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Ecological Restoration Courses

ECO 600 - Ecological Restoration

Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

ECO 611 - Concepts of Ecological Restoration and the Biological Environment (3)

A review of general ecology, including theories relevant to the individual, the population, and the community, and their interaction and their relationship with the physical (abiotic) environment. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the M.Sc. Program.

ECO 621 - Graduate Seminars in Research Methods (3)

An examination into the general philosophical foundations of science, the nature of scientific disputes, and the relevance of these to ecology. Topics covered include the following fundamental concepts: science, the scientific method, reliable knowledge, poor science, hypothetical-deductive approach, hypothesis testing and experimental design. Prerequisite: ECOR 9100 - Concepts of ER & the Physical Environment; ECO 611 - Concepts of ER & the Biological Environment; ECOR 9110 - Planning & Monitoring for ER.

ECO 622 - Project Management and Policy for Ecological Restoration (3)

An examination of project management in ecological restoration with an emphasis on managing uncertainty, risk assessment and communications. Reviews the legal system that governs use and protection of natural resources and the environment in Canada. Prerequisite: ECOR 9100 - Concepts of ER and the Physical Environment; ECO 611 - Concepts of ER and the Biological Environment; ECOR 9110 - Planning and Monitoring for ER.

ECO 630 - Applied Research Project I (3)

In ECO 630 (Applied Research Project 1) students select a specific site and develop a professional relationship with their chosen client. Students will conduct reconnaissance surveys of their target ecosystem and appropriate reference ecosystems to identify the primary issues and stressors associated with their target ecosystem. They will then develop a proposal detailing the general approach to developing a restoration plan, all the while interacting with their client to ensure the approach and deliverables meet the client's needs. Prerequisite: ECO 611, ECO 621. If students are enrolled in ECOR 9300 at BCIT they cannot enroll in this course for further credit.

ECO 640 - Applied Research Project II (3)

ECO 640 is a continuation of ECO 630 (Applied Research Project I). Students will develop their proposal from ECO 630 into a detailed restoration plan (or similar deliverable) specific to the client’s needs. Students will design a restoration plan that is scientifically defensible by drawing on the best current knowledge available to alleviate the stressors and restore the degraded ecosystem. They will identify the uncertainties present with the specific site, and include an approach to minimize the risk associated with these uncertainties. When possible, students will detail a research design that will reduce these uncertainties, should the restoration plan be implemented. Students will orally defend their restoration plan. Prerequisite: ECO 611, ECO 621. If students are enrolled in ECOR 9400 at BCIT they cannot enroll in this course for further credit.

ECO 641 - First Nations & Social Perspectives of Ecological Restoration (3)

An exploration of human-nature relationship from multiple perspectives to the practice of ecological restoration. Special emphasis on First Nations. Covers knowledge of ecological restoration and how to compromise among diverse perspectives, protocols. Prerequisite: ECO 622 - Project Management & Policy for ER; ECOR 911O- Planning and Monitoring for ER.

ECO 645 - Special Topics in Ecological Restoration (3)

A specific topic within the field of ecological restoration not examined in-depth in regular courses. This course will provide students with understanding, perspective and experience in emerging and important areas of ecological restoration. Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

ECO 650 - Directed Studies in Ecological Restoration (3)

Directed study in ecological restoration under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: Departmental approval.