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Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology Courses

BPK 105 - The Anatomy and Physiology of Human Survival (3)

Discover how detailed cellular and system level physiological functions contribute to the survival of the human organism. Includes a survey of the muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and immune systems. Prerequisite: Recommended: Grade 11 Biology, Chemistry and Physics. BPK major and honours students may not receive credit for BPK 105. BPK 205 or 208 may be used as a substitute for BPK 105 by students in the kinesiology minor program. No student may take both BPK 105 and BPK 208 for credit.

BPK 110 - Human Nutrition: Current Issues (3)

An introduction of the principles of human nutrition with an emphasis on topics of current interest. The material is presented in a Canadian context to focus on nutrition practices and problems in this country. Students will gain an understanding of factors affecting food selection and the role of nutrition in maintaining good health. Students will develop the ability to discriminate between reliable and unreliable information on the subject of food and nutrition. Breadth-Science.

BPK 140 - Contemporary Health Issues (3)

Explores health from a holistic perspective, in which health is viewed as physical, psychological, and social well-being. Considers genetics, environment, personal health behaviors (such as diet, exercise, stress management, and drug use), socioeconomic status, health care delivery systems, and aging with the intent to improve students' abilities to evaluate health information. Breadth-Science.

BPK 141 - Theory of Exercise Program Design (3)

An introduction to the anatomical, physiological and biomechanical knowledge required to develop effective training regimes and implementation of this knowledge in exercise program design. Behavioural Neuroscience, Biomedical Physiology, and Kinesiology honours, majors and minor students may not receive credit for BPK 141. Students with credit for BPK 143 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Science.

BPK 142 - Introduction to Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology (3)

Survey of theories and laboratory procedures for assessing human health status and physical performance, including biomechanics, body composition, development, environmental physiology, ergonomics, exercise physiology and motor learning. Functional anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, skeletal and skeletal muscle systems in relation to physical activity are explored. Prerequisite: One of Grade 12 Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Chemistry or Physics with a grade of B or better; or one of BPK 105, BPK 110, BPK 143, BISC 100, BISC 113 or HSCI 100 with a grade of C or better. Breadth-Science.

BPK 143 - Exercise: Health and Performance (3)

Introduces the student to exercise physiology. Focuses on personal exercise prescription to improve aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. Also discusses athletic conditioning, e.g. speed and power training. The effects of nutritional and environmental factors on exercise and the role of exercise in weight control and stress management are considered. Prerequisite: Recommended: Medical clearance from a personal physician. BPK major and honours students who have taken BPK 141 must also take BPK 143. For students taking both of these courses, credit will only be given for BPK 143. Breadth-Science.

BPK 180W - Introduction to Ergonomics (3)

Intended for students with a potential interest in ergonomics or human factors. The course surveys the design of work, the workplace environment, information systems, and consumer products. Topics include musculoskeletal disorders, manual materials handling, workplace design, organization of work, design of human/machine interfaces, environmental ergonomics, industrial design, and legal and social issues. Prerequisite: Grade 12 Biology or Physics, Grade 12 Math. Students with credit for BPK 180 may not take this course for further credit. Writing.

BPK 201 - Biomechanics (3)

This course will cover the application of basic mechanics to human movement. It will provide students with a basic understanding of how forces act on body segments and how movements are produced. The subject matter of this course is relevant to quantifying all forms of physical activity, from activities of daily living, physically challenged movement patterns, to elite athletic performance. It also has applications in medical settings, including rehabilitation and sports medicine. Prerequisite: MATH 150, 151 or 154, MATH 152 or 155 (may be taken concurrently), PHYS 101 (or 120 or 125 or 140), BPK 142. Quantitative.

BPK 205 - Introduction to Human Physiology (3)

An introductory survey of human physiology with an emphasis on mechanisms of regulation and integration. Anatomy of structures will be detailed only when it is critical to a functional understanding. Although this is intended as a survey course, some topics will be covered in reasonable detail in order to give insight into mechanisms of function. Prerequisite: BISC 101, CHEM 281, PHYS 101 and 102. BPK 208 may not be used as a substitute for BPK 205 by students in the BPK Major and Honours programs. BPK Major and Honours students who have taken BPK 105 must also take BPK 205. For students taking both of these courses, credit will only be given for BPK 205.

