Wings of Fire


This air that is my breath,

this circling of wings that rises in me.

All I know to be true, all that I am

awaits you.


Sapphire moon, blood of the angels,

on rivers of blue fire, bone and body

are beginnings. In the stillness,

we pause at the quiet wells,

the deepest waitings

where we quench our thirst.


There is fire in this union.

In this crucible, we forge each other,

molten chaos and sharp edges. Passion

slices open understandings.

That which cuts can cure.


Your tongue speaks truths

I've never known, tempers me

with words from languages I've never heard.

Venomous and blazing, your kiss

leaves me paralyzed. Pausing between sabotage

and treason, honey lingers on my lips

and I learn anew the wonder of desire.


We cross continents to weave our future,

stars and sand and soil

and feathered threads

that twirl and spin

beneath our touch.


With wings of fire, I shall embrace you.

You who are my nemesis

and my becoming,

the fertile ground below me

and the night sky

pierced with visions.


- Joy Kirstin © 1994


Joy Kirstin's poetry has appeared in the anthology, Breathing Fire: Canada's New Poets, and in many Canadian and American literary journals. She has won several poetry competitions, including the League of Canadian Poets 1993 national poetry contest. She lives in Victoria, British Columbia.