(click on the capital letter for your answer)

1. The maximum signal-to-noise ratio of a signal is limited by the ________ of a signal processor or recording medium.

A. frequency response B. gain C. spectrum D. dynamic range

2. Peak levels can be prevented from ________ and thus producing distortion, by using a ________.

First blank
A. pitch shifting B. flanging C. modulation D. clipping
Second blank
A. low-pass filter B. limiter C. expander D. delay line

3. Altering the relative levels of a signal, such as with a limiter, compressor or expander represents a non-linear process in that the ratio of the output to the input is no longer proportional. T or F

4. In compression, levels above the ________ level are reduced by a given ratio, whereas in an expander, levels below it are affected.

A.  peak
B.  threshold
C.  background noise D.  sustain

5. A compressor uses ratios such as ____________.

A.  2:1
B.  5:1
C.  10:1 D.  20:1
E.  all of the above

6. An expander uses ratios such as ____________.

A.  2:1
B.  1:1
C.  ∞:1 D.  1:2

7. A limiter may be described as implementing a ratio of ____________.

A.  2:1
B.  1:1
C.  ∞:1 D.  1:2

8. An expander with a very high ratio may be described as a gate. T or F

9. Adjusting the speed with which compression or expansion "kicks in" is done with the variable called the ________.

A. attack
B. sustain
C. decay D. release

10. Background noise can be minimized with an expander during all parts of the signal. T or F

11. A multi-band compressor allows different ___________ to be compressed independently.

A. intensity ranges
B. frequency ranges
C. levels D. attack transients

12. Increasing levels below a certain threshold is called __________.

A. normalization
B. a gate
C. an expander D. upward compression