BPK 207 - Sensorimotor Control and Learning (3)

Students are introduced to basic concepts in the sensorimotor planning and control of movement. Topics include the factors and disorders affecting movement, sensory and motor physiology, sensorimotor integration, current theories of motor control, and motor learning. Taught from a behavioral and neurophysiological perspective that explores psychological influences on motor control. Prerequisite: BPK 142 or permission of instructor.

BPK 208 - Introduction to Physiological Systems (3)

An introduction to anatomy and physiological function of the major human systems, from a biomedical engineering perspective. Normally only available to students in the Biomedical Engineering Program. Corequisite: CHEM 180. BPK 208 may be used as a substitute for BPK 105 by students in the Kinesiology Minor program. BPK Major and Honours students may not receive credit for BPK 208. No student may take both BPK 105 and BPK 208 for credit, or both BPK 205 and BPK 208 for credit.

BPK 221 - Special Topics in Kinesiology (3)

Selected topics in areas not currently offered within the undergraduate course offerings in the Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology. Prerequisite: to be announced.

BPK 241 - Sports Injuries - Prevention and Rehabilitation (3)

Includes delineation of the role of the sports therapist and will study the structural and functional characteristics of the body with regard to the prevention of injury in sport. A first aid approach to athletic injuries will be developed with practical experience in routine treatments. Prerequisite: BPK 142.

BPK 301 - Biomechanics Laboratory (3)

A laboratory course on the quantitative biomechanical evaluation of human movement. Students will learn analysis techniques for quantifying kinematics and kinetics of body segments in athletes, normal populations, and special populations during activities such as walking and jumping. Experiments will look at the nature of muscular force generation, and the mechanical impedance properties of the musculoskeletal system, as well as patterns of muscle activation, using surface EMG. Prerequisite: PHYS 102 (or 121 or 126 or 141), BPK 201. Quantitative.

BPK 303 - Assessment of Movement and Function (3)

Clinical orthopedic assessment involves measurements of the human body to determine its capability for function and movement. The theoretical background, practical application and assessment for topics including anthropometrics, posture, balance, range of motion, strength, motor and sensory function, coordination and balance, and walking and running gait will be investigated. Prerequisite: BPK 201, BPK 241 and STAT 201 or an equivalent statistics course.

BPK 304W - Inquiry and Measurement in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology (3)

Covers research design, measurement, data analysis, and hypothesis testing, as well as techniques for data acquisition, signal processing, and modeling relevant to research in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology. There is also a focus on scientific writing, with opportunities for feedback and revision. Prerequisite: BPK 142, STAT 201 and two of BPK 201, 205 and 207. Students with credit for BPK 304 may not repeat this course for further credit. Writing/Quantitative.

BPK 305 - Human Physiology I (3)

A detailed examination of the physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiac, vascular and respiratory systems. The course focuses on integration of physiological mechanisms at the molecular, cellular and systems levels. Prerequisite: BPK 205, MBB 231 (or 201), MATH 155 (or 152). Majors from outside BPK require BPK 205 (or BISC 305), MBB 231 (or 201), MATH 155 (or 152) plus permission of the instructor.

BPK 306 - Human Physiology II (3)

A detailed examination of the physiology and pathophysiology of the nervous system, skeletal muscle and connective tissue. The course focuses on integration of physiological mechanisms at the molecular, cellular and systems levels. Prerequisite: BPK 207. Corequisite: BPK 305. Majors from outside BPK require BPK 205 (or BISC 305), MBB 231 (or 201), MATH 155 (or 152) plus permission of the instructor.

BPK 307 - Human Physiology III (3)

A detailed examination of the physiology and pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems. The course focuses on integration of physiological mechanisms at the molecular, cellular and systems levels. Prerequisite: BPK 305. Corequisite: BPK 306; however, students who took BPK 306 prior to Fall 2017, cannot take this course. Majors from outside BPK require BPK 205 (or BISC 305), MBB 231 (or 201), MATH 155 or 152 plus permission of the instructor.

BPK 308 - Experiments and Models in Systems Physiology (3)

Lab exercises will provide a hands-on experience in the acquisition of physiological data and mathematical and computer modeling of physiological systems. Lectures will provide an advanced understanding of select human physiological systems. Prerequisite: BPK 208 or all of BPK 205, 201, STAT 201 and a strong mathematical background.

