Recording Industry Advertising

The Era of High Fidelity (1950s, 1960s)

all ads taken from Hi-Fidelty magazine by Lisa Czembor

Phonographs & Turntables

The Metzner Starlight, July 1956

Thorens, Jan. 1960

Pickering, July 1960

Sonograf, July 1960

Bogen-Presto, July 1960

Garrard, July 1960

Garrard, August 1960

Empire, Jan. 1962

Electro-Sonic, Jan. 1962

Empire, Jan. 1964


Bogen, "famous lake" October 1956

Fisher, Jan. 1958

Harman-Kardon, July 1958

Fisher, Jan. 1960

Madison Fielding "tuned for silence", Jan. 1960

H.H.Scott, Jan. 1960

Marantz, Jan. 1962

McIntosh, July 1962

Harman-Kardon, Jan. 1964

Harman-Kardon, "component people" July 1964


Electro-Voice, Fall 1951

Pickering "isophase sound", July 1956

Stephens, July 1956

Weathers "Live Sound", Jan. 1958

Acoustic Research AR-2a, Jan. 1960

Jensen "Blindfold Test" Jan. 1960

Electro-Voice "the fashion of the season", Jan. 1960 ->

Electro-Voice facing page

Audax "Speaker of the house", Jan. 1960

Acoustic Research, Jan. 1962

Bozak "Symphony No. 1", Jan. 1964

University Loudspeakers, Jan. 1964

Electro-Voice, Jan. 1966

Altec-Lansing "The look ...", July 1966

"Despite the inferior quality of many digital sampling systems [in 1986], proponents of the technology are fond of quoting three specifications in which digital systems outperform analog systems: frequency response, harmonic distortion, and dynamic range. These measurements are well understood by audio technicians, are easy to perform with the test equipment that was available in the 1930s, and are considered important by many consumers. They have the disadvantage of being poorly correlated with perceived sound quality."

"All other things being equal, the system with the flattest frequency response will sound the best. But not if accuracy in the frequency domain has been achieved at the expense of accuracy in the time domain. ... Readers of mass-market audio magazines will be amused by a 1949 talk to be given by Louis A. DeRosa of the Federal Communications Laboratory. 'For years "high fidelity" has been a controversial subject among radio enginners. At first many believed that a flat frequency response would represent the ultimate in recreating the original sound ... Mr. DeRosa will discuss a type of distortion called "phase distortion" that has been known to exist but was though to be undetectable by ear. Mr. DeRosa will show that it is deteactable and deteriorates the quality of reproduction.'"

from P. Greenspun "Audio Analysis V: Time- and Frequency-Domain Distortions in Digital Signal Processing Systems", Computer Music Journal, 10(4), 1986.


Record Changers

Webcor, Jan. 1953

Audiogersh, Nov. 1954

Rockbar, Jan. 1958

Glaser-Steers "ready for stereophonic records", July 1958

Garrard, Jan. 1960

Thorens, Jan. 1964


Harmon-Kardon "Bach is my best friend", Jan. 1960

based on Karsh's portrait of Pablo Casals

Tape Recorders

Magnecord, Fall 1951

Revere, Jan. 1953

Ampex, Oct. 1956

American Electronics "Globematic", Jan. 1958

Audiotape, Aug. 1960

Roberts, Jan. 1962

Integrated Units

Stromberg-Carlson "I'm no whiz", Oct. 1956

AMI, Jan. 1958