
Dr. Evelyn Encalada Grez named one of the Top 10 TLN’s most influential Hispanic Canadians for 2023

December 05, 2023
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Congratulations to Dr. Evelyn Encalada Grez for being recognized as one of the Top 10 TLN’s most influential Hispanic Canadians for 2023!

"I feel honoured for this recognition by the Latin American community in Canada. I am grateful to my immigrant working-class family for all the inspiration that has fueled my activism and academic work," says Encalada Grez. "I am particularly grateful to migrant farmworkers in Canada and many of their families that have trained me to be a community organizer and taught me endless lessons about resistance, hope, dignity, and respect. For me success is only possible by uplifting one another to claim a better life and a better world for us all. One of the most important lessons that I hope my students take away from my work is importance to follow their calling and passion whatever it may be. Gracias!"

Dr. Encalada Grez is a transnational labour scholar and community-labour organizer committed to critical sociology and decolonial theories of knowledge production that centers diverse ways of knowing and precarious workers’ experiences within the margins of the global economy. She is the co-founder of the award wining collective, Justice for Migrant Workers, J4MW that has advocated for the rights of migrant farmworkers in Canada for two decades.

About TLN:
Established in 2007, the TLN 10 Most Influential Hispanic Canadians annual awards is the most distinguished and only nationally run awards program in the country. In 14 years, 140 highly distinguished recipients from 18 countries of origin in 7 provinces have been celebrated and acknowledged by Prime Ministers and government representatives, as well as by ethnic and mainstream media in Canada and internationally. The annual awards ceremonies have been held in cities across the nation, including Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, Saskatchewan, Calgary and Toronto. Judges include past winners and have also included representatives from Calgary’s Canada West Foundation, The Globe & Mail, National Post, Toronto Star, CBC, Canadian Council for the Americas, Canadian Aboriginal & Minority Supplier Council, and the North American Association of Asian Professionals. More details can be found here.