BPK 310 - Exercise/Work Physiology (3)

The study of human physiological responses and adaptations to acute and chronic exercise/work. Cardiorespiratory, cellular and metabolic adaptations will be studied and discussed in detail. Prerequisite: BPK 205, MBB 201 (or 231). Recommended: BPK 201.

BPK 311 - Applied Human Nutrition (3)

The principles of nutritional biochemistry are applied to nutrition in life cycle - pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence and aging. The second part of the course deals with common disease conditions where nutrition plays an important role in prevention or treatment or both. The course is presented in the Canadian context featuring sources of help on Canadian practice, standards and regulations. Prerequisite: BPK 105 or 205, and 110. Students with credit for BPK 220 may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 312 - Nutrition for Fitness and Sport (3)

This course examines the theory and application of nutrition for fitness and sport. Students will study issues around dietary practices commonly promoted for performance enhancement, including mechanisms, effectiveness, risks and regulations. Students will learn skills for critical evaluation of nutrition research and nutrition claims, and will employ these in several small group projects investigating specific nutrition issues and products. Prerequisite: BPK 105 (or 205), and 110. Students with credit for BPK 424 may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 325 - Basic Human Anatomy (3)

For students interested in physical education, health science professions and liberal arts. Brief discussions on applied anatomy, aging, common dysfunctions and diseases enable students to appreciate the relationship between structure and function. Available only through correspondence, this course will not be counted as an upper level optional course for a major in kinesiology. Prerequisite: BPK 142 and either BPK 105 (with a grade of C or higher) or BPK 205. Students with credit for BPK 326 may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 326 - Functional Anatomy (4)

A detailed study of human anatomy with emphasis on clinically relevant applications in health, injury and disease. Virtual cadaver dissection, comparative laboratory work, and an introduction to medical imaging emphasize the layered, three-dimensional organization of the human body. Participation in all labs is required. Prerequisite: Admission to the major or honours program in Behavioural Neuroscience or Biomedical Physiology or Kinesiology. BPK 142, 201, 205 and at least 60 units. Behavioral Neuroscience Major and Honours students require BPK 142, 205, PSYC 280 and at least 60 units. BPK major and honours students who have taken BPK 325 must also take BPK 326. For students taking both of these courses, credit will only be given for BPK 326.

BPK 336 - Histology (3)

Light and electron microscopic study of mammalian tissues and organs with emphasis on human systems. Prerequisite: One of BPK 325, 326, BISC 305, 316.

BPK 340 - Active Health: Behavior and Promotion (3)

Relationships among health, physical activity, and other health-associated behaviors are examined. In addition, the theories and models of health behavior, in the context of intervention and promotion strategies, are discussed. Pertinent background information is provided, concerning the influence of fitness on various disease states, as well as the epidemiology of health and exercise behaviors. Prerequisite: BPK 142, STAT 201 (or PSYC 201). Recommended: BPK 140.

BPK 342 - Active Health (3)

An extension of BPK 143, Exercise Management, this course parallels the on-campus course BPK 343. This course is designed for students completing the health and fitness certificate and/or a kinesiology minor. The goal of the course is to provide students with an opportunity to appreciate principles of exercise leadership, assess individual fitness needs, design programs and monitor effects of prescribed exercise. This course is available only through distance education. Prerequisite: BPK 105 (or 205), 142 and 143. Biomedical Physiology, Behavioural Neuroscience and Kinesiology majors and honours students may not receive credit for BPK 342. Students with credit for BPK 343 may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 343 - Active Health: Assessment and Programming (3)

An extension of BPK 143, Exercise: Health and Performance, designed to provide students with an opportunity to appreciate principles of exercise leadership, assess individual fitness needs, design programs and monitor effects of prescribed exercise. The course includes a 34 hour unpaid practicum with an industry partner. The partner may require the student to enter into (1) a confidentiality agreement and (2) an Intellectual property agreement the result of which will be that the SFU Intellectual Policy R 30.03 will not apply to the intellectual property created by the student during the practicum. By registering for the course, each student acknowledges that it is aware of these requirements and understands that their entering into these agreements may be a requirement to complete the applicable course work. Prerequisite: BPK 142, 143 and 205; STAT 201 or an equivalent statistics course, BPK 340 (may be taken concurrently). Students must successfully complete a Criminal Record Check prior to enrolling. BPK major and honours students who have taken BPK 342 must also take BPK 343. For students taking both of these courses, credit will only be given for BPK 343. Quantitative.

