...the unfailing visitation of wind, gentle at first, barely stroking the long grasses and giving them life; later, a long hot gusting...
W. O. Mitchell,Who Has Seen the Wind, Macmillan of Canada, Toronto, 1947, p.3
PLACE: Saskatchewan Prairie
TIME: 20th Century
...the wind, ...delicately active about his ears and at his nostrils.
W. O. Mitchell,Who Has Seen the Wind, Macmillan of Canada, Toronto, 1947, p.5
PLACE: Saskatchewan Prairie
TIME: 20th Century
The wind had strengthened; it had begun to snap the clothes on Sherry's line,...
W. O. Mitchell,Who Has Seen the Wind, Macmillan of Canada, Toronto, 1947, p.7
PLACE: Saskatchewan Prairie
TIME: 20th Century
A fervent whir'll wind passed the brown house with the woman standing on the porch; at the trees before the church, it rose suddenly, setting every leaf in violent motion, as though an invisible hand had gripped the trunks and shaken them.
W. O. Mitchell,Who Has Seen the Wind, Macmillan of Canada, Toronto, 1947, p.8
PLACE: Saskatchewan Prairie
TIME: 20th Century