B (lit.) course. Students with credit for FREN 467, 470 or 475 must get permission from the Department to take this course for further credit.

FREN 444 - Topics in Contemporary Literature in French (3)

Advanced study of selected works written from the late twentieth century to the present. May be organized by author, theme or approach. Prerequisite: FREN 230 or 240 or 245, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group B (lit.) course. Students with credit for FREN 475 need departmental authorization to take this course for credit.

FREN 445 - Studies in Gender and Sexual Diversity in Francophone Literatures (3)

Advanced study of gender and sexual diversity in French and Francophone literature, film, arts, social discourses, cultures and societies. Prerequisite: Two 300-level FREN courses.

FREN 450 - Contemporary Issues in Biopolitics in Francophone Literatures (3)

Advanced study of processes disciplining the individual and regulating populations through biopolitical power by studying literary, cinematic, and cultural works that question the social construction of gendered, sexual, national, ethnic and racial identity; of the subject, subjectivity and subjection; of the body, affectivity and performance/performativity. Prerequisite: Two 300-level FREN courses.

FREN 452 - Topics in French and Francophone Cultures or Cinemas (3)

Study of selected topics relating to French and Francophone cultures or films. Prerequisite: FREN 230 or 240 or 245, FREN 270 or 275 or LING 222, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group A (ling.) or group B (lit.) course.

FREN 455 - Special Topics in Indigenous Literatures in French and Translation (3)

Advanced study of selected works of Indigenous literature and film in French and in translation. Topics will vary but may include popular culture and new media. The course may be repeated once with departmental approval and if taught with a different topic. Prerequisite: FREN 230 or 240 or 245, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group B (lit.) course.

FREN 465 - Special Topics in African Literature in French (3)

Advanced study of selected works of African literature in French. Genres may include novel, essay, drama, film and songs. Topics to be covered may include identity politics, gender issues, African feminism, motherhood, family, decolonization, postcolonialism, migration, diaspora and transculturality. Prerequisite: Two 300-level FREN courses.

FREN 476 - Interdisciplinary Approaches in French Literature (3)

A study of French and Francophone literature from an interdisciplinary point of view. Topics will vary to include different disciplines: history, cultural studies, gender studies or the study of the relationships between literature and other arts. Prerequisite: FREN 230 or 240 or 245, FREN 301W, and at least one 300-level group B (lit.) course.

FREN 480 - Seminar I (2)

Study in depth of an area covered by a French literature or linguistics course in the 400-division. Prerequisite: FREN 301W and one of 230, 240, 245, 270 or 275 or LING 222. Corequisite: To be taken in conjunction with a 400-division course in French linguistics or literature.

FREN 491 - Readings in French Linguistics and/or Literary Criticism (3)

Guided readings in selected topics. May only be taken during the last terms of study; required as a preparation for the honours essay but may be taken by other students with consent of the instructor.

FREN 492 - Honours Essay (3)

Candidates for honours will be required to submit a major paper on a topic of a comprehensive nature in literature or linguistics to be approved by the course chair. Prerequisite: FREN 491 and at least nine 400-division courses in French literature and/or French linguistics.

FREN 803 - Research Methods in French Linguistics and/or French Literature (3)

The study of research methods and tools used in French linguistics and/or French literature. Planning a long term research project.

FREN 804 - Topics in the Structure of French I (3)

Explores a selection of classic problems of the structure of French (phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicology or semantics) applying a variety of theoretical viewpoints, from a diachronic or synchronic perspective.

FREN 806 - Topics in the Acquisition of French (3)

New trends and theoretical developments in the acquisition of French as a second language. Study of the contribution of linguistic theory to the teaching and learning of French.

FREN 811 - Topics in the Varieties of French (3)

An in-depth study of one of the many varieties of French (in France and in the world) from linguistic and/or sociolinguistic viewpoints, i.e. popular French, Canadian French, French-based Creoles.

FREN 816 - Sociolinguistic Approaches to French Studies (3)

Explores the relationship between language, society and identity in France and/or in the French-speaking world. The study, from an integrative point of view, of social markers in speech, conversational rules, objective versus subjective norms, attitudes towards language variation and their implications among French speakers. French bilingualism, language planning and the place of French in the world.

FREN 820 - Types of Discourse (3)

A study of the language in use, discourse strategies, the enunciation devices of various types of texts, both traditional and non-traditional genres such as oral or para-literary texts.

FREN 823 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to French Literature (3)

Explores the relationships between French literature and other arts or applies concepts and models developed in other disciplines to the study of French literature.

FREN 824 - Topics in French Canadian Literature (3)

An in-depth study of a theme or an aspect of French Canadian Literature through different literary works.

FREN 825 - Topics in French Literature (3)

An in-depth study of a topic relating to a period or a movement in French literary history, such as: Middle Ages, Renaissance, Classical Period, Enlightenment, Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Existentialism.

FREN 826 - Monographic Studies (3)

An in-depth study of one writer from a specific theoretical perspective (psychological, historical, linguistic).

FREN 840 - Critical Approaches to the Study of French in the 21st Century (3)

With the understanding that French as a national language is a political construct and the result of a historical process that stems from a colonial past, this course examines current research in French studies and/or on French language in a critical way. Taught from different perspectives (linguistics, literary and film studies, interdisciplinary theories and methodologies, etc.), the course's topics may include varied subjects such as the politics of French language planning, the understanding of French culture's role in various institutional contexts, the meanings of the concept of 'Francophonie' in different parts of the world, current sociocultural and theoretical controversies in French-speaking countries (such as anti-woke debates), etc.

FREN 852 - Selected Topics in French or Francophone Cinema (3)

An in-depth study of a selection of French and/or Francophone films. The approach chosen by the course instructor may be thematic, by genre, author, region, or focus on a specific theoretical perspective.

FREN 855 - Advanced Study of Indigenous Literatures in French and in Translation (3)

The study of Indigenous literatures in French and in translation has grown exponentially in the last decade. This graduate-level seminar will focus on selected themes (feminism, gender issues, reconciliation, pedagogy) and provide students with advanced theories and concepts.

FREN 896 - Thesis Proposal

Thesis Proposal. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

FREN 898 - MA Thesis (18)

Please see Graduate Studies Chair for details about this course offering. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

FREN 998 - Extended Essays (6)

Extended Essays. A minimum B grade is required for FREN 998.