BPK 351 - Practicum I (3)

The first term of work experience in the Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree. Prerequisite: Students must complete Bridging Online (visit for further details) at least two terms before co-op placement. Students must then apply to the BPK co-op program by Week 1 of the term prior; a minimum of 45 units, BPK 142, plus at least two other BPK courses and have a minimum GPA of 2.50.

BPK 352 - Practicum II (3)

The second term of work experience in the Kinesiology Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree. Work terms are graded as pass/fail (P/F). Prerequisite: BPK 351.

BPK 375 - Human Growth and Development (3)

The fundamentals of physiological growth and development from conception to maturity. Topics included form a strong foundation for those interested in designing appropriate activity programs for children of all ages. Prerequisite: BPK 105 or 205, and 142.

BPK 381 - Psychology of Work (3)

The application of psychological principles and methods to the study of human performance at work. A systems approach will be taken to study the interactions among the individual worker, his/her task, groups of workers, and the management structure of the organization. Prerequisite: PSYC 210 or both of BPK 207 and STAT 201. Corequisite: STAT 201 may be taken concurrently. Recommended: BPK 180.

BPK 401 - Muscle Biomechanics (3)

The mechanics and function of skeletal muscle, from the level of single muscle fibres to the whole muscle-tendon unit. The role of muscle structure, recruitment patterns and contractile conditions to the force development, power output and efficiency of contractions will be considered. Theoretical, experimental and computational aspects will be covered. Prerequisite: 90 credits, BPK 201 and 205, or BPK 208. Students with credit for BPK 421, Muscle Biomechanics, may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 402 - Mechanical Behavior of Biological Tissues (3)

Extension of BPK 201 provides students with an understanding of structure-function relations in musculoskeletal tissues (bone, cartilage and muscle) in health and disease. Includes effect of disease and aging on physiological and biomechanical properties, mechanics and prevention of tissue injury, and design of implants and prostheses. Prerequisite: BPK 201 and BPK 306.

BPK 405 - Clinical Exercise Physiology I: Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Disorders (3)

A study of the clinical aspects of exercise physiology by thoroughly examining the relationship between exercise and chronic disease. For each chronic disease state and condition, this course covers its physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacotherapy along with exercise testing, prescription, safety, and programming issues. Prerequisite: BPK 305, 306, 324 or 326, 344.

BPK 406 - Clinical Exercise Physiology II: Musculoskeletal, Neuromuscular, and Immunological Disorders (3)

A study of the clinical aspects of exercise physiology by thoroughly examining the relationship between exercise and chronic disease. For each chronic disease state and condition, this course covers its physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacotherapy along with exercise testing, prescription, safety, and programming issues. Prerequisite: BPK 305, 306, 324 or 326, 344.

BPK 407 - Human Physiology Laboratory (3)

Experiments dealing with the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal systems are covered. Prerequisite: BPK 304W, 305 and 306. Quantitative.

BPK 408W - Cellular Physiology Laboratory (4)

An advanced laboratory course in cellular physiological techniques providing students with theoretical and practical training in cellular physiology laboratory techniques such as DNA and RNA manipulation and quantification, immunofluorescence imaging of protein expression, tissue contraction studies and recording of nerve action potentials and modulation. Prerequisite: STAT 201, (BISC 205 or BPK 305), (MBB 201 or MBB 231), and one of (BISC 302W, BISC 303, BISC 357, or BPK 304W), all with a C- or better. Enrollment of non-BPK and non-BISC majors require permission of the instructor or advisor. Writing.

BPK 409 - Wearable Technology and Human Physiology (3)

Wearable technology hardware will be provided for use at home to measure, analyze and understand your own physiology, including aspects of your muscular and cardiovascular systems. In remote labs, you will use computer programming to implement industry-standard algorithms to analyze and understand the physiological measurements. Prerequisite: BPK 304W, 305 and 306.

BPK 411 - Advanced Topics in Vascular Physiology (3)

Examines advanced and current topics in vascular physiology, with a focus on cell structure and signal transduction pathways related angiogenesis, hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Current research methodology and the relevance of vascular physiology to human health will be considered. Tutorial sessions apply course concepts through problem-based learning and literature analysis. Prerequisite: BPK 305. Students who have taken BPK 420 Advanced Topics in Vascular Physiology may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 412 - Molecular Cardiac Physiology (3)

A detailed analysis of the molecular and cellular basis of cardiac function employing a multidisciplinary approach including structure (histology, ultrastructure, molecular), biophysics (electrophysiology and molecular/cellular biomechanics), physiology, biochemistry and cellular/molecular biology. Discussion of experimental techniques, including human induced pluripotent stem-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs), will be used to examine the mechanisms by which inherited arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies manifest as a pathological phenotype. Prerequisite: BPK 305 or MBB 308.

BPK 415 - Neural Control of Movement (3)

An in depth study of the neurophysiology of movement. Illustrates general principles of neural control by exploring specific movement tasks including standing, walking, reaching/grasping, and eye movements. Prerequisite: BPK 306 or BISC 305.

BPK 417 - Obesity, Adipocyte Function and Weight Management (3)

A complex systems lens is used to study the causes, complications and comorbidities of obesity, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The etiology of obesity is explored from genetics to environment, including the neuroendocrine biology of appetite regulation. Lifestyle, medical and pharmacological obesity management options and challenges are examined. Prerequisite: BPK 306, 340. Recommended: BPK 110.

BPK 420 - Selected Topics in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology I (3)

Selected topics in areas not currently offered as formal courses within the undergraduate course offerings in the Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology. The topics in this course will vary from term to term, depending on faculty availability and student interest. Prerequisite: To be announced in the Undergraduate Schedule of Classes and Examinations found at

BPK 421 - Selected Topics in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology II (3)

Selected topics in areas not currently offered as formal courses within the undergraduate course offerings in the Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology. The topics in this course will vary from term to term, depending on faculty availability and student interest. Prerequisite: To be announced in the Undergraduate Schedule of Classes and Examinations found at

BPK 422 - Selected Topics in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology III (3)

Selected topics in areas not currently offered as formal courses within the undergraduate course offerings in the Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology. The topics in this course will vary from term to term, depending on faculty availability and student interest. Prerequisite: To be announced in the Undergraduate Schedule of Classes and Examinations found at

BPK 423 - Selected Topics in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology IV (3)

Selected topics in areas not currently offered as formal courses within the undergraduate course offerings in the Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology. The topics in this course will vary from term to term, depending on faculty availability and student interest. Prerequisite: To be announced in the Undergraduate Schedule of Classes and Examinations found at

BPK 426 - Functional Human Neuroanatomy (3)

Students will critically assess and investigate functional neuroanatomy, and examine how neuroimaging, animal models, and functional deficits in patients inform this knowledge. The course encompasses divisions of the human nervous system from both functional (sensory, motor, and autonomic) and anatomical (peripheral and central) perspectives, including the neural basis of higher cortical functions. Prerequisite: BPK 326. Corequisite: BPK 306. BPK 306 is recommended to be completed prior to enrolling in BPK 426.

BPK 431 - Integrative Cancer Biology (3)

Core concepts in cancer biology ranging from the clinical and pathological basis of carcinogenesis to the molecular and cellular changes involved in cancer development. Emphasis will be on the complex interactions of lifestyle factors, genetics and social cultural determinants on cancer risk. Prerequisite: MBB 231 (or MBB 201) and at least 90 units.

BPK 432 - Physiological Basis of Temperature Regulation (3)

The study of human temperature regulation in extreme environments. Physiological responses in hot and cold environments will be studied at molecular, cellular and whole body/systems physiology levels. The course focuses on the mechanisms of control of human temperature as well as unresolved topics in this area of physiology. Prerequisite: BPK 305 or BISC 305. Recommended: BPK 407. Students with credit for BPK 420, Physiological Basis of Temperature Regulation, may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 443 - Advanced Exercise Programming (3)

This course covers evidence-based practice and quantitative modeling skills for prescribing effective exercise programs to any individual who has a specific health, rehabilitation or performance goal. Programming considerations for various special populations (e.g., those with chronic disease, elite athletes) will be emphasized through laboratory-based case studies representing diverse professional settings such as active rehabilitation, strength & conditioning and clinical exercise physiology. Prerequisite: BPK 304W, 310 and 343 (one of which may be taken as a corequisite). Students with credit for BPK 344 or BPK 423-Advanced Exercise Prescription may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 444 - Cardiac Disease: Pathophysiology and Assessment (3)

Examines the etiology, prevention, and rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease. Involves the assessment of patient risk factors, and non-invasive cardiovascular assessments. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the recording and interpretation of the electrocardiogram in health and disease. Prerequisite: BPK 305. Recommended: BPK 110, 306, 310 and 343.

BPK 445 - Advanced Cardiac Rehabilitation (3)

Builds upon the knowledge and skills learned in BPK 444 through advanced ECG interpretation, exercise stress testing, and patient counseling. Students will be required to complete a 30 hour unpaid practicum within a community or hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation program. In addition, this course will introduce students to relevant research questions in cardiac rehabilitation and how this field is expanding and evolving. Prerequisite: BPK 444. Students must successfully complete a Criminal Record Check.

BPK 446 - Neurological Disorders (3)

Examines neural and neuromuscular diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and myasthenia gravis. Emphasizes currently favoured hypotheses, underlying evidence and pathogenic mechanisms. Prerequisite: BPK 306. Recommended: BPK 336 and/or BPK 415.

BPK 447 - Neuroplasticity (3)

Explores how plasticity of the mammalian brain affects development, learning and adaptation, e.g. to blindness, poverty, stress and technology. Reading 2-4 scientific papers/week, students will learn about important context like peer review and strengthen their ability to read and communicate like a scientist. Prerequisite: BPK 306 or BISC 305. Students who have taken BPK 423 Neuroplasticity may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 448 - Rehabilitation of Movement Control (3)

This course is aimed at students interested in neuromuscular rehabilitation. Students will learn about movement disorders associated with disease or trauma that cause impaired function of sensory and motor systems. The course will be focused on the stages and strategies for recovery of voluntary control of essential functions. The range of rehabilitation interventions available to assist recovery and restore voluntary control will be explored, with special emphasis on advanced techniques to restore control of movement and bodily functions in paralyzed people. Prerequisite: BPK 201 or 207, and BPK 306, or for biomedical engineering students, BPK 201 and 208.

BPK 451 - Practicum III (3)

The third term of work experience for students in the Kinesiology Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree. Work terms are graded as Pass/Fail (P/F). Prerequisite: BPK 352.

BPK 451W - Practicum III (3)

The third term of work experience for students in the Kinesiology Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree. Work terms are graded as Pass/Fail (P/F). Prerequisite: BPK 352. Writing.

BPK 452 - Practicum IV (3)

The fourth term of work experience for students in the Kinesiology Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree. Work terms are graded as pass/fail (P/F). Prerequisite: BPK 451.

BPK 453 - Practicum V (3)

Optional term of work experience for students in the Kinesiology to Biomedical Physiology Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree. Work terms are graded as pass/fail (P/F). This course may be repeated for additive credit. Prerequisite: BPK 452.

BPK 457 - Behavioural Neuroscience Undergraduate Honours Thesis Proposal (3)

Directed study and research leading to an Honours thesis proposal, the topic of which must be relevant to neuroscience. Prerequisite: 75 units, with a minimum CGPA of 3.00, PSYC 301 or BPK 304W with a minimum grade of B, and permission from one of the Co-chairs of the Behavioural Neuroscience Program Committee. Students with credit for PSYC 457 may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 459 - Behavioural Neuroscience Undergraduate Honours Thesis (9)

A written thesis based on research previously proposed in BPK 457. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of B in BPK 457. Corequisite: Must be enrolled in the Honours Program of the B.Sc. in Behavioural Neuroscience. Students must seek permission from their honours project supervisor to enroll in additional courses at the same time. Students with credit for PSYC 459 may not repeat this course for credit.

BPK 481 - Musculoskeletal Disorders (3)

Provides an in-depth understanding of musculoskeletal conditions through the interpretation of patient case studies. An evidence-based practice model will be incorporated to support the use of clinical diagnostic tests and to design client-centered rehabilitation programs. Exposure to populations including but not limited to motor vehicle accidents, workplace injuries, postoperative, sport, and paediatrics. Prerequisite: BPK 303 and 326.

BPK 482 - Ergonomics and Rehabilitation (3)

Examines the role of ergonomics within the rehabilitation process. Provides knowledge about tools and techniques for improving the rehabilitation process for patients, health care providers and organizations. The course includes a 34 hour unpaid practicum with an industry partner. The partner may require the student to enter into (1) a confidentiality agreement and (2) an Intellectual property agreement the result of which will be that the SFU Intellectual Policy R 30.03 will not apply to the intellectual property created by the student during the practicum. By registering for the course, each student acknowledges that it is aware of these requirements and understands that their entering into these agreements may be a requirement to complete the applicable course work. Prerequisite: BPK 180W, 201, 326, and 381. Corequisite: BPK 481. Students must successfully complete a Criminal Record Check before enrolling.

BPK 484 - Altitude and Aerospace Physiology (3)

A laboratory based examination of human physiological systems during exposure to aerospace related conditions of altered atmospheric content and G-forces. Developments of breathing apparatus, pressurized flight suits and anti-G-suits for high performance aircraft will be examined as they relate to solving the physiological problems of exposure to these environments. The effects of weightlessness during spaceflight will also be explored through lecture, literature review and current research data. An investigation of the biomedical monitoring of pilots and astronauts will be explored as they relate to health and safety. Prerequisite: BPK 305 or 308. Quantitative.

BPK 491 - Undergraduate Honours Thesis Proposal (3)

Only students in the honours program may enroll in BPK 491. Prerequisite: 90 units, BPK 304W (may be taken concurrently) and permission of the chair of the undergraduate program committee. A minimum grade of B in this course is needed to register in BPK 495 or BPK 499. Students with credit for BPK 497 may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 495 - Undergraduate Honours Research Performance (6)

Student will perform an individual research project under the guidance and supervision of a faculty member. The project will carry out the research for the honours thesis proposed in BPK 491 - Undergraduate Honours Thesis Proposal. Prerequisite: BPK 491 (minimum grade of B). Corequisite: BPK 499. Only students in the honours program may enroll in BPK 495. Students with credit for BPK 499 prior to Fall 2016 may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 496 - Directed Study Literature (3)

Directed reading and literature research on topics selected in consultation with the supervising instructor. A short proposal of the project, approved by the course supervisor, must be submitted for approval to the chair of the undergraduate program committee by the end of the first week of classes of the term. May be repeated once for credit with a different course supervisor. Prerequisite: BPK 304W (may be taken concurrently) or PSYC 210, and permission from the chair of the undergraduate program committee. Usually, upper level standing with at least 75 units in the Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology program will be required.

BPK 498 - Directed Study Experiential (3)

Directed study and research selected in consultation with the supervising instructor. A short proposal of the project approved by the course supervisor, must be submitted for approval to the chair of the undergraduate program committee by the end of the first week of classes of the term. May be repeated once for credit with a different course supervisor. Prerequisite: BPK 304W (may be taken concurrently) or PSYC 210, and permission from the chair of the undergraduate program committee. Usually, upper level standing with at least 75 units in the Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology program will be required.

BPK 499 - Undergraduate Honours Thesis Reporting (6)

A written thesis based on research previously proposed in BPK 491 and performed in BPK 495. Regulations regarding the locale of the work, supervision and other arrangements, follow those for BPK 491. The written thesis should be submitted to the chair of the undergraduate program committee by the last day of exams of the term. The thesis will also be presented orally as a seminar in an open forum at the end of the term. Students may enroll in a maximum of one additional course concurrently with BPK 499 and BPK 495 with permission from the faculty honours supervisor. Prerequisite: BPK 491 (minimum grade of B). Corequisite: BPK 495. Only students in the honours program may enroll in BPK 499.

BPK 801 - Seminar on Research in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology (3)

Required of all graduate students entering the Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology. Students will gain perspective on how their research fits into the overall spectrum of departmental research. Presentations will be given by faculty and students, to be followed by seminar discussions. Students will be exposed to techniques available in the school, their strengths and weaknesses, what data the techniques yield, and how the scientific method is applied in interpreting the data. Students will learn how to give oral, poster, and web-based presentations, and how to facilitate discussions.

BPK 805 - Directed Studies (3)

An opportunity to develop with a faculty supervisor considerable depth of knowledge and expertise in a focused area of study. Normally, BPK (or KIN) 805 may not be taken for credit more than once and may not be taken for credit by MSc (course work) students.

BPK 806 - Special Topics (3)

Special topics in areas not currently covered within the graduate program offerings. The course may be offered as a lecture, seminar course or a distance education course.

BPK 807 - Special Topics (3)

Special topics in areas not currently covered within the graduate program offerings. The course may be offered as a lecture or a seminar course.

BPK 808 - Special Topics (3)

Special topics in areas not currently covered within the graduate program offerings. The course may be offered as a lecture or a seminar course.

BPK 811 - Special Topics - Anatomy (3)

BPK 812 - Molecular and Cellular Cardiology (3)

This course involves biochemical and biophysical analyses of cardiac function. Topics for discussion include excitation, contraction, E-C coupling and the regulation of pHi. Students with credit for KIN 806 may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 831 - Current Topics in Thermophysiology (3)

Provides a detailed understanding of physiological and behavioral mechanisms underlying temperature regulation in humans and other animals. Thermoregulation will be studied during acute and chronic exposure to hot and cold environments, from the cellular to whole body level. The course will examine the relationship between thermoregulatory and other physiological systems (respiratory, muscular, cardiovascular, neural). Prerequisite: For UGs KIN 205, KIN 305. Recommended: For UGs KIN 407.

BPK 840 - Human Biomechanics (3)

Review the theoretical basis and tools of biomechanics and to examine how biomechanics research can contribute to our understanding of the cause, prevention and treatment of disease and injury and how biomechanics relates to neural control of movement. Topics will include static equilibrium, equations of motion, stability, inverse and forward dynamics, vibration and impact, mechanical properties of tissues, muscle models, feedback and feedforward control, impedance control and internal dynamics models. Students with credit for KIN 806 may not take this course for further credit.

BPK 851 - Recent Advances in Experimental Carcinogenesis (3)

This class will integrate current knowledge on the process of carcinogenesis in tissues in which cancer commonly occurs in North America. Discussions will focus on new techniques being developed to identify individuals at risk for cancer and new approaches being used to intervene to prevent development of the disease. Prerequisite: BPK (or KIN) 431.

BPK 870 - Experiments and Models in Physiology (3)

Introduction to the basic principles of mathematical modeling of physiological systems and mathematical techniques that are commonly used in modeling. The course will provide students with an opportunity to learn and apply some of these techniques and to develop an appreciation for the utility of mathematical models, as well as limitations and potential pitfalls.

BPK 895 - MSc Proposal

A formal Thesis Proposal is written and defended to the supervisory committee. The Proposal is circulated to faculty and resident graduate students, and presented for an open forum discussion. The Graduate Program Committee Chair or designate will chair the presentation of the proposal. The Thesis Proposal is intended to establish the objectives, methodology and scope of the thesis project at an early stage of the degree and provides an opportunity for the Supervisory Committee to influence the direction of the research at an early stage and to offer feedback to aid the growth and development of the research trainee. The Supervisory Committee will also explore the student's knowledge in any area that is relevant to the proposed research. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

BPK 896 - PhD Comprehensive Examination

The PhD comprehensive exam consists of a written research proposal, and a related oral exam conducted by the Supervisory Committee and one additional member external to the committee. The written research proposal will be written in the format of an Operating Grant application, with an eleven page limit exclusive of references, appendices, figures and tables. The proposal is to be written independently by the candidate, and should be written in enough detail to determine that the research is feasible and sufficient for PhD level work. The oral examination is designed to assess the candidate's ability to understand the underlying science and their ability to undertake the proposed research. The examining committee will explore the student's knowledge in any area that is relevant to the proposed research. The Graduate Program Committee Chair or designate will chair the examination. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

BPK 897 - PhD Seminar

The student will present two seminars on topics approved by the student's senior supervisor. One of the seminars will be presented as a Departmental seminar in the student's last term, and will summarize, integrate, and synthesize the thesis work for the whole department. The second seminar should be at a national or international conference, or an oral presentation at BPK Research Day, and must be approved by the Graduate Program Committee Chair. BPK 897 can be repeated once. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

BPK 898 - MSc Thesis (18)

Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

BPK 899 - PhD Thesis (18)

Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.